AN: Do to a request from a fan I decided to do an epilog for Harry too. It's short and I know the rest of the story is Lily's point of view but I think it's a good idea so yeah, here it is.
The Aftermath with Harry:
There was a pulling behind my navel much like when using a portkey. I landed with a thump on my bed in the boys' dorm. I wondered if anytime had past. I looked over at the calendar. No, none.
I thought back on my trip. I'd meet my parents.
It killed me every time mum said I'd see her again. It killed me to know that I wouldn't. I wanted to tell them. I really did. To warn them. But I couldn't. Because it was up to me. If mum hadn't sacrificed herself for me I wouldn't have been able to defeat Voldemort and if I hadn't defeated Voldemort who knows what would have happened to the wizarding community.
Yes, it was better this way. I could have warned Sirius perhaps. No, everything happens for a reason.
Maybe I went back in time for a reason... I don't know.
Just then a package flew through the window on an owl I didn't recognize.
I was looking through some things and I found this. Your mother left this with me when your father left the invisibility cloak. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Attached was a package wrapped in brown paper. I unwrapped it to find a book. 1978 it said on the front. A diary? My mum's?
November 17, 1978
People think I hate James Potter, and I get how they might think that but I don't. Honestly, don't they know that when you like a guy you pretend to hate him? Call him an ass and act like you can't stand to be around him? When really deep down you treasure the moments when you get to flirt with him by insulting him....
....Bradley is now four, almost five. Harry is due any day. Voldemort is stronger than ever but then so are we. Rachel and Sirius are finally able to get through a week with out arguing. James and I? Our passion is stronger than ever.
You can love my story, hate it or not really care. I don't really care. As long as you listen.
~Lily A. Evans Potter
I blink back tears as I set the book down but it's no use the tears fall steadily down my face. I cry for the life I could have. For my mother's life. And I cry thanking Merlin I was able to spend at least two months with my mother and father. To get to know my parents at least a little bit.