Author has written 1 story for Frozen. Pen name: DreamWeaver0509 Twenty one nearly. Wow. I've been on for nearly 5, 6 years now. I have varied interests- reading being just one of them. I love Itachi-chan the most in the world :D Sasuke-kun comes next though. Even though he's being an utter bastard at the moment. I love reading and writing and I'm always starting stories enthusiastically but they fall flat quickly. It's a miracle I wrote one story that extended up to 29 chapters without losing interest. Phew. I have hours of great activity and months of a dull, sludgy imagination that refuses to budge. I'm a speed reader and I like food, like a lot. I admire Masashi Kishimoto for his dedication; writing a manga for fifteen years is no little deal. Even if it doesn't end by the time I'm on my death bed. I don't want to stop dreaming and fantasizing just yet. That's probably why I still hang around here, yeah, hn. My favorite quote: Like hi-senshi said, this has to be the best insult in the history of Inuyasha or fanfiction. "-and I will not be seduced by the fifteen watt personality power of a swaggering heap of over-active testosterone glands and churlish masculinity courtesy of Neanderthal-induced charms with beer-deadened brain cells you dim-witted pompadour and inept social moron!" Kagome in Dead Famous by Rozefire Couples i support: Inuyasha- SessKag, MirSan (one great story turned me around on this :D The Once and Future TaiYoukai!) Escaflowne- VH(VanHitomi) DryMill and AllenMarlene Hungry Heart-KyousukeMiki Cardcaptor Sakura- SS(SakuraSyaoran) TomoyoEriol Beyblade-KaiHil Ranma1/2-RanmaAkane Digimon Adventures-Sorato, Takari, Michi/Koumi, Kenyako Full Metal Alchemist- EdWin and Royiza Labyrinth- JarethSarah Twilight- EdwardBella, RoseEmmett, JasperAlice Naruto- SasuSaku, ItaSaku, GaaSaku, NaruHina, |