Author has written 2 stories for Fruits Basket, and Naruto. I am OBSSESED WITH NARUTO! You've clicked on my profile...Either you're extremely bored and have nothing else to do with your life or you just wanna know something about me...STALKER! Name: Taina I'm in grade 9, in Highschool . I LOVE anime! If anime didn't exist I dunno what I'd do! But I'd probably be a heaps better student XD I love playing on my playstation and watching TV, mainly cartoons. Anime I like: (Favourites are in bold, REALLY favourites are underlined with bold) NARUTO! I really like doing social life stuff too... But I would much rather be on the internet then go out somewhere. I'm a computer geek...HEE-HEE! (And I love saying hee-hee) I'm always hungry and I eat sooooooo much but I ain't fat XD I love playing sport like Basket Ball, Netball and I used to do professional Ice-skating. My school sucks, it's one of them private religious ALL-GIRLS schools where everything is strict and what's crazier is that it's right next door to an all-boys school, great location, huh? O_o I play the piano, flute and learning violin. My fave is the piano because I learned how to play anime songs on it YAY!111!1ONE!1! Haven't updated Hate or Love in almost a year... Sorry everyone I just seriously am busy...Moving to an other country and studying in a different language plus not having your friends around is pretty damn hard. x-x-Pepsi is better than Coke-x-x |