Hate or Love?

A/N: Ah don't hate meeeee! I feel so bad because I haven't updated in like a month...again!!!! Thanks to all who reviewed, I am forever grateful that people are still reading even though my updates have recently sucked...Sorry for the wait, but here's the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket... But if I did I would make Yuki cry cry cry and CRY! Naaah Yuki's cool :-)

Chapter 21: Special guests make there stand

The hallway was overly crowded with students everywhere. Everyone was eager to get into the assembly hall to see what Kyo and Tohru had prepared. Well, mainly Kyo.

Kyo had his hands in his pockets and was walking casually with Tohru, Uo and Hana closely following behind.

"What's he thinking..." Whispered Uo with a finger on her chin. She looked over at Tohru to see if she could answer the question, but Tohru didn't as bright. "What's she thinking."

Tohru walked with her head looking down. She had a bad feeling about this, she just knew that Kyo was planning something bad. She walked a little faster to catch up to him and tapped him on the right shoulder. He looked over at her in his normal looking face, but there was something different in his smile. As if he really was planning something.

"Kyo...what exactly are you planning to do?" She asked in a sad deep voice. Kyo's face lit up and he smiled.

"Heh, trust me!" He said, leaning into Tohru. He continued walking, but Tohru stayed put to wait for Uo and Hana to catch up.

"I guess I have trust Kyo on this one." She thought before Hana interrupted her thinking.

"Did he tell you anything interesting?" Said Hana as she approached Tohru. Tohru shook her head and smiled.

"Oh, don't worry Hana!" She said petting her shoulder. "Everything's gonna be alright! Let's just...umm trust Kyo...?" She said trailing off and her face returning to how it was a few moments ago.

Uo put her hand on her forehead and sighed. "It's still a little hard to believe him. Even if he is your boy--" Uo was interruped by Hana putting her hand over her mouth to stop her from talking.

"Shh! Nobody knows about them, remember? I think we'd all like to keep it like that!" Whispered Hana in Uo's ear. Uo just nodded. She then noticed the people around her, how they were staring at her with a confused face.

"Why must this school be filled with eavesedroppers and nosy people?"

Kyo had arrived to the assembly hall. Everyone else still hadn't arrived. He started looking around to see if someone had turned up yet, after all, he was expecting a few visitors to appear.

"Where are they...?" Thought Kyo. He then heard a door open, but couldn't see who it was because of the light.

"Kyo? Yoohooo!" Someone stepped into the assembly hall with the door closing behind. He was wearing a grey coloured kimono and sandals on his feet.

Kyo approached the person, but was greeted with a loud voice.

"My my my! Kyo, you look absolutely strapping in your school uniform!" Said Shigure with the loudest voice.

"Why did he have to be the first one here?" Thought Kyo.

"Where are they!? You promised I'd see high school girls! If I don't see any right now, I'm going ho-" Shigure was interruped by the door clashing open.

"Wow! I've never seen this place so empty!" Yelled Uo at the top of her voice. She walked in with Tohru and Hana behind her. As she approached Kyo, she eyed Shigure first down, then up. "Who's this old guy?" She asked.

"That's not a very nice thing to say!" Cried Shigure. Hana then saw him.

"Hmm... he has the same electric waves that Kyo used to have..." Said Hana suspiciously. Shigure and Kyo felt a chill run down their spines.

Shigure cleared his throat. "So Kyo, who are they ladies?" Asked Shigure getting all perverted. Kyo was starting to get annoyed at him and his arrogance.

"These two? A yankee and a physic." Said Kyo, calmly as if it was the most natural thing in the world.


"You will die a horrible death..." Thretened Hana to Kyo.

"Oh Hana, don't say that!" Tohru stepped into the conversation with her big smile as always. Shigure looked over at Tohru and instantly remembered about when she suddenly woke up at his house. Tohru remembered this too and instantly turned red.

"Umm...Hi...Shigure! H-how are you!?" She said nervously. "This feels very awkward..."

"What!? Are you sure..."

Yuki asked again to make sure this guy wasn't joking. The guy nodded as if repeating himself.

"It's true! 3 guys are in the school somewhere all claiming to be relatives of you and Kyo. One was highly interested in girls, one was just there...camly watching the other two, and the other was...umm teling everyone about his undenying love for his brother. Whoever is his brother is gonna be so embarrased when he finds out!" The boy then walked off laughing with his friends.

Yuki just stayed there watching him leave. He clentched his fist tight and couldn't help but wonder what in the world Kyo had planned. He then started running, trying to look for Kagura.

"Oh, that's only half of it! After we got back, you know what he did!?" Said Shigure. Uo and Hana were laughing there heads off, wanting to hear more.

"He ran to the toilet...but didn't exactly make it on time if you know what I mean!" Shigure finished his story while Kyo was about to bite his head. Uo laughed as loud as she could and Hana tried to resist from laughing to restrain her emotions, but was failing miserably.

"Oh God, Orange-top! I could never imagine someone like you to wet there pants at the age of... what was it again?" She asked Shigure, still giggling.

"Well, I think he was...yes, he was about 11 or 12 years old! You should have seen the look on his face, not to mention Yuki! Boy, was he laughing like crazy." Said Shigure.

"I'LL KILL YOU SHIGURE!" Kyo was about to punch Shigure when suddenly he was stopped by a condition that could not be broken.

"Damnit... if I kill him now, he won't be of much help later." Thought Kyo. He put his fist down and walked away, but soon came back when he heard someone still laughing. Tohru.

"Tohru?" Kyo looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"I'm so sorry! -laugh- But that's hilarious Kyo!" Tohru continued laughing, Kyo only got angrier.

"Geez, shut up already, you're worse then your friends." Said Kyo.

"You should be the one shutting up, after all, weren't you the one who peed everywhere!" Tohru continued laughing. Kyo was now laughing too, so he decided to take advantage of this situation to see Tohru's reaction.

"You bitch!"

"You bastard!"

"Heh, she just answered back...stupid yet fun memories..." Thought Kyo.

Uo and Hana looked over at them and old memories flooded in.

"Hey, we haven't seen this in a while." Said Uo, giggling. Suddenly, the door opened again. And this time, it wasn't just one person. it was the entire school, they finally came. Kyo and Tohru continued there pointless argument, they didn't even notice this huge crowd of people come in.

"At least I have natural coloured hair, your hair is so fake, no way is that natural."


Everyone then started laughing. Like always, Kyo had lost.

Kyo and Tohru then noticed the people around them. They then looked at each other and their faces went from an 'I'm-sorry-for-being-mean-again-but-that-was-fun!' face to a smile. "I guess her evil side will always be more evil than mine. That bitch...I love her so much."

Kyo then put a hand on Tohru's head and smiled. Tohru smiled back. They then both walked onto the stage, waiting for everyone to calm down so the assembly could get started.

"I have no idea what you're gonna do, but don't do anything so bad..." Pleaded Tohru. Kyo smirked at her pledge.

"Worse then the things you said? No need to worry about this..." Said Kyo as he then started to think about what was going to happen in the next 10 or so minutes.

"Why should I care? I'm not interested in this whole 'Try to destroy Tohru and Kyo's relationship' thing anymore!" Shouted Kagura at Yuki.

Yuki just sat there with his hands on the desk. "Alright! I get it...at least be of some use and get rid of Shigure and the other 2 that came. I have no idea why they had to come." Said Yuki trying to resist his rage.

"Ok, so maybe it was Kyo that invited them to come... Did you ever consider why he could of?" Said Kagura, starting to get annoyed at Yuki.

"Look, I don't care about how they got here. I just want you to help me find them, get rid of them and make a fool out of Kyo in front of everyone!" Yelled Yuki. His eyes looked desperate and he wasn't sounding to happy either.

Kagura took a step back and shook her head.

"Yuki...you're crazy, you know that? You even remind me of Akito. Just stop...this isn't like you." With that, Kagura left in the direction to the assembly hall.

"She gave up. That weakling. I can still do this myself!"

Tohru looked around the hall. She felt nervous being on a stage with so many people watching her. There must have been over 700 students there! Even though most of them weren't looking at her, she knew they would soon.

Kyo watched Tohru's hand shaking. He felt guilty for what he was gonna do, but he knew everything would be alright once it was over and done with.

"Don't be scared! It's not like those people are gonna murder you or anything." Said Kyo to her, but she just stayed there, looking straight in front.

"Y..yeah! Y..y..you're absolutely r..right! Nothing to be umm..s..scared of..." Trailed of Tohru. "Why am I so nervous!? Kyo's right! Nothing's gonna happen! It's not like all those people are zombies and are gonna attack me!" Thought Tohru feeling more reassured.

She now was smiling at how stupid she was being a moment ago. "And with Kyo here, nothing at all is going to happen!" After reassurring herself some more, she then suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She didn't notice it until she got yet an other tap and a deep voice said her name.

"Tohru?" She turned around, frightened of the deep scary voice and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Tohru was shivering from top to bottom, and with her loud scream, everyone now had eyes on Tohru.

"Ha..Hatori? What are...how come...where'd that ghost who was tapping on my shoulder went!?" Tohru looked around, but then realized that Hatori was the one that owned such a scary voice and that it was him tapping her shoulder.

"I'm so stupid..." Tohru bowed to Hatori and asked for forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry Hatori! Don't worry about what I said!" Hatori just stared at her, then at Kyo.

"Umm..that's alright Tohru. Kyo, why did you have to invite me along with those 2 other bafoons?" Asked Hatori. Tohru's face now looked confused.

She looked at Kyo and asked him, "Who's the other person? As far as I know, Shigure and Hatori are the only ones here." Kyo sighed.

"As much as it pains me to say it, I needed this other person more then Shigure or Hatori." Said Kyo, feeling awkward after what he just said. He noticed that Tohru still had a wondrous look on her face. "She still doesn't get it..."

"Tohru, apart from Shigure and Hatori, I invited-" Kyo was interrupted with the door slamming open. Everyone looked in the direction of the door and Kyo and Tohru froze.

"Hello my fellow students! Do not be alarmed, for I was a student at this most lovely school. I'm sure you all have heard of me." He said with his arms let out as if wanted a hug.


A/N: I know I promised this to be done two days after the previous chapter, I'm so sorry, but I'll admit it that I've been lazy... HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE AND A MERRY NEW YEAR! Ayame makes it all better :-)

-Until next time
