Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter. Well, My name is Ella Evans, and I live in Australia. My greatest obsesion is Harry Potter, and I love Lily and James fanfics so if youve seen a good one then drop me a line! and I like being random with my friends, going to the beach and shopping! O, and dressing up and prancing around my room, but thats kind of wierd, so dont judge me by it... I really like making knew friends, so if you're bored, meassge me! I get obsesed with things really easily, and if I like something,then I REALLY like it! The ships that I like are: Ron/Hermione Lily/James Harry/Ginny (Thses three are the funnest to write about,lol) And I love writing Lupin and Sirius with OC's, but I find that when I go to read the books then I get all uypsety, coz they have to die, or disappear somewhere in between there, and its sooooo sad. becoz i love my ocs...oh well. keep them alive by reading my fics, lol, just kidding. Ok, i dont know what Im saying nemore, next topic... I'm beginning to come around with the whole Draco/Hermione thing, 2, esspecially if Ron is out of the picture, and if Draco's not such an idiot as he is in the books! Shows that I like: Friends! OC, Gilmore Girls, books that i like: HARRY POTTER!(siriusly, red them all, like, 25 times:D) finding cassie crazy, shantaram, the tommorrow series...if u no some that i mite like then EMAIL ME! movies that i like: HARRY POTTER! also romantic comedies. I love stories about the maraunders the most, so if you have a rilly good one then pls tell me about it, coz I get obsesed. I also cant write short reveiws easily. It's hard. Once I start then I cant stop, so soz if they're boring! Please please please read my story, and if u do, then PLEASE REVEIW IT! It seriously make my day, weather its a good or a bad one! I dont care! So long as I get feedback! So, for now, I think that's all I really have to say...and if you see someone whos crazy, skipping down the street in a quidditch cap singing weasly is our king, then please come over and say hi! I'll be very pleased to meet you! It's the summer holidays at the moment, so Iv been updating practically every day. Noty that I dont have a life. I HAVE been doing other things too, but this is fun! I am also workin on some otha fic at the moent, but i cant seem to stay on 1! haha.actually, 1s a follow on from Lily, a stag and a castle, so i cant really post that, and its called ;The Official Documents Of The Order Of The Phoenix...It's great fun to wrtie, and i hope that the rest of you like it when I finally get bvrave enough to post it! I also have a little fic called The rulebook of the maruders, but it aint that great yet, so im working on it...and i have a harry era fic that is actually called the emerald eyed stag, and was the first idea that i eva got, so it kinda explains my name...anyways, hope u like my stuf... luv Ella xXx Quotes that I like: Ron:...I'm tall! Pheobe(friends): He's her lobster! I have no idea, but it's sweet: The first measure of my love is your happiness Even if it's with someone else... Ron:'re a girl... Why is a carrot more orange than an orange? |
a thousand pieces (11) Amaranth-Malfoy (2) Avanell (10) beachbabe12 (14) Birchwood29 (9) boomcatscan (0) dead-girls (0) | deews (0) JoJo4 (15) LesserKnown (22) missy mee (22) pinocchio (10) | WutevaChica (6) xRJLupinx (6) XxStephXx (56) |