So here we go again

So here we go again. It took me a bit to figure out where I was going with this, and I'm still not sure. And I was beyond busy. So. Yeah.


Chapter 4 – Way to go, Hugo.

"Oh, damn," Rose moaned. "Uncle Harry is supposed to go out with Chang! We broke it! Damn, this can't end well."

Lily nodded fervently. Her brothers ogled at her parents snogging in the middle of the Room of Requirement. "Pigs," she muttered. Hermione was restraining Ron, murmuring soothingly to him. From what Lily could hear, it sounded remarkably like "it's ok, apparently it was going to happen anyway, better him than Corner, right?"

After what seemed like a lifetime of awkwardness, Ginny finally released Harry, blushing furiously. Harry looked dazed. Neville looked like he wanted nothing more than to leave now. Luna smiled serenely and said loudly, "Those two redheads are your niece and nephew, Ginny."

Her light comment snapped everyone out of the weirdness Ginny and Harry had managed to create. They looked at Rose and Hugo.

Ron managed to get out a coherent sentence around his rage. "They… have the Weasley hair." He gestured vaguely at his own mop of bright orange hair.

Luna nodded and beamed, pleased that they had caught on so quickly. "The boy looks like you, Ron," she said cheerfully.

Hermione scooted away from him like she had been electrocuted. Harry looked curiously at Ron, then at Hugo. "Yeah, Luna had a point," he said slowly. "Your name was Hugo, right? You do look like Ron."

Hugo, who had been relatively silent for the most of this encounter, chose this moment to speak. "Well of course I do, he's my dad, isn't he? I mean-"

Rose slapped a hand over his mouth. "You idiot!" she hissed furiously. "You're going to ruin everything!" She then noticed the large amount of weird stares she was receiving. Her face turned as flaming as her hair as she released her brother.

Ron's mouth was moving soundlessly. He blinked several times rapidly, then ran his hand through his hair. He was apparently not equipped to handle something like this, thought Lily. She noticed Hermione had retreated to the corner that formerly housed Ginny, and had wrapped her arms tightly around herself. Her posture suggested that she was either sulking or furiously embarrassed.

Ron finally managed to say, "Am I a good dad, at least?" Even Neville looked at him like he was crazy.

Hugo apparently had not picked up the hint from Rose. "Yeah, you are! But you tend to be kind of oblivious when Mum is sad, like she is now, over there – OW, Rose!"

Rose had slapped him on the head as hard as she could. As Hugo glared, Lily looked askance at Ron and Hermione.

Both were a deeper red than Lily had known human skin could go to. They couldn't look at one another. Ginny looked pityingly at her brother. "And you beat up Harry. Hermione's practically his sister, and you don't see him assaulting you.

Lily laughed. Ginny looked at her, and she flushed. "I just think you're funny, Mu- I mean, Ginny," she explained. Ginny contemplated her for a moment, then smiled kindly. "At least you seem like a good kid. Those two, your brothers," she glanced at James and Albus, "seem as bad as Ron and Harry."

"Worse," Lily assured her. "They abuse the fact that they look almost exactly alike."

The two redheads, one 15 and one 13, shared an identical smile. It was strange that Lily felt so comfortable with the girl who would grow up to be her mum, but she felt like she was forming, if not a friendship, then at least a mutual understanding that they would have to make the best of this weirdness with Ginny.

She looked at Ron and Hermione again. Harry was saying something to both of them so quietly Lily couldn't hear, despite her good eavesdropping skills (one of many essential to pick up when you have two older brothers). Hermione looked steadily at Ron now, as though daring him to make a decision and live with the consequences.

Ron shuffled his feet. He kept shuffling them, until they had shuffled him over to Hermione, where he intertwined his fingers with hers. Harry grinned triumphantly. "Was that so hard?" he asked Ron. "And I didn't even have to throw a punch."

Neville finally addressed Lily. Why always me? she thought, before listening to Neville.

"Uh… do I…" he looked embarrassed, "erm… ever get married?"

Lily thought about what she could say without messing up history's order more than she already had, but Hugo beat her to it. "Oh yeah, you and Luna got married a long time a-mmph!"

Rose had clamped a hand over his mouth. "I need to gag you, don't I!?" she spat. "Can't you get a hint!"

Neville had turned a brilliant shade of pink. Luna just smiled happily. Lily decided to keep it quiet that they were her godparents rather than risking Rose's wrath.

Albus stepped forward. "All right then. Now that we all know how we're interrelated, can we find out how the hell we are going to get back home?" He glared first at James, then Hugo. "I don't think we can stay long with out making the future a train wreck."

Lily nodded furiously. At least one brother wasn't as dense as a post. James was looking sulky at being insulted.

He suddenly brightened. Lily looked at him warily. James only looked truly excited before something 'good' happened, which usually involved a prank. Grandpa James had passed on his troublemaker gene to both the Potter boys.

"Dumbledore!" James shouted. Lily looked at him like he needed a straitjacket. "What?" she asked, eyeing him with minor concern.

"Headmaster Dumbledore! He's here, right?" James looked at his father. Harry nodded slowly.

James smirked at Lily. "See? He hasn't died yet so he can help us – oops."

Rose gaped at him in horror. So did Albus, Hugo, and Lily. And so did the six D.A. members.

Lily mentally began to bang her head on a wall. James had just let a big secret slip. A very big secret. A very very big secret.

James seemed to have realized this a bit too late. He looked from his brother and sister to Harry, who was looking at him in utter disbelief.

James looked at his feet and swore.

"Bloody hell."

Uhm, oops. Way2go, James. See, this is why it's nice to be female, you think things through.

This should go well… not.

R and R. Peace out.