Mka, so first HP fic, had the random idea once while reading the conclusion to 'Deathly Hallows' for the 25th time. Oh, and by the way, this is five years after the ending of HP7.

Chapter One – Not. Good.

A loud bang echoed through the otherwise silent house. A couple walking on the street glared. It was almost midnight – children should NOT be making that amount of noise.

"James, I swear, if you don't give me back my letter RIGHT NOW…" 13-year-old Lily Potter threatened. Her 16-year old brother hung over the banister of the stairs, dangling the piece of parchment just out of her reach. "What, you want your looooove note?" he said teasingly. His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief as Lily's narrowed.

Behind Lily, her brother Albus and cousins Rose and Hugo watched. Rose leaned over slightly and whispered, "Who's it from again?"

Albus hissed back, "I think Scott Finnigan, but I'm not sure." They resumed their normal positions and watched in interest. Even at age 15, watching siblings fight is hilarious.

Suddenly, Rose shrieked. James had jumped over the banister onto a dresser that stood in the Weasley's main hallway. Hitting the ground, he sprinted off laughing insanely. Lily pelted after him, cursing at the top of her lungs.

Hugo looked at Rose and Albus, and simultaneously the ran after James and Lily.

To Rose's horror, their chase had led them into her mother's experiment room, where she tried out new spells. On a wooden table sat a smoking pot, and it was around this that James and Lily ran.

Hugo called out a warning. "Don't touch any of Mum's stuff, it's really-"

His warning came too late. Lily had made a flying leap towards James over the table, and had upended the little smoking pot. A shining silver goop flew into the air.

"Euuugh!" Rose squealed as it hit her. She wasn't alone – all of the teens were wearing similar expressions of disgust.

Hugo glared at Lily and James, who were standing to the side looking very guilty. "I warned you, didn't I? Mum mixed up a lot of stuff, and not all of it is safe."

Lily ran a hand through her thick red hair, wrinkling her nose as the silvery stuff coated her fingers. "Yeah, but all this seems to have done is get up disgusting…"

She trailed off, her eyes fixed on her hand. James stared too, then at himself. The silver stuff had started glowing very brightly. Albus squinted his eyes against the growing light, but it made no difference. It just got brighter and brighter and brighter until…


Lily blinked. Spots faded from her eyes as the high amount of bright light decreased. To her shock, she was no longer coated in silver goop. As she looked around, she saw that the same proved true for Albus, Rose, Hugo and James.

James shook his head and stretched. "That was odd," he informed them. Albus rolled his eyes. "Hugo, Rose, no offense to Aunt Hermione, but some of the stuff she mixes up is really useless."

Hugo nodded in agreement, but Rose stood still. She was staring at a spot over James's shoulder. Lily prodded her side. "Rosie? What's up?"

Rose hid her brown eyes behind her own flaming red hair. In a very tiny voice, she said, "It did work. Mum is going to kill us."

Lily looked around, and felt her jaw drop.

They were most certainly not at Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron's house. They weren't at the Potter's, either. They were standing in a room that they had heard about, but that had been rendered nearly useless after a catastrophic fire 24 years ago.

James summed up what they all were thinking quite well. "Bloody hell."

Hee. It was kind of short, but it's just an intro. The next chapters will be longer, I just had to get the setting in there. Maybe you all can guess what the room is! Really, it's not that hard.

Anyway, tata for now!
