Author has written 33 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series, Harry Potter, Misc. Books, Misc. Anime/Manga, Firefly, RahXephon, X-overs, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Highlander, Pretender, Ouran High School Host Club, Supernatural, House, M.D., Stargate: SG-1, Star Trek: 2009, Ironman, Heroes, Journeyman, Dresden Files, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, and Dollhouse. Hi there:) Just yet another random fic-er here. My stuff is all un-beta-d but I have tried to proof it as best I can. Please, please read and review - flames welcome but at least tell me what's wrong with it. Web!verse. My crossovers for crossovers100 and sn_crossovers on livejournal (as well as a couple of mostly un-crossed BtVS fics) have all kind of linked in together into what I'm calling the web!verse. It's a web cos there's not really any beginning and end - just lots of connections:P Still if you want to know where to start the earliest SPN and BtVS fic is His own kind, the first HL fic is Beginnings (though a lot of the HL fics run side by side). Most of these are on hold now, since I've kind of lost interest...hey, if you like them bug me with reviews and maybe I'll get inspired again :P Actual proper stuff If you like any of my writing here I ramble on about my original writing on my LJ blog: . Feel free to friend me - the more the merrier. |