![]() Author has written 2 stories for NCIS, and Once Upon a Time. I am not a writer I'm not a writer. I'm an engineer in the making. I do write, however, sometimes. Mostly when I have an idea that won't leave me alone. You know, that overwhelming urge to put words down? They might not be the best words, but they're the best ones I've got. I wrote my first fanfic when I was 15. It was about Alucard and Integra, from Hellsing. I still have it, tucked away in my secret compartment in my childhood home. It's written in green ink on yellow paper. It will never see the light of the internet! NEVER! But that's how I got into writing fanfiction. The second one I ever wrote is "Tech Support" and now I'm working on my third ever thingy. Tools: thesaurus, dictionary, google's define function, wikipedia, quora, youtube, tumblr, cold showers These are a few of my favourite things I have a weird thing for weird sorcerers - Grima Wormtongue (Brad Dourif) - Durza (Robert Carlyle) - Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) I also have a thing for Robert Carlyle, if I have failed to convey this. My first fictional love was Sherlock Holmes. My favourite fics are smut romance thingies. A ship I will always follow is SS/HG or, for those of you who have lived under a rock and missed Harry Potter entirely, Severus Snape/Hermione Granger. It's a couple I always keep coming back to, with slight detours to LM/HG, but that's understandable. Come on, Jason Isaacs - who could resist? Favourite authors of fanfiction include, but are not limited to: laurielove, CharlotteAshmore, fervesco (who has way more stuff on Ashwinder than here) and emospritelet Things in fanfiction I always giggle at: when somebody confuses the words "wench" and "wrench", also the telescopic penis of a character in MsFigg's HP fics. Things in fanfiction that annoy me: big, flaming, outraged comments. Nobody's forcing you to read. If you don't like it, just stop reading. Out of all the creative people out there, there must be some that will appeal, so why waste your time on a fic you don't like? Things I love at the moment (12/12/14): Builder's tea (this will be a constant), Oreo Milka, Once upon a time, StarGate: Universe, bullet journaling, Stabilo point 88 pens, Pilot G-TEC-C4 pens, studyblrs, Robert Carlyle Things I apologize for I'm not a native speaker, though I am quite good at the whole English thing. Unfortunately, sometimes I won't have the correct colloquialisms that a native speaker would. Also, my spelling swings wildly between British and American. I really try for British, but it doesn't always work out. There will be dangling participles and such. If you wish to be my personal grammar Nazi, let me know. I'm eager to learn where the grammatical errors are and how to correct them. Things I don't apologize for The contents of my fics. About my avatar It's the one I used for a University forum. I was going though a muscle car phase. I'll change it as soon as I can. About my nickname This was one of my first nicknames online. I used it for mIRC type things. I'm not quite sure why I chose it for fanfiction.net. I've come to accept it though, can't bring myself to change it. It means something like "Lady Casper" or "girl/female Casper". Consider me your friendly fanfiction ghost ;) |