Author has written 21 stories for Faculty, RENT, Gundam Wing/AC, House, M.D., CSI, Velvet Goldmine, South Park, Covenant, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Star Trek: 2009, and Torchwood. "But I can't stop from just smiling When that damn sun is shining on Shining On by Big D and the Kids Table Pairings I love and/or write in no order Star Trex XI Chekov/McCoy Chekov/Scotty McCoy/Krik Supernatural Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel Torchwood Jack/Ianto Gundam Wing 1x4 1x3 Psych: Lassiter/Shawn Lord of the Rings: Aragorn/Faramir Kingdom Hearts: Leon/Cloud Riku/Sora Axel/Roxas House MD: House/Chase House/Wilson House/Chase/Wilson The Faculty: Zeke/Casey South Park Stan/Kyle Christophe/Kyle Kenny/Christophe Kenny/Kyle Christophe/Kenny/Kyle The Covenant Reid/Tyler Caleb/Reid Caleb/Tyler Caleb/Tyler/Reid/Pogue Due to college and short attention span, I don't have much time to write anymore, so many of my stories have been abandoned. I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time or energy any more. |