WARNING: for mildly sexually explicit scene between two men.
And I really don't like how I ended this, but I've got no idea how to fix it up...
He didn't believe in karma, but he was fairly certain he'd pissed off someone in a past life. Really, really pissed them off. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why he was doing this. Well, that's a bit of a lie. He was doing this because Guster had 'taken a birdy North for the winter to talk about drugs'... Which he assumed was Shawn-speak for 'Gus is out of town on business.' He hoped...
Shawn had also stated, quite clearly, 'no papa bear, porridge's too hot.' Carlton thought that meant Shawn didn't want to go to his father's, but he was seriously just guessing at that point. So, he knew why he was doing this.
But why the hell was he doing this?
And god damn it! "Spencer, cut it out!"
"Bu' Lassi..."
He gripped the steering wheel hard. "I'm not a leprechaun and I don't have lucky charms. Now get your hand out of my pants!"
Shawn sulked in the passenger's seat while Carlton forced himself to recite the California penal code in his head. "See if I ever buy your cereal again." Shawn's bottom lip was sticking out obscenely so.
'An assault is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by both.'
"Ya know, I know a clown. He's gotta monkey, 's really small and...furry. I betcha Bobo could find your lucky charms. She'd do i' for me ya know."
'Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.'
"How come your hair's not red? Leprechaun's suppose t' have red hair an' wear green an' give their lucky charms to the people who catch 'em. You're not a very good leprechaun Lassi."
'Such malice may be expressed or implied. It is expressed when there is manifested a deliberate intention unlawfully to take away the life of--'
Carlton fought to keep the car on the road when he felt Shawn's hand crawl under his shirt. "You're furry!"
"Tha's why ya don't have lucky charms, you're like Bobo! Where's your banana?"
He stopped at a red light and got out of the car. "That's it! Get in the back!"
How they managed to get to his home, he wasn't entirely sure, but he figured it had something to do with divine intervention. Carlton had to half-carry half-drag Shawn up the stairs to his door, while trying to ignore his questions on why he didn't look like Bobo. Once they were inside, he leaned Shawn against the wall as he locked the door. When he looked back at the drugged man, he noticed the slight green tint to his face and the look of discomfort.
"Not on the floor!" Carlton grabbed Shawn and took him quickly to the bathroom, where he promptly heaved into the toilet. He winced in sympathy while he supported Shawn by the waist to keep him from collapsing to the hard tile floor.
After the dry heaves stopped, he gave Shawn some mouthwash, which was swished and spat, then water. Carlton took in the way Shawn's shoulders were slumped and how he had to keep jerking himself awake, even standing. He sighed and put his arm back around Shawn's waist.
"Come on Spencer. Time to go to sleep."
It took some struggling, but between the two of them, they were able to get the fake psychic stripped down to his boxers. Two pillows and a blanket later, he had one Shawn Spencer passed out on his couch.
'Why can't he be this calm when he's awake?' He ignored the thought of slipping Shawn some valium the next time he came to the precinct, despite how tempting.
Carlton walked back into the hallway and down to his bedroom, ready for this night to be over with. After a quick shower, he changed into his pajama bottoms and slipped between his sheets with a sigh. His last thought was that Shawn better be sober by morning.
He didn't hear the tossing and turning, or the moans coming from his living room. But he did feel his bed shift as someone crawled under the blanket. When he opened his eyes, the green numbers on his clock read 1:04. He wasn't entirely sure if he wanted Shawn to be the person in his bed; he didn't think he'd be able to get away with shooting Shawn.
Carlton turned over and almost sighed in defeat. "What are you doing Spencer?"
"He won't go away."
That got his attention. "What? Who?"
"The man, he won't go away." Shawn sounded like a child scared of the monster under his bed.
"There's someone in the house?"
Shawn shook his head, though Carlton felt more than saw it. "In my head."
"In your... Oh, Christ."
Of course he acted like a goofball and took next to nothing seriously, but Carlton was an idiot to think that almost getting raped in a back alley wouldn't affect Shawn. He was starting to regret not taking Shawn to his father's. He was pretty terrible when it came to the whole...'comfort' thing. Then again, he couldn't imagine Henry being much better at it.
He was startled out of his thoughts when he felt semi-chapped lips on his. When he pulled away, they followed and continued their mission. "Spenc- Sto- What are y- Shawn!" The lips finally stopped and he could almost make out green eyes in the dark. "What are you doing?"
"Make him go away?" It was more of a plea than a question.
"Make him go away, please?"
There was a hand on the side of his neck, so light he barely felt it. "Shawn, I really don't think this the best way to um-" 'To make you forget a stranger's hand down your pants.'
The lips were back, and he didn't pull away this time. As he lay there, his lips on Shawn and hands exploring, he wondered how royally he was fucking this up. Wondered what Shawn would say in the morning, if he'd think Carlton had molested him like that man. Wondered what people would say if they found out. Wondered if his body knew what his mind was saying, that he was taking advantage of Shawn. But he stopped wondering when Shawn's hand slipped past his waistband.
Carlton rolled them over, him on top of Shawn, and finally kissed the younger man back. Shawn sighed happily into the kiss and pulled him flush against his own body. He made sure to keep his eyes open for any signs of discomfort when he pushed his hand into Shawn's boxers. There was no sign but a smile as he pulled the clothing down muscled legs and off the body below. Shawn was happy to return the favor, pushing down his pajama bottoms, leaving them both exposed.
When he touched Shawn the first time, he'd jumped a little, making Carlton pull back, scared Shawn had changed his mind. But Shawn mumbled a quiet 'sorry' before wrapping his legs around his waist and bringing him back against his body. Carlton let out a hiss when he ground his hips into Shawn's, which quickly turned into a moan. Christ, how did Shawn arch his back like that?
"More," Shawn moaned.
Carlton ran a hand down Shawn's side and kissed his lips. "I don't have a condom Shawn, we're not going that far."
"Please." Now he was outright whining, and Carlton wasn't sure if he was turned on or amused.
"Just relax."
Shawn did. He let his body be pressed into the bed, while Carlton took control. Carlton's hand on Shawn's cock, his hips pressing into the other's. He kissed, sucked, and gently bit, marking the body under his. He reveled in every moan he got out of Shawn, every gasp. Alternating his thrusts from slow to wild, never keeping a steady enough pace to bring Shawn to his climax. And Shawn rode out the waves of pleasure Carlton brought.
Carlton came first, moaning into Shawn's neck, while he shuddered against him. He continued the thrusts, massaging Shawn and kissing along his shoulder until he felt Shawn's body tense.
He used a corner of his sheet to wipe them off, then brought up the blanket that had been kicked away. Carlton was a little surprised when Shawn snuggled up to him, resting on his chest. But he enjoyed the feeling all the same. He heard a quiet, almost whispered 'thank you' before the sound of Shawn's gentle snores.
At seven the next morning, Carlton felt the cold sheet next to him and wondered why he was expecting to feel anything else. Then he remembered the night before and cursed under his breath. He pulled on the pants he found on the floor and walked out of his bedroom. It was eerily quiet in his house, and he felt a cold lump forming in his gut.
There was Shawn, sleeping on his couch. For a moment, he thought that maybe he'd imagined the entire thing. Until he saw that Shawn was also fully dressed and had recently showered. He sighed, but thought that maybe Shawn had the right idea. He turned and went to have a shower himself.
It was almost eight when there was knock on his door that he hoped wouldn't wake Shawn. When he looked out the peep-hole, he almost fainted at the sight of Henry Spencer. Reluctantly, he opened his door.
"Good morning."
"Morning detective." Henry gave a slight smirk. "My little moron still sleeping?"
"Drooling on my couch."
He supposed he couldn't put off waking Shawn any longer as they both walked into his living room. Henry took one look at Shawn's sprawled form, two limbs hanging over the side of the couch, and snorted. For the first time though, Carlton saw a real, albeit small, smile come to Henry's face. The elder Spencer leaned down until he was next to Shawn's ear and gave a shout that sent his son tumbling off the couch. He would have laughed at the sight, if it weren't for the sense of dread coming to him.
"Dad, damn it!"
"Good morning my little lamb," Henry said sarcastically.
Shawn groaned from his position on the floor. "Who told?"
"Karen called this morning to tell me about your little stunt last night. Shawn what the hell were you thinking?!"
He heard a thump, which he assumed was Shawn's head falling against his carpet. "Headache, stomachache...toothache." 'Toothache?' He thought, but Henry just rolled his eyes. "Please forgo the yelling."
Henry sighed and looked up to his ceiling, as if asking 'why'. "Come on kid. You're not leaving my house until Gus is back."
Shawn picked himself up, with a little help from Henry, and then looked at Carlton for the first time. Whatever he was expecting to see, it wasn't the warm green eyes that made his body shiver and rid him of the cold feeling in his gut. Still, as Shawn was guided out by Henry, he avoided any other eye contact.
"Thanks for taking care of him Carlton," Henry said as he walked to the door. Carlton winced internally, but nodded at the elder man.
Half-way down the driveway, Shawn turned and gave him a smile and waved. And before he could close the door, he heard Shawn shout. "Thanks for the lucky charms Lassi! They were magically delicious!" He shut his front door on the sound of Henry berating Shawn.
Carlton let his head fall against the wood, but smiled even as he groaned.
If last night wasn't a mistake, he wondered, what could they make of it?