Author has written 41 stories for Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Brothers, Inuyasha, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I liked writing stories when I was at school, but haven't done so for quite a few years. My real name is Sue and I have a husband and three children, a girl and two boys. I love Zelda and Inuyasha and FMA. I didn't realise how nice it is when people take the time to review; I don't have many reviewers but treasure those I do have and I always reply. Thanks to you all. I don't own any of the major characters in my stories in fan fiction; all credit goes to those whose original thought they were and I thank them for giving us the wonderful personalities that I can work with in my amateur stories. My stories though are all my own, as are my own characters and I claim them. I am a traditionalist, I like pairings that make sense. I don't like it when a character is written 'out of character' in order to make a hero or heroine choose someone else. I like romance, don't mind fluff, I like writing fluff, the sweeter the better. Personally I will always prefer Link/Zelda and Inuyasha/Kagome pairings, although I will read others if they are convincingly and well done. I don't write Lemons because I think everyone is entitled to their privacy, even if they are fictional characters. I write under the name of petalears on Live Journal. I will never write any form of yaoi. I have decided to refresh some of my stories, especially the older ones; on re-reading I have noticed many mistakes and also I aim to make them a more enjoyable read. I will make a note on this page when I have updated any of them. As I don't want to lose any reviews they will not show up as an update, I am just replacing them chapter by chapter. The story will not change but I hope they will be more interesting. Please feel free to review any of them as I go, you know how much encouragement reviews give to us authors. Thanks again to you all, Sue. I have put pictures up to go with my stories hoping that I haven't taken anything I shouldn't have done. Please let me know if I have infringed anyone's rights and I will remove them. I enjoyed choosing the pics, especially the ones that when cropped expressed the story even more. Thanks again. Sue ALL OUR HOPES chapter 27 replaced 10 August 2012 |