![]() Author has written 7 stories for Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon, Carpathian Series, Twilight, and Ghost Hunt. June 15, 2011 Just a quick update to let you all know I am not dead and still writing. I've bitten off more than I can chew with stories it seems, and the bunnies are intent on continuing to prey upon me. Also, going to Botcon did not help keep me on focus... if anything it has created, I suppose revived is more appropriate, another obsession. But it was amazing and I loved it. Maybe too much. But muses are being nice at the moment, so I'm going to milk them for all they've got and hopefully get enough out just in case they go through another dry spell. If I go too long, just keep bugging me, it helps. Bella's Secret: I've started the next chapter and I hope to have that out within a week or so. I'm not positive yet, but I hope that it will be longer than all the other chapters up. Just a word of warning, this will be the last chapter to so closely follow the book. I've been trying to keep the first day of school the same and already things are trying to deviate. So with muses behaving the way they are, I'm not forcing it anymore. In regards to the Edward side story: thank you all for your response to it. It's nice to know I'm not just completely crazy with some ideas. I will be continuing it, in fact I have a teeny bit written for the next installment. But I have to warn you now: there will not be as many chapters of this as there is the main story, for obvious reasons. Also I don't know how soon/often these bits will occur. If you all are willing to wait and stick with me, then they will come, I just don't know when at the moment. November 29, 2011: I'm about 4K or so into the next chapter, but the characters are being a tad stubborn at the moment. Hopefully they'll let me finish it soon. Dark Dreams: I'm still working on the next few chapters and they seem to be slow in coming. But the story seems like it's fairly close to wrapping up. Finally after being started so long ago. I'm not making any promises on when something comes out, but hopefully not too long. Sailor Moon Stories: I am sorry to say, but for now these are on hiatus until I can figure out what I want to do with them. I'm hoping not to just abandon them, but right now the muses are not giving me anything, not even little glimpses of scenes like all my other stories have been doing. New Stories: I know that I should not even be thinking about taking on more, but when you've been bitten... well you've got no choice. So I've got two that I've actually got a good chunk of writing done for. The first and one I think I'm enjoying the most is going to be a How To Train Your Dragon movie fiction. I've not read the books at all so I won't even be trying to venture there. But I've seen the movie and you can ask my friends, I've become rather obsessed and possessed by Toothless. I adore him beyond all belief and he has decided he'd like the movie told from his point of view. I know. It's been done already, multiple times. But I'd like to think mine is a bit different. If anything it's an exercise in character for me. I've been working on it since literally the day I first saw the movie, so obviously over a year and I'm very pleased to say that I'm absolutely in love with it so far. Toothless is possibly one of the most dynamic characters and I love writing in his Voice. I'm about 20 or so pages in, but I must say this now: How To Train Your Human (that's what it's called) will not be posted until it's finished. Hopefully this will keep me from keeping anyone on edge by not updating for a long time... let's just say it's a bad habit of mine. November 29, 2011: Quick update for anyone at all interested. I'm about 13K into the story now, about halfway through the movie maybe, but both my Hiccup muse and Toothless muse have decided: Oh hey! Guess what? More to story than you could ever think possible! Which, might I say, is incredibly annoying? But it does mean that there will be this first story, sticking pretty damn close to the movie, and then a second story which will technically be AU, but I maintain makes perfect sense the way my muses explained it. I'll post the first story once it finishes, maybe a chapter a week, so that I can-hopefully-get well into the sequel before I need to start posting. Also, I just realized today that I'm totally going to need to change the name as someone else used this title. Their story came out long after I started using the current title... but they did post first. So who knows now. The second story is a continuation, I suppose, of my Ghost Hunt song fics. It takes place in the same little world I've created, but it will not be necessary to have read them to understand this. This story I can honestly say, was not my fault at all! A friend of mine and I were talking and she posed a seemingly innocent and simple question: How do Mai and Naru actually end up together? Well... the bunny bit in hard. And so I've started it. I've already got a prologue and the first few chapters started. I've not planned for it to be all too serious, but knowing myself and the friend who got this started, it could very easily delve into some angst. I'm not sure yet if I'll be waiting to finish the story before I start posting or not. I would give you the title of this one... but that would give away all too much. November 29, 2011: So I just had a horrid almost three months without internet at my house. It was ridiculous. We had the company out here about three of four times to fix things, then they did... for half a day. And they have no idea what was wrong. So they have replaced everything-because who cares what the problem was really-and now it is working. I was able to get some writing done during this period of sadness, so hopefully I'll have some chapters to post soon. January 9, 2012: Damn the muses. Damn them I say... I was perfectly happy as I got out a new chapter of Bella's Secret, have worked on most of the others and then, out of nowhere last night, my muses rebelled. They have insisted that I take up the DBZ/SM crossover again. And if that were not trouble enough, they are saying that I got it wrong the first time round. So now they've dumped a bunch of new information on me and demanded a rewrite, well more a reinvention. In fact they would not let me sleep until I wrote out the prologue and then listened to them yammer on about what they insisted would happen. So there it is! I've taken on another story. Who knows when it will get posted, or under what name now. |