Author has written 5 stories for One Piece, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Tsubasa Chronicle. Why hello there! And welcome to my humble...huh... page? Well, welcome to my little domain here on , the most wonderful site on the web! 20/12/2007 There shalt be updates. I swearz!! Srsly, I promise :) But I'm on a hurry r8t nao. Gtg really. Much love, Thank You so much for you patience, guys. Yes, I realize I totally don't deserve you! 18/02/2007 I liiiiive! --coughcough-- Yes well, had to survive a bit of a fever and sore throat during the exams. Not to mention --atchoom-- a running nose and the fit of brain-blending sneezes that came with it in front of my papers, lack of sleep, stress and co., all were at the rendez-vous, the most inconvenient party one has to be forced into every year or so... Most inconvenient timing too. And now, be prepared for some nice, long-awaited updates on a few stories. That is, if anyone out there is still interested after all this time. (-_-;; As for MysticSparklez' Fading Illusions, well. We're soon releasing the 1st chapter; as soon as Mystics is done with her exams too. I'll be working on the 2nd & 3rd chapters in the meanwhile so no worries. Status of next chapter to be uploaded -- 73 per cent complete. As for Sonic Stars, well, it's more likely to be the 1st I update :), next chappie 46 per cent complete, followed by OnePiece Empires of course, my little cookie in this lot of dry butter biscuits-- baking 37 per cent complete. As for the Angel's Mansion, well, I'm sorta thinking I should either delete it or totally re-edit it. It's just not my best work and it needs a lot of work, and I hate the word 'work', it makes me feel unhealthy. Next chap.-- 20 per cent complete. World Stories, I am afraid I am going to have to dump this one for an undecided period of time. Next chapter's completion is like 40 per cent and the plot is there, but I just can't move on. I'm trying my best to avoid the TRC fandom these days, I feel really bitter about it and I care not to explain why either. Besides all that, I'm planing a few more additions to my little collection here on , a Naruto fic for sure and maybe a random one-shot about one of the many movies that still inspire me after over a hundred replays. There are quite a few, surprisingly. Oh, promises and promises. I better get started. See ya soon peeps. --smooch-- ;) Random Side Note: Did I ever mention how much I hate the editing AI? ~cusses it-~ 29/01/2007 Guys, I am soooo dead. Exams, tons of them. Allow me to quote Teh Prince of Persia here, "I am the architect of my own destruction." --truer words were never said, really, procrastination is a vindictive biatch-- T_T I knew somehow that I was way too confident when I decided I'd take so many exams this semester. I'm full of it, too much of it, there is no denying that. I might pass them, just pass though, and that is NOT what I had planned... initially. I'll be done with my exams -scratch that- My exams should be done with me by mid-february. I promise I'll get down to updating a few of my fics and writing a few more in my new fandoms (Sasusaku here I comes!X3). Same goes for my LJ and all, where I will be making fic recommendations, comments on youtube vids, posting my fanarts anf doujin, presenting shamelessly stolen avatar icons ect... I'll also write a lot of nice things about my darling reviewers, who are all WAY too kind and patient. It's really amazing how everyone keeps encouraging me to get out of hiatus when they can just choose to kick/cannon ball/shoot me out of my author blog... But if you guys could put in a little prayer for me, or wish me luck, or just send me PMs where you remind me I should be studying hard... I'd appreciate. Until february, I hope. God bless! 23/10/2006 Here, I am. Alive and actually updating this profile...gasps. Okay, so, nothing too serious happening in my 'real life' to keep me from updating my stories too, except perhaps for a terrible lack of inspiration and a sudden wave of laziness... However, I received a lovely review a few days ago which made me really happy and I now feel like working on some of those forgotten fics again! Reviews always make authors happy, you know. Besides all that, the big news! Myself and my dear fellow authoress, Mystic Dawn, (check my fav.authors list) have decided to combine our fan-fantasies and write them together under the pename MysticSparklez! It's so much fun writing with her, but studies are eating away at our lifetime slowly, surely and not-so-gently! Big chunks they take! Merciless monsters, those teachers that give us 'homework'. Anyway, misery does love company and I know I'm not the only student been exploited out there, lol! I promise I'll put some more efforts into finishing the stories I here started, just give me a little chance to get used to university life a bit, okay? I won't give up on them, I love my lil' mental images too much for that! But hey, it really is hard to pick up from where you've left off because having to leave them is though in the first place! Take Care, wonderful readers! Wanna know about me? Here's the summary: I love fanfiction, reading and writing them. I admire very many of you who write them and greatly appreciate those who review some of them, for complementing their efforts. I do believe there is little that makes a writer happier other than positive/interesting feedback. I hope to write a few fics about the anime, books, games and movies I love the most. And eventually a better profile then this one... ~sweatdrops~ Things you might want to know while reading my stories: 1) I like making small references (quoting from my fav.movies/books/games, or making suggestions reminding real life events); they come a little out of place in my stories and are usually quite obvious. It's just for the fun of it though, not propaganda. lol, I just like reminding myself such memorable situations sometimes because it cracks me up! (check point 3) for details) 2) I like suggesting all kind of couplings, for two simple reasons: all audiences' interest AND my safety! XD But of course I do have my preferences... ~winks~ 3) I get all sort of inexplicably mad, crazy, totally irrational ideas when I write (nothing unusual for a fan, worry not. However, it can be somewhat contagious, you know: insanity). Basically, my plots can be a real mess sometimes...You have been warned. 4) I am still very lacking in confidence when it comes to writing in English as it is not my mother tongue. Please feel free to politely correct me, should I make important mistakes. I also want to make it clear from now, that I do not appreciate nor approve of yaoi nor yuri couplings in anyway. Call it homophobia, but that's just the way I am. I do have a good laugh sometimes when accidentally stumbling upon one and so I refrain from making unpleasant comments about them. However, I eventually do make very subtle suggestions about such things, for the simple and only reason 'I do not want to forget anyone out there'. You are free to interpret my writing in anyway you want, of course, and I like to hear different opinions. (In other words, FLAME AWAY! Of all the self-inflicted miseries...) BTW, I'm also a registered reviewer known as Nilie, whether I was logged in or not when reviewing some stories the name was always the same. (Check my fav. author list) I am currently obsessed with: -More videogame, anime, cartoon and fiction characters then I'd ever care to count. - Out of my very, very many fetishes I can here think of a few characters: - In OnePiece: Zoro Roronoa (he gives me sudden cravings for cabbage), Monkey.D.Luffy and Smoker. - In Sonic The Hedgehog: Shadow The Hedgehog, Knuckles, Shadow The Hedgehog and of course, Shadow The Hedgehog. HE ROCKSN' RULEZ! - In Final Fantasy: Vincent Valentine (He'll make you wish you were bitten by a vampire!). - In PKMN: I'm still obsessed with MewTwo for some odd reason, since I was a fan in 1997... Same with Jafar in Disney's Alladin and Hades and Zurg... -Yeah, I do have a bizarre unexplainable attraction to 'Bad guys', because...they're evil? I also love anti-heroes! So many of them antagonists! - In Looney Tunes, I like Daffy and Bugs. But Will.E.Coyote and Sylvester just rule. - Fay. D. Flourite from TRC. (I want to marry a guy like that! Scratch that, it's him I want.) - Oh noes, I forgot to add Eriol from CCS! - Guys, when you're ready to do anything for a guy who's face you've never truly seen, you know you REALLY should start thinking about getting a life someday soon: 1-Kakahi, I've seen half his face, and his eyes. Well, even though technically one of them is not his... But it is Uchiha! XD ~mad squee~ That's right my lil' Sasuke, come over to the 'good' side... ~evil snicker~ I've adopted him, btw, just so you people know. 2- Belfegor is just badass, man. And the french voice actor for him in the cartoon adaptation of the comic is the guy who did Falconi in Cartouche and MewTwo in PKMN. How do I resist? Did I mention his mask is Egyptian gold with, probably, some stolen Aztec somewhere in there? 3-V is for Vendetta. V is for awesome. As in, OMG Zo Vawsome. And yes, it is a word. In my dictionary. 4-0 I don't suppose Fanthom Renegade counts XD coz we do know who he is don't we? Henry in Medabots/Medarot makes me laugh every time! 4-0.1 Zorro is my favorite classical hero in a mask. Too bad he's kinda outdated today :P Yet he was, once, my favorite. -Guys, explain to me, how it is possible for a fangal like yours truly to not put Seto Kaiba in this list? He's filthy rich, has blue eyes worth poking as much as Fay's, and is shmartexy. Yes, not a word, but I'm sure it'll do here. -Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass is just the perfect character in my book! Absolute Bishie AND he is voiced by the Oh-So-Talented Jun Fukuyoma! That V.A. box is a weapon of mass distraction! Hearing him makes me swoon! Having said that, just about any other character he lends his voice to is win to me: Kei Takishima from Special A (I really do like him), Lawrence(more like his mini-beard, really) from Spice and Wolf... etc! Zero is now my favorite masked character! -In some of the other mangas I read we have some more winners: Beauty IS the Beast wii haz Takami Wanibuchi! Go Wanichin! Then in Absolute BoyFriend, Soshi Asamoto because he is real, but oh how I wish he were!! - Ouran High School Host Club makes the choice very difficult but there is no doubt that the 1st of those hotties I would choose to marry would be Kyouya! XD Teh glasses wearing Evil Shadow King who is actually quite the sweetheart deep dee-eep inside where no one can see. But I'll take the twins Hikaru and Kaoru any day, or even Mori or maybe Tamaki. Anyone of them would be a generous gift from life, really. -In Kaicho-Wa-Maid-Sama, Usui Takumi, because he's so very much like a certain someone I daydream about in real life. Sigh. U_U -I do like Ichigo in Bleach. But Rukia like, steals all other characters' vedette! -Tekken says, Jin Kazama! Tadawham! -and his Mom and his Cousin ;) of course- -ADA of Jehuty in Z.O.E says, Leo Stenbuck. -In Beyond Good and Evil... Er... You guys remember the character who sticks posters and burns your M-disks at the Iris with Han and Mei? XD Yeah, he's kind cute. I think. Maybe. XD Just had to put my favorite PS2 game on this list. I am still desperately hoping for a sequel -WHICH IS NOW COMING OMG! ~faints~ -Kaname from Vampire Knight! Kaname, people! Do you hear me? Kaname-senpai! Kaname-sama! Kaname! Kaname! -Jack Sparrow automatically adds up to every list... Savvy? -On second thought, any character played by Johnny Depp the Magnifique! can be added to this list. - In Disney great animation movies, Lee Shang from Mulan, Phoebus from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Jimmy from Treasure Planet are just about the only male characters I would bother squeeing over. Most of the others I can either bare with, or just invent new insults for. Hard to believe most rank up in the last category, neh? --sarcasm-- - Just finished watching the movie interpretation of 'Pride and Prejudice' with Keira K. and guess what? I want a Mr.Darcy in my life; I'll take the whole pack if I have to XD, along with the castle, the statues inside, the lake and its occupants, the wealth, the obedient sister, the cute and loyal friends, the horse and all (You can keep the aunt and other useless relatives). Oh, and did I mention I want Mr. Darcy? Mine, yes. A lot more coming soon when I have more time and when you're not about to fall asleep. OKay so now that that's clear, go do some reading! (There are very many more stories I should add to my favs. and I will do that as soon as I find the time to.) 9.9 |