Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, worlds, or ideas of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, nor do I wish to.

Author's Note: This brief episode takes place more or less directly after chapter 133 of the manga. As such, it refers to events that may be considered SPOILER-tastic to those who are not current with the manga. But as this is a rather vague, overdramatized and philosophical episode, such references are few and may be easily overlooked. In any case, read and review—onegashimasu! (bows)


Chapter 1: Four days

It had been four days since Kurogane left.

Four days.

It seemed like an eternity.

The princess Tomoyo sat serenely as her attendants dressed her and adorned her hair with the customary decorations. Her tiny sigh was the only evidence that as she sat, her heart went out to her ninja for the hundredth time that morning.

Was he safe? she wondered.

Was he getting along with his companions?

And, most importantly—had he forgiven her for sending him away?

"Hime-sama…?" The voice of Sayo, one of the attendants, interrupted her reverie.

"Milady," she said, offering something to Tomoyo with her hands out and her head bowed. "I'm sorry milady but we can't find the mate to this ribbon…"

Tomoyo stared at the proffered ribbon. It was merely a long, plain hair ribbon, tinted a delicate lavender. She was fairly sure she had several dozen like it. Musing over the obsessive nature of her handmaidens she absently reached over to take the ribbon, but even as her hand brushed the cool silk cloth she shuddered, and a chill ran down her spine. Her consciousness was suddenly filled with anguish and despair that were not her own. She took a gasping breath as she steeled herself against the emotional torrent, trying at once to find its source.

And find it she did.

"Stop." she commanded the attendants in a tone that brooked no argument. They fairly froze in place, not daring an inquiry as to her strange behavior. The priestess-princess rose and walked with perfunctory grace to the inoriba. It only took a few minutes to complete the preparations and perform the rite. Then she stood before the hazy image of the dimensional witch.