Disclaimer: FFVII belongs to Square Enix.

Author natterings: Named so because the idea of daddy-Cloud is just too great. Tifa I can see as a mom, but Cloud as a dad? Teehee. 100 words without this blabber. I hope you enjoy. Review if you wish.

The Strifes

"How in the world do a blonde and a brunette make a redhead?"

"However they did it, it looks damn good."

Said blonde, brunette and redhead had no idea of the discussion going on behind their well-coiffed heads. They were also waiting patiently in the middle of the aisle for the reemergence of their fourth party - a girl with black hair. How did these people do it? ("Not dying kits - their hair isn't damaged enough for that.")

She came speeding across the tile floor between the rows of dental floss and shampoo.

"Tifa! Cloud! Denzel!"


The Strifes.