![]() Author has written 14 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, Harry Potter, and Tactics. Note (10 March 10): I am hereby announcing my semipermanent retirement from Kyou Kara Maou fandom. Fanfiction.net is waging war on my documents, and after having drafts and several completed stories repeatedly deleted or restored to older forms by it arbitrarily logging me out - most of which were only on this site - I have decided that it is not worth the trouble. The Une Belle/J'ai Mal series is being discontinued, with next to no chance for revival. I have not lost interest in KKM, but I don't think I can put up with having things deleted over and over and over again and having to rewrite them many times over. I apologize to anyone who is disappointed. Eventually, I may rejoin fandom when I feel more capable of dealing with the constant aggravation of FF.N's document upload system; until then, adieu. (postscript) If still interested in my work, and/or a fan of DBSK, feel free to drop by my LiveJournal, where I will be posting YunJae things with the same irregularity that I posted KKM things here. Note (4 May 09): 3:00 AM here, dudes. I'm going to be putting up snippets of the upcoming UBJ REmix and the JMaC REmixes somewhere on FF.N that is linked to my profile because the multiplicity that is UBJMaC is EATING MY BRAIN and I feel bad for letting my half-digested brain get in the way of updates. Those of you who have paid attention to any of my announcements/notes should know where to go to find out where exactly they will be (no, I'm not peeved at all! what makes you think I'm ticked?), and those of you that haven't...god I love you guys, but I put those things up for a REASON. IMPORTANT: (19 September 08) The area I live in was hit by Hurricane Ike; while I myself am fine, my beta-reader is without electricity. As many of my companions live in the same area as I do (indeed, in the same house), and we all are in the same plight, DO NOT EXPECT MUCH. Before Ike hit, AIIKSTUKO (and myself and ReRe in particular) was planning on a second round of reader-beta. THIS HAS BEEN CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. I had contacted several readers about participating in this. IF I CONTACTED YOU IN ANY WAY ABOUT PARTICIPATING/HELPING ME IN ANY STORY - J'AI MAL INCLUDED - PLEASE BE PATIENT. I APPRECIATE YOUR WILLINGNESS TO HELP, BUT DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONTACT ME AND EXPECT TO RECEIVE AN ANSWER. I am currently typing this on the last vestiges of my laptop battery at a WiFi hotspot; I DO NOT know when I will be able to see or answer e-mails. In other, less bolded news, I would like to thank all of my readers. Thanks to the new Reader Traffic option on each FanFiction author account, I am able to see how many visitors I have each day, what country he/she is from, which story they visit, and compare those numbers to the running record of reviews. You tricky li'l buggers (from, as I've seen, pretty much around the world), you! I've got conclusive evidence that the current rate of review-per-reader is waaaaay below even .0001 review to 1 reader, although, to be fair, I'm going purely by my FF.N account, which, I suspect, has been deleting hits on me, the sneaky little thing. Anyway, for all of you darlings that sent me reviews (and favorites, and, yes, alerts as well), I adore you to bits. For those of you who, for some reason or another, haven't reviewed but still read (or at least were tricked into clicking on a suspicious link), I love you, too. I'm trying my best to get stories up and running, but they're rather lazy, fat things, my stories, and refuse to rise from their beds of eternal sleep without endless whining and moaning that makes it eventually less trouble to simply let them be than put forth any effort. Each time you send me feedback of any sort, a little jolt of pain goes up my metaphysical moral spine, and I feel horrible, which gives me incentive to wake those lazy stories up. Anyone who tried to get the latest story stats in the "My Forums" section of my profile will notice that it's been forever and a day since I updated them, but now updates will come (at least there, if nowhere else) once a month. To all of you dears that have Story Alerts on J'ai Mal au Coeur, Une Belle Journee, Love Letters, or BEAT: THOSE WON'T BE UPDATED. The JMaC and UBJ series are being continued as seperate stories in seperate universes; Love Letters (II) was not posted this year for personal reasons - and I and my beta apologize - but will be the next, and BEAT is by my brother, whom you can find at OriginalCookieWhore@ (yes, it is my brother - don't ask) and then bother all you want. In other words, feel free to leave your Alert where it is; just be sure to check for updates here because, while I will try to inform all Alerted people, I won't always be able to remember. Thanks! Note (20 April 08): The release of J'ai Mal au Coeur REmix: La Fleur de Mon Coeur has been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Instead, the next installment of the JMaC saga will be moved up in production priority, and LFdMC will be postponed indefinitely until all problems are resolved. Note (19 April 08): AIIKSTUKO has now moved to Gaia, where we can be found at this shop Note (23 March 08): All fanfiction progress information can be found below, with further details under the "My Forums" link above. Note (22 March 08): I feel that, for the edification of the masses (or whoever the hell is reading this), I should make one thing very clear. I HATE STUPID PEOPLE. So no, I WON'T read your inane, teen-novel-centered story because you childishly demand that I do - rather, don't be surprised if I report it for abuse multiple times (or until the job gets done) and express my disdain and intense loathing in big words that your limited, liliputian, lacking little minds can't quite comprehend. Also, I very rarely give out reviews and only do so willingly under one of the following circumstances: 1) The story in question is ravishingly wonderful. 2) The story is ravishingly wonderful and there are next to no reviews/if I don't comment, I'll burst in its flames of glory. 3) The story is an enormous, filthy, unsightly, festering shit stain on the writing community. 4) The story NOT ONLY is a festering shit stain, etc. but was written by an idiot whose other stories are exactly the same. 5) The story is NOT ONLY a shit stain and written by an idiot, etc. but OTHER idiots are ENCOURAGING him/her. 6) The story is SUCH a shit stain, et al. that I have reported you ten times or more and want to inform you so you can save your dignity and take it off yourself. N.B.: Numbers 3 - 5 are not neccessarily better so much as insignificant. 7) The story is good but can stand and will be improved considerably by a little critique, as well as editing. It may or may not surprise you to know that, of them all, numbers 3 - 7 are the most common reasons. ATTENTION: Many stories/art/etc. have been moved to the AIIKSTUKO archive, including quite a few that can't be posted here on FanFiction. PLEASE GO VISIT!! AIIKSTUKO is, actually, a better choice if you want to read my crap, because my LJ homepage (which is the one under the "homepage" link up top, surprise, surprise) takes for-freaking-ever to load for God-knows-what reason, while AIIKSTUKO only takes a couple of seconds, tops, on my browser and probably yours. That, and I feel like inserting a shameless plug for one of the societies that I love/hate/use the most. Oh, and did I mention that everything JMaC EXTRA related is going in there and nowhere else? Member of Deathly Hallows "A Year and a Day" Society --FaNFiCtIoN-- See the "My Forums" link above for update details ~@~ symbolises plotbunny, @ symbolises not edited or posted yet Pairings all listed in DOMxSUB order, no exceptions IMPORTANT NOTE!!: It appears that not everybody understands my writing process. I will explain. I will go through periods of writer's block then burst into productivity, where I feel obligated to post something almost every other day. This gives me about two hours to write it, and my little sister about one or less to edit it, because both of us have many activities, and she being a high school student has loads of homework and rehearsals. Thus, I cannot write much longer chapters than I already do, or else she might not be able to edit them in time. There have already been instances of uncaught mistakes as a result of the limited time period, so please do not ask for longer chapters, as both of us are already trying our best to obligate you. Thank you. FANDOM LISTING: PRESENT AND FUTURE FICTION FANDOMS TO BE POSTED At FANFICTION.NET by KOKURA: Death Note Final Fantasy VIII Harry Potter Kingdom Hearts Kyou Kara Maou Naruto Saiyuki Yuugiou At LIVEJOURNAL by KOKURA at her HOMEPAGE: Death Note Final Fantasy VIII Furuba Harry Potter Hikaru no Go Kingdom Hearts Kyou Kara Maou Legal Drug Lord of the Rings Naruto Petshop of Horrors Saiyuki Sukisho Yuugiou At LIVEJOURNAL by ALL AUTHORS at AIIKSTUKO Alexandre Dumas Artemis Fowl Avatar Chrno Crusade Count Cain Danny Phantom DeathNote DiscWorld DNAngel Final Fantasy VIII FullMetal Alchemist Furuba GetBackers Gokusen Good Omens Gorgeous Carat Gravitation Harry Potter Hikaru no Go Howl's Moving Castle (both book and movie versions) InuYasha Kingdom Hearts Kyou Kara Maou Legal Drug Lord of the Rings Loveless MegaMan Mercedes Lackey Mythology Naruto Petshop of Horrors Saiyuki Sukisho/Sukisyo Tactics Tokyo Babylon/X 1999 Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Yami no Matsui Yuugiou -=-=-=-=SHOUNEN-AI FICS RATED K+ TO T, ALL YAOI FICS RATED M TO NC-17. NO EXCEPTIONS=-=-=-=-= Shounen-Ai fics -=CROSSOVERS=- ~@~ Fortuitious Meetings - CRACK!pairings, all fandoms at AIIKSTUKO. -=KYOU KARA MAOU=- Bits and Pieces - IN PROGRESS - mostly YuuRam, some other pairings (undecided). Random snippets of life, love, and, occaisionally, angst. Writer's-block buster; not exactly in progress, not exactly finished, but chapters to be added whenever. Edited by YuXuan, written by Kokura, prompts and snippets from all members of AIIKSTUKO, RISQUE-LY, VALKYRIE, DSHRT, and MORTE. currently working on number three @ Desolation- ON HIATUS -YuurixWolfram. Can't you see, Yuuri, that I'm desolate without you? Wolfram thinks, thinks, and thinks some more. Slightly angsty, usual warnings. Edited by AreRe, written by Kokura. -=NARUTO=- ~@~ Dura Lex, Sed Lex - -=YUUGIOU=- @ Holy Ra!- CANCELED - AkefiaxBakuraxRyou, YamixYugi, MarikxMalik, KaibaxJounouchi, MaixAnzu and IsisxShaadi~Egyptish AU. King of Thievery Behkara, a.k.a. Horn-Headed Ra, lives in the desert somewhere outside The City with his two trusty companions and occaisional visits from "honored visitors". After robbing a traveling caravan, one such honored visitor is brought back to their humble dwelling and held for ransom. Little do the kidnappers know though, that the pretty, pliant Gypsy-boy with the gleaming green eyes and silver-light hair has an assasin for a boyfriend, and boy is he pissed... Suggestive situations, innuendo, odd humor, mentions of rather...iffy things and cursing, etc. Written by Kokura, AIIKSTUKO. Not yet posted or edited. ~@~ Misogynist- CANCELED - BakuraxRyou, MarikxMalik, maybe ShaadixIsis~AU in America. Bakura is a misogynist, or woman-hater, but will soon be engaged to marry the daughter of his parents' rival corporation's CEO. When he goes to visit his best friend's boyfriend, who is a psychiatrist, he recieves some unusual therapy that includes enjoying the company of a long-haired pretty boy, and, eventually, his "sister" from somewhere far away while Pretty-Boy is (conveniently) out of town on a trip. Includes crossdressing, compromising situations, limes, and other fun things. Written by Kokura, lime scenes edited by Sasyra, everything else by Arethea, info on America taken from various stays as well as Arethea and Co. @ Ore no Koi- ON HIATUS - BakuraxRyou~hostess club AU. Amane and Ryou are fraternal twins that look startlingly alike. Their parents run a hostess club and Amane is being trained to be the heir when she dies of a horrible fever just a few days after her seventeenth birthday, and leaves Ryou to either take her place or force his parents to abandon all hope of keeping the business. Follow him through his long, hazardous journey through the trials of being a "hostess", including but not limited to: Horny Bastards who can't keep their hands to themselves, Dangerously Sexy Men who just happen to be the sons of the club's leading customers, and the Discovery that Two Apples in the Right Place can fool just about anyone. This story includes crossdressing, weirdness, swearing, odd humor, awkward/compromising situations, limes, and anything else the twisted mind of the authoress can think of. Written by Kokura, edited by Rere, aided and abetted by Koryu and Urami. White Orpheus- CANCELED -BakuraxRyou, MarikxMalik, AkefiaxBakuraxRyou~AU in unnamed country. Bakura and Ryou are lovers, living large on combined wealth from Bakura's thieving expeditions and Ryou's singing. When somebody starts muscling in on Bakura's territory, though, he is fast to retaliate. But retaliation only goes so far as Ryou is kidnapped, Bakura becomes sexually frustrated, and someone develops Stockholme Syndrome for his captor, a strangely-familiar looking man... Suggestive situations, innuendo, non-graphic lime, etc. Written by Kokura, lime scenes edited by Koryu, everything else by Arethea. Yaoi fics -=FINAL FANTASY VIII=- @ Asservi-SeiferxZell, etc.~AU, weird crap. Details forthcoming. ~@~ My Sexy Science Teacher-SeiferxZell, etc.~AU, high school. Three weeks ago, Squall Leonhart gave in to the inevitable. Now that Iceberg Leonhart is off of his list, the young, pretty, and sinfully seductive Zell Dincht has no one left on his potential boyfriend list. Quelle boredom. Just as he's ready to cave in and try luring one of the criminally ugly and stupid people to his bed, his science teacher breaks her leg and is replaced by a genius, fresh from college. A fresh-from-college, criminally sexy genius. A fresh-from-college, criminally sexy genius who seems to be very tempted by our Zelly-boy called Seifer Almasy. Of course, one deterrent to any potential relationship with Mr. Almasy is his inherent ability to be an asshole. Boy, is Zell going to have fun with this one. Lemon, lime, Promiscuous!Zell, Seductive!Zell, Bondage!Zell, Genius!Seifer, FilthyRichandProudofit!Seifer, OOC-ness, suggestive conversation, profanity, etc. Written by Kokura, edited by Arethea and Koryu. -=HARRY POTTER=- Énigmes: Nox - IN PROGRESS - Tom/Lord VoldemortxDraco~Non-AU. Modeled on and extended from a wonderful, wonderful ficcy by Ginzai, found here or on my favorites page. The story of Tom Riddle and his puzzlings over life, death, leadership of the world, and that irritatingly fascinating Malfoy boy. VERY MUCH NC-17. Lemons, limes, possible BDSM, dubious consent, powerplays, backstabbing, and all that jazz. Written by Kokura with Ginzai's permission and help, edited by Arethea, Koryu, MORTE, and AIIKSTUKO. currently working on chapter 2 ~@~ PoisonMaster - BlaisexDraco, SeveralPeoplexDraco, etc.~AU, weird time/place. Blaise kills people on commission, but he's finding one target especially hard to get. Therefore, instead of using his usual subtle-but-straighforward way, he goes to seek the PoisonMaster, someone he's heard of from his contacts. When he finally meets the elusive poisoner, he finds out more than he ever expected to know about the young man-or woman? from the realm of nightmares... Written by Kokura, plotbunny inspired by Arethea, edited by Arethea and Koryu. Standard warnings. -=KYOU KARA MAOU=- Fairy Queen - ON HIATUS ~ Maou!YuurixWolfram, Fairy!AU. Oberon, known to close friends and family as "Yuuri", is the Fairy King, but wherever is his Queen? Much closer than you would think, Majesty. Try looking for...a fire-nymph?! Weirdness, OOCness, SMEXY!MAOU!Yuuri, Fire-nymph!Wolfram, much smexyness, lemons, limes, citrusy fruits, etc. Edited by AreRe and Koryu. Written by Kokura. chapter two shelved I'd Do Anything For You - IN PROGRESS ~ YuurixWolfram, MaouxWolfram. Wolfram would do anything, anything at all for Yuuri to even glance his way...even give up one of the few things that truly belongs to him; his pride. Angst, genderswitch, OOCness, Depressed!Wolfie, Female!Wolfie, Clueless!Yuuri, Lemons, SMEXY!Maou!Yuuri. Edited by AreRe and Koryu. Written by Kokura. currently working on chapter five ~@~ Union of Water and Fire-Maou-ish!YuurixWolfram, AU. Ever since Wolfram was found as a baby in a rush basket in a river, he has known that he is alone in the world. Then one day he receives an offer he cannot refuse; a family, prestige, love, power, and wealth, all in exchange for the death of a certain Water Lord. How can he refuse? Angst, cross-dressing, OOCness, Maou-ish!Yuuri, Orphan!Wolfram, lemons galore, Seductive!Wolfram, Assassin!Wolfram, etc. Edited by Are and Koryu. Written by Kokura. -=NARUTO=- @ Morningstar - IN PROGRESS ~ Uchihacest (kind of?), ManyPeoplexSasuke, angel/fallen angel AU. And he fell from grace, wings torn and bleeding. Really religious and devout people may not want to read this. Can be seen as anti-God, lemon, lime, devotion, threesome, profanity, archaic and courtly language, mentions of blood and gore, SeverelyInjured!Sasuke, SoMisunderstood!Itachi, etc. Written by Kokura, Arethea, Ilei, and Pegeen, lemon consultant/editor Koryu, rest of the editing done by Arethea. Soon to be posted. currently working on chapter one -=YUUGIOU=- ~@~ Cassandra and Helenus-BakuraxRyou with hints of MarikxMalik, ShaadixIsis~Greece/Troy AU. Amane and Ryou are Cassandra and Hyacinthus, the prophetic twins, and the interaction between them and the gods is being retold...Jealousy, Amane having delusions, lemons, angst, alleged treachery, warfare, etc. Written by Kokura, with help from Arethea and Ilei, lemon advice/consultant is Koryu as always, editing done by RISQUE-LY, VALKYRIE, and DSHRT. Metamorphosis- ON HIATUS - BakuraxRyou, MarikxMalik, some BakuraxMarikxMalik and BakuraxRyouxMarikxMalik~AU, modern day. When Ryou moved away in high school, he and Bakura made a promise to meet up in five years. Now, it's five years later, Bakura's in a just-for-sex threesome with Marik and Malik, and Ryou's coming over for a vist. Five years can really change someone, as Bakura soon finds out...Lemon, lime, Promiscuous!Ryou, OOC-ness, pervy-ness, suggestive conversation, profanity, etc. Written by Kokura, Ilei, and Koralynn, lemon consultant and editor is Koryu, the restedited by Arethea. @ Phases of the Moon- ON HIATUS -BakuraxRyou, MarikxMalik, maybe some ShaadixIsis and SetoxJou~AU, no specific time period decided yet. Bakura and Ryou will be friends forever, but, due to unforeseen circumstances, Ryou has to leave. Six years later, Bakura meets him again to find out that something is very, very different about his best friend. Awkwardness, gendershifting, uncomfortable silences, compromising situations, swearing, OOC-ness, Bakura being a playboy, PMS-y Ryou, etc. Written by Kokura, lemon advice/consultant is Koryu, edited by some of AIIKSTUKO with same commentators as Shapeshifter. @ Shapeshifter- ON HIATUS -BakuraxRyou, MarikxMalik, maybe YxY~Ancient Egypt/Babylon/Sumeria/whatever-country-you-want AU. The warlord-mage Bakura is lost in the desert one day when he finds a very unique sort of animal half drowned in the lake of an oasis...Shapeshifting, magic, suggestive language, cursing, sappiness, OOC-ness, compromising situations, lemons, and limes. Written by Kokura with help from Ilandere and Orinda on some quotes, limes edited by Sasyra, lemons by Koryu, everything else edited by Rere. AIIKSTUKO, MORTE, DSHRT, and RISQUE-LY commented. First chapter soon to be up. @ Star-Cross'd- ON HIATUS -Bakura (as Akefia)xRyou, some MarikxMalik~Ancient Egypt AU. One night, the brightest star in the sky falls. The next day, while traveling through the desert, the King of Thieves happens upon a beautiful young boy clad in silver-white silk unconscious in the desert, nearly dead from thirst. After rescuing him, Akefia learns that Ryou is a fallen star... Fantasy, possible m-preg, descriptive man-sex, lime, lemon, profanity, odd situations, slight angst at end. Written by Kokura with help from Koryu and Ilei, idea first (idly) conceived by Arethea, story run through by AIIKSTUKO. @ Yl Shamonosara- CANCELED, tweaking to make it perfect. Innuedo, mentions of iffy things, suggestive situations, cursing, and lime. Lemons to be posted if enough requests. Also posted on Freedom of Speech Fanfiction, and Fictionpress if I have time. AU, elf/magic story, some fluff, BakuraxRyou centric with same couplings as Holy Ra! Yaoi and shounen-ai, shoujo-ai bordering on yuri and hetero. Bizarre, usage of different language. Translations to be put at the beginning and end of each chapter. Written by Kokura, AIIKSTUKO. Oneshots General -=KINGDOM HEARTS=- ~@~ X - X is for Oblivion. Weirdness, vagueness. Shounen-ai -=HARRY POTTER=- Streetlights - COMPLETE ~ light or implied LuciusxDraco, SnapexDraco, HarryxDraco, Tom Riddle/Lord VoldemortxDraco. Always the streetlights are the same. Warnings: light incest hints, May-December relationships, slash. This Odd Life Universe. Edited by Arethea, written by Koko. COMPLETE AND POSTED AS OF 9 September 07 @ The Writer - IN PROGRESS ~ ?xDraco. All day, he drifts in his wonderland of gothic horrors and fantasy, and at night, he floats in his hell of pastels and reality. Slash. This Odd Life Universe. -=KYOU KARA MAOU=- J'ai Mal au Coeur - COMPLETE, REMIXED ~ YuurixWolfram, vague YuurixHeilwig. Title translation: (literal) I Have Pain in my Heart, I Am Sick at Heart, (metaphorical) My Heart Hurts. Sequel to Une Belle Journée. Yuuri deals with his life, his guilt, and his ghost. ANGST! previous character death, etc. Edited by Rere, written by Kokura. COMPLETE AND POSTED AS OF 30 January 08. Extended version in Moments booklet, on sale as of (tentatively) 1 December 08. - - - - - - - - - - - - REmixes for J'ai Mal au Coeur - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @ l'Amour de Morte - IN PROGRESS, REMIX ~ YuurixWolfram, SurprisePerson!xWolfram, vague YuurixHeilwig. Sequel to Une Belle Journée. I'll fetch thee back by moonlight, though Death should bar the way. ANGST! previous character death, surreal/magical situations, etc. Edited by Rere, written by Kokura with help from Arethea. Tentative deadline: May 12. @ Cendrillon (Nous Avons Dansé à Minuit) - IN PROGRESS, REMIX ~ YuurixWolfram, vague YuurixHeilwig, Yuurix?. Title translation: Cendrillon We Danced at Midnight. At midnight, all the magic ended. ANGST! previous character death, surreal/magical situations, etc. Edited by Arethea, written by Kokura with some help from Koryu and Rere. Tentative deadline: June 23. @ l'Esprit de Mon Doleur - IN PROGRESS, REMIX ~ YuurixWolfram, vague YuurixHeilwig. Title translation: The Spirit of My Sorrow. Sequel to Une Belle Journée. Though he tries his very best, Yuuri just can't forget. ANGST! previous character death, surreal/magical situations, etc. Edited by Are, written by Kokura. Tentative deadline: July 12. @ La Fleur de Mon Coeur - IN PROGRESS, REMIX ~ YuurixWolfram, vague YuurixHeilwig. Title translation: The Flower of My Heart. Sequel to Une Belle Journée. You are the one, the only flower of the love in my heart. ANGST! previous character death, surreal/magical situations, etc. Edited by Are, written by Kokura with help from Are. Tentative deadline: NONE - POSTPONED INDEFINITELY. @ La Maladie de Mon Âme - IN PROGRESS, REMIX ~ YuurixWolfram, vague YuurixHeilwig. Title translation: The Sickness of My Soul. Sequel to Une Belle Journée. Yuuri can't look at the woman who is now his wife. Every time he does, all he sees is Wolfram. ANGST! previous character death, surreal/magical situations, etc. Edited by Arethea, written by Kokura with help from Rere. Tentative deadline: June 5. @ Persaphe (Je Suis Morte en Hiver; Vous m'Avez Aimé le Printemps Prochain) - IN PROGRESS, REMIX ~ YuurixWolfram, ?xWolfram, vague YuurixHeilwig. Title translation: Persaphe (I Died in Winter; You Loved Me the Next Spring). He loved first too little, then too much, but lastly and always too late. ANGST! previous character death, surreal/magical situations, etc. Edited by Rere, written by Kokura, original inspiration from Are. Tentative deadline: August 1. Note: Besides the above, four other REmixes will be completed, three by me, and one by AIIKSTUKO as a gift. Of these, none will ever be posted online in any form, save for extracts used for promotional purposes. They will instead be included (with six new KKM stories and extended versions of Love Letters, Une Belle Journée, J'ai Mal au Coeur, and - as a present from Koryu - Il Ne S'Aime Pas) in the Moments anthology, produced by AIIKSTUKO, to go on sale around December 2008. - - - - - - - - - - - End REmixes for J'ai Mal au Coeur - - - - - - - - - - Love Letters - YuurixWolfram ~ COMPLETE with SEQUEL, AU for normality. Series of insights into the life and love of Yuuri and Wolfram, together, on St. Valentine's day. Story by Koko, edited by Are, poems by Areth's BF Azzy. Note: All of the snippets have reasons to be in the shape they take in the story. COMPLETE AND POSTED AS OF 14/2/07. Une Belle Journée - YuurixWolfram ~ COMPLETE with SEQUEL, REMIXED. Title translation: A Beautiful Day. Yuuri brought back a little white doll from his world that, should it be hung on a tree outside, was supposed to bring good weather. Wolfram remembers this fact many years later, when his heart is broken and the only thing he has left to do is to make sure that every day in Yuuri's life is a beautiful day...AreRe edited, ANGST, ANGST, EVERYWHERE, unrequited love, character death. Written by Kokura, edited by Are. COMPLETE AND POSTED AS OF 30-1-07. -=NARUTO=- @ A Matter of Family - (chronological order as they appear) NaruSasu, NejiSasu, GaaSasu, OroSasu, KabuSasu, ShinoSasu, ShikaSasu, KibaSasu, KakaSasu, SuiSasu, JuuSasu, ChouSasu, light ItaSasu, AU. CRACK!fic. The story of Sasuke's (love)life, told through the viewpoints of his horde of exes. Written by Kokura, edited by Are. @ Changing Fortunes - v. v. light hint of Uchihacest, if you choose to see it that way, AU. With each New Year's that passes, he hopes that this will be the year he brings his brother home. Angst, haziness. Part of unnamed series. -=YUUGIOU=- Language of Blood-BakuraxRyou~complete, oneshot, AU, based on a story by Bruce Coville. Bakura is the prophet, the one who speaks the Language of Blood. His drinking of the liquid is necessary to the survival of the people as a whole, although it sacrifices one to his thirst each year. What will he do when the one person he would never willingly harm is the one chosen as a sacrifice? Thanks to Rere for e-mailing the original short story to me. Angst, not Bakura beating Ryou, sad, vampire story, kinda. Written by Kokura. POSTED AND COMPLETE AS OF 15/1/06. Love Sucks-BakuraxRyou~complete, oneshot, can be seen as AU. At three in the morning, Bakura and Ryou carry on a discussion about love, lust, and whipped cream. Kind of a morning after fic. COMPLETE AND POSTED AS OF 25/8/07. @ Sandals-BakuraxRyou shounen-ai, to be posted when I have time. Side story to Shapeshifter. During a peaceful moment, Ryou contemplates Bakura's sandals, and Bakura wonders if the desert heat has finally gotten to his pretty little kitten-boy. Can also be read as a one-shot. Can be seen as normal, though it is AU. Written by Kokura, AIIKSTUKO. Yaoi -=KYOU KARA MAOU=- @ I Want to be Your Everything-Maou!YuurixWolfram. And then the Maou had turned around and said, "Wolfram, angel, I don't care who you love...so long as you're happy. But I still want to be your everything." What could he do but acquiesce? Slightly angsty, LEMON, PWP, usual warnings. Edited by Are, written by Kokura. @ Rabe- MaouxWolfram, AU. Ravenchild, ravenchild, whither goest thou? Wolfram is in the Forest during his Initiation into Mystery when a raven finds him...UBERSMEXY!Maou, shapeshifting, citrus, magic, etc. Edited by YuXuan(AreRe) and Koryu, written by Kokura. -=NARUTO=- @ Plastic - ItachixSasuke, ItachixRandom People ~ Sidestory to unposted oneshot -=YUUGIOU=- ~@~ Liste de Vin-BakuraxRyou~AU, modern day. When Bakura graduates from medical school, he goes out to a bar to celebrate. Needless to say, the celebration includes copious amounts of alchohol. Let's just say it turns out to be an interesting evening for our friendly neighborhood bishounen. Part of series. WARNING: very close to a PWP (Porn without Plot) Written by Kokura, lemon advice/consultant is Koryu, editing done by most of AIIKSTUKO. ~@~ Search Me-BakuraxRyou~AU, modern day. Never, ever tease a cop. Especially when said cop has very few morals and even fewer scruples about strip-searching a cheeky almost-adult in a room and ravishing him. Cursing, drunkeness, atypical policeman behavior, lemon, stripping, groping, etc. Written by Kokura, lemon/lime/ravishing edited by Koryu, rest edited by Arethea. All things also written by AIIKSTUKO will be posted at our joint profile. All stories (mainly completed) by AIIKSTUKO members will be posted on our joint profile as well, so don't report for plagiarism. Some members from AIIKSTUKO, RISQUE-LY, VALKYRIE, and MORTE will also have individual Fanfiction, Mediaminer, or AFF accounts, but most will post solely on the AIIKSTUKO account for convenience. See AIIKSTUKO profile (on favorites list) for more information. |