Lessee, lessee...this one is odd. It's an AU, with the characters set up as different types of magical, fey, or faerie tale creatures. I kinda like it tho.
Pairings: Tsuzuki/Hisoka (eventually)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Yoko Matsushita. The setting is mine, tho.
The sun rose quickly over the Forest of Shadows, flooding the air with dawn light and shredding the mist that had settled between the trees hours before. The forest was one of the oldest in the world, with great trees that seemed to reach the very home of the gods. It was a place steeped in mystery, and in such a troubled world as this had become, it was a place avoided by most.
The people and creatures of the world had become wary and suspicious, mistrusting outsiders, and often others of their kind as well. The races had begun to interbreed on a scale that alarmed many of the full bloods. The crossbreeding was considered dirty and unnatural, and the innocents born of mixed parentage were persecuted. The mistrust and hatred poisoned the minds of all: angel, elf, dragon, human, and demon alike. The species began quarreling, not only with outsiders, but amongst themselves as well. War was a constant threat that darkened the realms. It seemed that only the Forest, with its unnerving darkness escaped the looming prospect of bloodshed.
Despite its reputation, there were those who dwelt within the Forest of Shadows for various reasons. Some preferred to remain in what they claimed was their ancestral home. Some lived in hiding for one reason or another. Others simply preferred the solitude living within the Forest provided.
Asato Tsuzuki was a mage who had originally entered the Forest seeking refuge from the ever-present prejudice, but had come to enjoy the peace of his home. He lived in a small cottage in a clearing deep enough within the woods to discourage all but the most desperate from seeking him out. Few souls were brave enough to venture into the Forest looking for him, but the ones who came were ones who bore him no ill will. They were people who greatly needed his help, for Tsuzuki was a highly skilled mage indeed.
Travelers were few and far between, however, so Tsuzuki had settled into a quiet routine of sleeping in and tending his gardens. His services were occasionally required by a small village of elves that lived not too far away who repaid him with quiet friendship and protection. Aside from that, there was very little to occupy his time.
So it was with a fair amount of surprise that he looked up from his breakfast of honeyed scones as a knock sounded on the door of his cabin. He sighed, not particularly wanting to be interrupted in the middle of breakfast, but he set his food aside to answer the door. Someone needed his help, and the scones could wait.
A joyful smile blossomed across his face, and his violet eyes widened in happiness to see a familiar figure standing outside. His visitor was an elf, tall and graceful with a commanding presence and sharp blue eyes.
"Tatsumi! How are you? Come in!" Tsuzuki moved aside, waving his friend in, pleased by the elf's unexpected visit.
A small smile was displayed on Tatsumi's normally expressionless face as he answered. "I am well. How are you fairing?"
"Fine as always! What brings you here? Would you like some tea?" Tsuzuki turned before Tatsumi could answer, bustling off to the kitchen to fix the offered tea.
"Tsuzuki, wait." Tatsumi's smile faded, and he extended a hand towards the shorter man. "I did not come for tea, I'm afraid. Someone has come searching for you."
"Oh?" Tsuzuki turned back to face the elf, eyes wide and curious. "Where is he? Or is it she?" He peered out a window, wondering if the person had remained outside.
"I left him in the village."
"The village? Why?" Long years of companionship had enabled Tsuzuki to be able to read Tatsumi's emotions better than the elf would have guessed. Right now, his tense expression said that he was uneasy, and Tsuzuki wondered why.
"He looks to be a human child of about sixteen or seventeen, but I'd wager all my savings that he is no more human than I am."
Tsuzuki blinked at his guest. If Tatsumi was willing to wager on something, that made it a sure thing. "So what is he?"
"We don't know. He arrived in the village, demanding to know where he could find you. Thus far he has not shown signs of aggression, but he refuses to talk to anyone except you."
Tsuzuki smiled brightly, trying to reassure the elf. "Take me to see him then."
Tatsumi's small smile returned, showing his relief, and he stepped outside as Tsuzuki slung his black cloak around his shoulders.
The elven village was located approximately fifteen minutes from Tsuzuki's cottage, in a much larger clearing. Tatsumi led the way to the center of the village where the meeting lodge was located. The whole building was only a little larger than Tsuzuki's cottage, but the village was small, and all the inhabitants could fit within it. Two elves stood guard just outside the entrance, and Tatsumi paused to speak to them.
"Any trouble?"
"No sir. The kid's barely said a word."
Tatsumi's cobalt eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "Not 'kid'," he admonished. "The moment we start thinking of it as a child is the moment we let our guard down. Remember, we don't know what it is or what it can do."
The elf nodded, but behind Tatsumi, Tsuzuki frowned in distaste for the elf's attitude towards the outsider. He hid his feelings as Tatsumi opened the door and turned to motion him inside.
Three more elves stood in the dim light of the lodge, obviously keeping watch over a fourth figure who stood, head bowed and arms crossed, in the center of the room.
Tsuzuki studied the stranger thoughtfully, staying just inside the door. He looked, just as Tatsumi had said, like a young teenager. However, the elf had failed to mention any other details about him.
He had obviously been traveling for a long time with little or no money for the journey. His clothes, once a costly set of silks, were dirty and torn. The pale skin of his hands and face was in little better condition, and he was too thin. He looked up suddenly. Dusty, honey colored hair fell over fierce leaf green eyes as he stared at Tsuzuki.
"Are you the mage?" His voice was soft, light, and low, with a strange whispery accent that neither elves nor mage recognized.
"I am," Tsuzuki replied, nodding.
"I have need of your services. I will pay you well if you can accomplish what I ask."
Tsuzuki smiled. "What's your name?"
"Well Hisoka, you must understand that I can't agree to anything until I know what you're asking of me."
Jade eyes flashed as Hisoka glanced at the four elves in the room before returning his gaze to Tsuzuki. "My request is between you and me. I have no use for elves."
Two of the guards bristled, one snorted, and Tatsumi glared. Hisoka glared back, bristling as well under the unwelcoming stares of the elves.
After a long moment, Tatsumi raised a hand in a gesture of dismissal, dispelling much of the unease in the atmosphere. The guards left the room, relieved to be getting away from the unnerving presence of the stranger.
"I will stay." Tatsumi spoke evenly, in a tone that, normally, no one would dare argue with.
"I have nothing to discuss with you, elf! Your magic cannot help me."
An almost imperceptible tightening of his features was the only clue to show that Tatsumi was surprised, and not necessarily pleased, with this observation.
"What makes you think I have magic?"
"Don't play games with me, elf. I know you have magic. I know half your village mistrusts me and the others think I am a child. I know that the mage does not mistrust me, and he is not pleased that you so openly do."
Tatsumi cast a surprised glance at Tsuzuki who nodded sheepishly. He sighed, and stepped away from the elf, approaching the outsider to get a better look at him.
Hisoka stood still and calm as Tsuzuki walked up to him. Up close, the mage could see that Hisoka's ears were very slightly pointed, and his eyes had slit pupils.
"Would you mind telling me what you are, exactly?"
"I will explain when he leaves." Tsuzuki watched carefully as Hisoka spoke, noting the delicate set of fangs he possessed.
With a reassuring smile to Hisoka, Tsuzuki turned back to face Tatsumi.
"We're going to go talk at my place."
"It's okay! I know what he is. He won't be any trouble."
"...As you say."
Tsuzuki nodded, pleased, and turned once more to face Hisoka. "Come on! Let's go to my house. It's not far, and we can talk there."
For a moment Hisoka eyed him warily, but then he shrugged. "Lead the way." With a cheery smile, Tsuzuki latched onto Hisoka's hand, and pulled him out of the lodge and out of the village.
"O-oi! Let go!" Hisoka dug his heels in, managing to make Tsuzuki stop short just outside the elves' clearing. The mage looked back at him in surprise.
"Wow. You're a lot stronger than you look, Kyuuketsuki-san."
"Kyuuketsuki?! You think I'm a vampire?"
Hisoka scowled. "And exactly how did you come to that conclusion?"
"Um..." Tsuzuki raised a hand, ticking points off on his fingers as he thought. "You have pale skin, slightly pointed ears, fangs....So...you aren't a vampire?"
"Of course not, baka!"
"Well what are you then?"
"We'll talk when we get to your house."
"Why so secretive? The elves aren't sneaking around listening, you know."
"I have my reasons," the youth snapped. "Besides, the elves don't trust me, so I don't trust them."
"All right, but I really think it'd be easier for you if you weren't so suspicious of everyone."
Hisoka remained silent and Tsuzuki sighed, disappointed. The walk back to his cottage was uncomfortably quiet. The only noises came from the shuffling of their passing and the forest's resident animals.
Relief flooded the mage when his home at last came into view. "We're here," he announced, smiling widely as Hisoka studied the cozy little cottage and its abundant flower beds.
"...I noticed." Hisoka followed Tsuzuki inside, his sharp gaze traveling about, observing his surroundings with a level of suspicion that the mage doubted was natural. He dropped gracefully into one of the sitting room chairs when Tsuzuki suggested they sit down.
"Now, what are you, and why were you looking for me?"
"Right to the point," Hisoka said with approval. He sat perfectly still and straight, and his eyes were serious as he spoke. "I am a dragon. I-"
"A dragon? Really? I heard dragons almost never take on human form! Why-"
"I was trying to explain." Tsuzuki quieted quickly under the icy green glare. "I'm stuck...in this form, I mean. I can't transform back." Despite his unwavering gaze, Tsuzuki realized that Hisoka was embarrassed and angry over his predicament.
"Do you know why you can't change back?"
"...Aa." Without another word, he stood and stripped off his embroidered silk shirt. He looked down, scowling, and clenched his fists, dredging up horrible memories. As his anger built, lines began to form across his skin. Arcane symbols glowed with a sickening red light, tracing a curse written into his flesh. He looked up when Tsuzuki gasped in alarm, and stared evenly at the mage.
"Who...who did that to you?"
"A wizard," the dragon boy growled, shoving an arm back into a sleeve. "A particularly nasty wizard named Muraki. He tricked me, and trapped me in human form. I can't fly-I can't even use my magic anymore!" Hisoka's hands shook as he fastened the buttons down the front of his shirt, and the barely contained rage in his voice startled Tsuzuki.
"It-it's okay! We'll find a way to fix this!" He stood, reaching out to touch Hisoka's shoulder in reassurance, but the young dragon moved amazingly quickly, leaping away from Tsuzuki's hand.
"Don't touch me," he snapped, glaring at the mage warily.
"I was just-I didn't mean to startle you. Sorry."
Hisoka watched him with a cold aloofness that seemed odd in one who looked so young. Tsuzuki put on his best hurt puppy look, hoping that he hadn't broken some odd draconian custom and insulted the youth.
Surprise touched the dragon's delicate features briefly, then his face slid into an unreadable mask and some of the tension left his shoulders. He looked to the side and spoke softly, but without remorse for his actions or the worry he had caused the mage.
"Aren't you curious about how I knew that you weren't afraid of me? Or how you felt about that elf's attitude?"
Tsuzuki nodded hesitantly, unsure where the questions were leading.
"I have the ability to read the emotions of others. I feel them all the time, whether I want to or not. Physical contact strengthens it, and, if I choose, allows me to actually read someone's thoughts."
The mage stared at Hisoka in wide-eyed amazement. "Is that how you knew Tatsumi had magic?"
"No. That's an ability all dragons have." He turned his head to look at Tsuzuki again, and his jade eyes began to shine eerily. "We can see auras."
For a moment Tsuzuki was silent. It was dark in the room since he had neglected to open the curtains, and seeing Hisoka standing in the shadows, eyes glowing and fangs glinting as he spoke was more than a little disturbing.
"Ah...do you realize that your eyes glow when you do that?"
He lifted slim shoulders in an unconcerned shrug and the unearthly glow in his eyes faded. "I imagine it's because they're reflecting the light from your aura. Does it matter?"
Tsuzuki laughed. "No. Sorry."
"So can you break the curse?" His voice was quiet, free of emotion.
"Come here, please." Hisoka obeyed, watching Tsuzuki with the same cynicism that he seemed to regard all else with. He stood still as Tsuzuki stared hard at his face. "When was the last time you slept?"
"What does that have to do with the curse?"
"Answer the question please."
"Before I encountered Muraki."
"How long ago was that?"
"I don't know. A few months."
"Months?! You haven't slept in months?"
"Dragons don't adhere to the tedious sleep schedules of humans and the like," Hisoka snapped, irritated. "We can stay awake as long as we need."
For the second time that day, a frown appeared on Tsuzuki's face. "But it's obvious you're exhausted. You need rest."
"I can't sleep. Not until I've regained my form. This body is too weak; I'd be defenseless." Tsuzuki's blank look drew an annoyed sigh from the dragon. "After staying awake for so long, once I fall asleep I won't wake up for weeks. That's how it works. Nothing would be able to wake me until my body was rested enough."
"If that's all you're worried about, then there won't be a problem. There's an empty room upstairs that you can sleep in. I'll be here to keep an eye on you, and if I have to go out, the elves will watch the house."
Hisoka scowled and clenched his fists. Watching him carefully, Tsuzuki noticed that he was trembling and, though it was hard to tell for sure, he looked even paler. The mage's concerned frown deepened.
"Are you all right? You look-"
"I'm fine!" He took a breath, calming himself. Proper dragons did not show weakness. "I'm fine. I don't need sleep, I need this curse broken."
"Listen," Tsuzuki kept his voice soft and calm. "You need rest. I don't know what all you've been through, but now that I've noticed, I can tell that you're about to drop. I need to do some reading about curses before I try anything against yours anyway, so you may as well sleep while I'm doing my research." Hisoka remained stubbornly silent, so Tsuzuki tried again. "Can you tell when people are lying?"
"Here, then." The mage spread his arms, inviting Hisoka to use his ability to test his intent. "I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you while you sleep. You will be perfectly safe here."
"...Spreading your arms like that doesn't affect how I read you."
Tsuzuki smiled and shrugged. "Then it didn't hurt anything. So, have you decided to get your rest?"
"Good. Follow me. You should get cleaned up before you go to bed." The mage led the way up a narrow flight of stairs to the second story. He opened the second of three doors lining the hall, revealing a room with a wash basin, stool, mirror, and a large tub.
"Wait here a moment," he instructed. "I need to go find a change of clothes for you." Tsuzuki disappeared into the third room, returning moments later with a bundle of clothes. "They'll be a little big on you, of course, but they'll be better than what you've got on."
Hisoka nodded, stepping aside to let Tsuzuki into the bathroom. He watched silently as the mage set the clothes on the stool, then knelt beside the tub. He reached in, barely touching the bottom with his palm. Slowly, he raised his hand, and as the dragon watched, water came from nowhere, following just below his fingers to fill the tub. When Tsuzuki judged the level to be high enough, he closed his hand into a fist, ending the spell. He smiled and tapped the surface of the water, and steam began to rise from the now hot bath. He stood and turned, dusting his hands for no reason as he smiled at Hisoka.
"Enjoy," he said cheerily and left the room, closing the door firmly behind himself.
"Show off," Hisoka muttered, more irritated at the fact that he couldn't use his own magic than at Tsuzuki's display.
He stripped and sank into the bath quickly, splashing carefully at the dirt and dust that covered him until he was clean. For a few minutes he sat still, letting tired muscles relax in the soothing warmth.
He looked down at the back of his right hand, tracing along a healing scratch that stretched across from his wrist to his index finger. It shouldn't have been there at all. He had gotten that particular cut days ago, and his natural healing abilities should have mended it within hours. Obviously it hadn't healed, which meant the curse was interfering with that as well.
Hisoka slammed his fist into the water, sending up a shower of droplets that sprayed the entire room. He stood, growling draconian curses and scowling ferociously at nothing.
He forced himself to calm down as he dressed in the simple tunic and pants. It was bad enough that the elves didn't trust him. If he went storming around Tsuzuki's house in such a foul temper, the mage might just decide that they were right, that he did pose a threat.
He opened the door, looking around the empty hall for signs of his host. The first door now stood open, and he approached slowly, wondering if this was the room he was meant to stay in.
Tsuzuki was inside, spreading fresh sheets over the neat, four post bed. He turned to smile at Hisoka.
"Much better. Here, I've just finished getting things set up. Once you're rested, we can try getting rid of that curse." He stepped aside, letting Hisoka move to sit down on the bed.
"Thank you," the dragon said quietly, slipping between the sheets.
"It's no problem. I'm always glad to help." He left the room quietly, closing the door with a smile as Hisoka drifted off. He bounced down the stairs and into the kitchen to reheat his scones and finish breakfast.
The sun rose quickly over the Forest of Shadows, flooding the air with dawn light and shredding the mist that had settled between the trees hours before. The forest was one of the oldest in the world, with great trees that seemed to reach the very home of the gods. It was a place steeped in mystery, and in such a troubled world as this had become, it was a place avoided by most.
The people and creatures of the world had become wary and suspicious, mistrusting outsiders, and often others of their kind as well. The races had begun to interbreed on a scale that alarmed many of the full bloods. The crossbreeding was considered dirty and unnatural, and the innocents born of mixed parentage were persecuted. The mistrust and hatred poisoned the minds of all: angel, elf, dragon, human, and demon alike. The species began quarreling, not only with outsiders, but amongst themselves as well. War was a constant threat that darkened the realms. It seemed that only the Forest, with its unnerving darkness escaped the looming prospect of bloodshed.
Despite its reputation, there were those who dwelt within the Forest of Shadows for various reasons. Some preferred to remain in what they claimed was their ancestral home. Some lived in hiding for one reason or another. Others simply preferred the solitude living within the Forest provided.
Asato Tsuzuki was a mage who had originally entered the Forest seeking refuge from the ever-present prejudice, but had come to enjoy the peace of his home. He lived in a small cottage in a clearing deep enough within the woods to discourage all but the most desperate from seeking him out. Few souls were brave enough to venture into the Forest looking for him, but the ones who came were ones who bore him no ill will. They were people who greatly needed his help, for Tsuzuki was a highly skilled mage indeed.
Travelers were few and far between, however, so Tsuzuki had settled into a quiet routine of sleeping in and tending his gardens. His services were occasionally required by a small village of elves that lived not too far away who repaid him with quiet friendship and protection. Aside from that, there was very little to occupy his time.
So it was with a fair amount of surprise that he looked up from his breakfast of honeyed scones as a knock sounded on the door of his cabin. He sighed, not particularly wanting to be interrupted in the middle of breakfast, but he set his food aside to answer the door. Someone needed his help, and the scones could wait.
A joyful smile blossomed across his face, and his violet eyes widened in happiness to see a familiar figure standing outside. His visitor was an elf, tall and graceful with a commanding presence and sharp blue eyes.
"Tatsumi! How are you? Come in!" Tsuzuki moved aside, waving his friend in, pleased by the elf's unexpected visit.
A small smile was displayed on Tatsumi's normally expressionless face as he answered. "I am well. How are you fairing?"
"Fine as always! What brings you here? Would you like some tea?" Tsuzuki turned before Tatsumi could answer, bustling off to the kitchen to fix the offered tea.
"Tsuzuki, wait." Tatsumi's smile faded, and he extended a hand towards the shorter man. "I did not come for tea, I'm afraid. Someone has come searching for you."
"Oh?" Tsuzuki turned back to face the elf, eyes wide and curious. "Where is he? Or is it she?" He peered out a window, wondering if the person had remained outside.
"I left him in the village."
"The village? Why?" Long years of companionship had enabled Tsuzuki to be able to read Tatsumi's emotions better than the elf would have guessed. Right now, his tense expression said that he was uneasy, and Tsuzuki wondered why.
"He looks to be a human child of about sixteen or seventeen, but I'd wager all my savings that he is no more human than I am."
Tsuzuki blinked at his guest. If Tatsumi was willing to wager on something, that made it a sure thing. "So what is he?"
"We don't know. He arrived in the village, demanding to know where he could find you. Thus far he has not shown signs of aggression, but he refuses to talk to anyone except you."
Tsuzuki smiled brightly, trying to reassure the elf. "Take me to see him then."
Tatsumi's small smile returned, showing his relief, and he stepped outside as Tsuzuki slung his black cloak around his shoulders.
The elven village was located approximately fifteen minutes from Tsuzuki's cottage, in a much larger clearing. Tatsumi led the way to the center of the village where the meeting lodge was located. The whole building was only a little larger than Tsuzuki's cottage, but the village was small, and all the inhabitants could fit within it. Two elves stood guard just outside the entrance, and Tatsumi paused to speak to them.
"Any trouble?"
"No sir. The kid's barely said a word."
Tatsumi's cobalt eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "Not 'kid'," he admonished. "The moment we start thinking of it as a child is the moment we let our guard down. Remember, we don't know what it is or what it can do."
The elf nodded, but behind Tatsumi, Tsuzuki frowned in distaste for the elf's attitude towards the outsider. He hid his feelings as Tatsumi opened the door and turned to motion him inside.
Three more elves stood in the dim light of the lodge, obviously keeping watch over a fourth figure who stood, head bowed and arms crossed, in the center of the room.
Tsuzuki studied the stranger thoughtfully, staying just inside the door. He looked, just as Tatsumi had said, like a young teenager. However, the elf had failed to mention any other details about him.
He had obviously been traveling for a long time with little or no money for the journey. His clothes, once a costly set of silks, were dirty and torn. The pale skin of his hands and face was in little better condition, and he was too thin. He looked up suddenly. Dusty, honey colored hair fell over fierce leaf green eyes as he stared at Tsuzuki.
"Are you the mage?" His voice was soft, light, and low, with a strange whispery accent that neither elves nor mage recognized.
"I am," Tsuzuki replied, nodding.
"I have need of your services. I will pay you well if you can accomplish what I ask."
Tsuzuki smiled. "What's your name?"
"Well Hisoka, you must understand that I can't agree to anything until I know what you're asking of me."
Jade eyes flashed as Hisoka glanced at the four elves in the room before returning his gaze to Tsuzuki. "My request is between you and me. I have no use for elves."
Two of the guards bristled, one snorted, and Tatsumi glared. Hisoka glared back, bristling as well under the unwelcoming stares of the elves.
After a long moment, Tatsumi raised a hand in a gesture of dismissal, dispelling much of the unease in the atmosphere. The guards left the room, relieved to be getting away from the unnerving presence of the stranger.
"I will stay." Tatsumi spoke evenly, in a tone that, normally, no one would dare argue with.
"I have nothing to discuss with you, elf! Your magic cannot help me."
An almost imperceptible tightening of his features was the only clue to show that Tatsumi was surprised, and not necessarily pleased, with this observation.
"What makes you think I have magic?"
"Don't play games with me, elf. I know you have magic. I know half your village mistrusts me and the others think I am a child. I know that the mage does not mistrust me, and he is not pleased that you so openly do."
Tatsumi cast a surprised glance at Tsuzuki who nodded sheepishly. He sighed, and stepped away from the elf, approaching the outsider to get a better look at him.
Hisoka stood still and calm as Tsuzuki walked up to him. Up close, the mage could see that Hisoka's ears were very slightly pointed, and his eyes had slit pupils.
"Would you mind telling me what you are, exactly?"
"I will explain when he leaves." Tsuzuki watched carefully as Hisoka spoke, noting the delicate set of fangs he possessed.
With a reassuring smile to Hisoka, Tsuzuki turned back to face Tatsumi.
"We're going to go talk at my place."
"It's okay! I know what he is. He won't be any trouble."
"...As you say."
Tsuzuki nodded, pleased, and turned once more to face Hisoka. "Come on! Let's go to my house. It's not far, and we can talk there."
For a moment Hisoka eyed him warily, but then he shrugged. "Lead the way." With a cheery smile, Tsuzuki latched onto Hisoka's hand, and pulled him out of the lodge and out of the village.
"O-oi! Let go!" Hisoka dug his heels in, managing to make Tsuzuki stop short just outside the elves' clearing. The mage looked back at him in surprise.
"Wow. You're a lot stronger than you look, Kyuuketsuki-san."
"Kyuuketsuki?! You think I'm a vampire?"
Hisoka scowled. "And exactly how did you come to that conclusion?"
"Um..." Tsuzuki raised a hand, ticking points off on his fingers as he thought. "You have pale skin, slightly pointed ears, fangs....So...you aren't a vampire?"
"Of course not, baka!"
"Well what are you then?"
"We'll talk when we get to your house."
"Why so secretive? The elves aren't sneaking around listening, you know."
"I have my reasons," the youth snapped. "Besides, the elves don't trust me, so I don't trust them."
"All right, but I really think it'd be easier for you if you weren't so suspicious of everyone."
Hisoka remained silent and Tsuzuki sighed, disappointed. The walk back to his cottage was uncomfortably quiet. The only noises came from the shuffling of their passing and the forest's resident animals.
Relief flooded the mage when his home at last came into view. "We're here," he announced, smiling widely as Hisoka studied the cozy little cottage and its abundant flower beds.
"...I noticed." Hisoka followed Tsuzuki inside, his sharp gaze traveling about, observing his surroundings with a level of suspicion that the mage doubted was natural. He dropped gracefully into one of the sitting room chairs when Tsuzuki suggested they sit down.
"Now, what are you, and why were you looking for me?"
"Right to the point," Hisoka said with approval. He sat perfectly still and straight, and his eyes were serious as he spoke. "I am a dragon. I-"
"A dragon? Really? I heard dragons almost never take on human form! Why-"
"I was trying to explain." Tsuzuki quieted quickly under the icy green glare. "I'm stuck...in this form, I mean. I can't transform back." Despite his unwavering gaze, Tsuzuki realized that Hisoka was embarrassed and angry over his predicament.
"Do you know why you can't change back?"
"...Aa." Without another word, he stood and stripped off his embroidered silk shirt. He looked down, scowling, and clenched his fists, dredging up horrible memories. As his anger built, lines began to form across his skin. Arcane symbols glowed with a sickening red light, tracing a curse written into his flesh. He looked up when Tsuzuki gasped in alarm, and stared evenly at the mage.
"Who...who did that to you?"
"A wizard," the dragon boy growled, shoving an arm back into a sleeve. "A particularly nasty wizard named Muraki. He tricked me, and trapped me in human form. I can't fly-I can't even use my magic anymore!" Hisoka's hands shook as he fastened the buttons down the front of his shirt, and the barely contained rage in his voice startled Tsuzuki.
"It-it's okay! We'll find a way to fix this!" He stood, reaching out to touch Hisoka's shoulder in reassurance, but the young dragon moved amazingly quickly, leaping away from Tsuzuki's hand.
"Don't touch me," he snapped, glaring at the mage warily.
"I was just-I didn't mean to startle you. Sorry."
Hisoka watched him with a cold aloofness that seemed odd in one who looked so young. Tsuzuki put on his best hurt puppy look, hoping that he hadn't broken some odd draconian custom and insulted the youth.
Surprise touched the dragon's delicate features briefly, then his face slid into an unreadable mask and some of the tension left his shoulders. He looked to the side and spoke softly, but without remorse for his actions or the worry he had caused the mage.
"Aren't you curious about how I knew that you weren't afraid of me? Or how you felt about that elf's attitude?"
Tsuzuki nodded hesitantly, unsure where the questions were leading.
"I have the ability to read the emotions of others. I feel them all the time, whether I want to or not. Physical contact strengthens it, and, if I choose, allows me to actually read someone's thoughts."
The mage stared at Hisoka in wide-eyed amazement. "Is that how you knew Tatsumi had magic?"
"No. That's an ability all dragons have." He turned his head to look at Tsuzuki again, and his jade eyes began to shine eerily. "We can see auras."
For a moment Tsuzuki was silent. It was dark in the room since he had neglected to open the curtains, and seeing Hisoka standing in the shadows, eyes glowing and fangs glinting as he spoke was more than a little disturbing.
"Ah...do you realize that your eyes glow when you do that?"
He lifted slim shoulders in an unconcerned shrug and the unearthly glow in his eyes faded. "I imagine it's because they're reflecting the light from your aura. Does it matter?"
Tsuzuki laughed. "No. Sorry."
"So can you break the curse?" His voice was quiet, free of emotion.
"Come here, please." Hisoka obeyed, watching Tsuzuki with the same cynicism that he seemed to regard all else with. He stood still as Tsuzuki stared hard at his face. "When was the last time you slept?"
"What does that have to do with the curse?"
"Answer the question please."
"Before I encountered Muraki."
"How long ago was that?"
"I don't know. A few months."
"Months?! You haven't slept in months?"
"Dragons don't adhere to the tedious sleep schedules of humans and the like," Hisoka snapped, irritated. "We can stay awake as long as we need."
For the second time that day, a frown appeared on Tsuzuki's face. "But it's obvious you're exhausted. You need rest."
"I can't sleep. Not until I've regained my form. This body is too weak; I'd be defenseless." Tsuzuki's blank look drew an annoyed sigh from the dragon. "After staying awake for so long, once I fall asleep I won't wake up for weeks. That's how it works. Nothing would be able to wake me until my body was rested enough."
"If that's all you're worried about, then there won't be a problem. There's an empty room upstairs that you can sleep in. I'll be here to keep an eye on you, and if I have to go out, the elves will watch the house."
Hisoka scowled and clenched his fists. Watching him carefully, Tsuzuki noticed that he was trembling and, though it was hard to tell for sure, he looked even paler. The mage's concerned frown deepened.
"Are you all right? You look-"
"I'm fine!" He took a breath, calming himself. Proper dragons did not show weakness. "I'm fine. I don't need sleep, I need this curse broken."
"Listen," Tsuzuki kept his voice soft and calm. "You need rest. I don't know what all you've been through, but now that I've noticed, I can tell that you're about to drop. I need to do some reading about curses before I try anything against yours anyway, so you may as well sleep while I'm doing my research." Hisoka remained stubbornly silent, so Tsuzuki tried again. "Can you tell when people are lying?"
"Here, then." The mage spread his arms, inviting Hisoka to use his ability to test his intent. "I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you while you sleep. You will be perfectly safe here."
"...Spreading your arms like that doesn't affect how I read you."
Tsuzuki smiled and shrugged. "Then it didn't hurt anything. So, have you decided to get your rest?"
"Good. Follow me. You should get cleaned up before you go to bed." The mage led the way up a narrow flight of stairs to the second story. He opened the second of three doors lining the hall, revealing a room with a wash basin, stool, mirror, and a large tub.
"Wait here a moment," he instructed. "I need to go find a change of clothes for you." Tsuzuki disappeared into the third room, returning moments later with a bundle of clothes. "They'll be a little big on you, of course, but they'll be better than what you've got on."
Hisoka nodded, stepping aside to let Tsuzuki into the bathroom. He watched silently as the mage set the clothes on the stool, then knelt beside the tub. He reached in, barely touching the bottom with his palm. Slowly, he raised his hand, and as the dragon watched, water came from nowhere, following just below his fingers to fill the tub. When Tsuzuki judged the level to be high enough, he closed his hand into a fist, ending the spell. He smiled and tapped the surface of the water, and steam began to rise from the now hot bath. He stood and turned, dusting his hands for no reason as he smiled at Hisoka.
"Enjoy," he said cheerily and left the room, closing the door firmly behind himself.
"Show off," Hisoka muttered, more irritated at the fact that he couldn't use his own magic than at Tsuzuki's display.
He stripped and sank into the bath quickly, splashing carefully at the dirt and dust that covered him until he was clean. For a few minutes he sat still, letting tired muscles relax in the soothing warmth.
He looked down at the back of his right hand, tracing along a healing scratch that stretched across from his wrist to his index finger. It shouldn't have been there at all. He had gotten that particular cut days ago, and his natural healing abilities should have mended it within hours. Obviously it hadn't healed, which meant the curse was interfering with that as well.
Hisoka slammed his fist into the water, sending up a shower of droplets that sprayed the entire room. He stood, growling draconian curses and scowling ferociously at nothing.
He forced himself to calm down as he dressed in the simple tunic and pants. It was bad enough that the elves didn't trust him. If he went storming around Tsuzuki's house in such a foul temper, the mage might just decide that they were right, that he did pose a threat.
He opened the door, looking around the empty hall for signs of his host. The first door now stood open, and he approached slowly, wondering if this was the room he was meant to stay in.
Tsuzuki was inside, spreading fresh sheets over the neat, four post bed. He turned to smile at Hisoka.
"Much better. Here, I've just finished getting things set up. Once you're rested, we can try getting rid of that curse." He stepped aside, letting Hisoka move to sit down on the bed.
"Thank you," the dragon said quietly, slipping between the sheets.
"It's no problem. I'm always glad to help." He left the room quietly, closing the door with a smile as Hisoka drifted off. He bounced down the stairs and into the kitchen to reheat his scones and finish breakfast.