![]() Author has written 92 stories for Fallout, Ninjago, Assassin's Creed, Mythology, Teen Titans, Undertale, Supernatural, Bones, Doki Doki Literature Club, OFF, Heavy Rain, Blue Exorcist/青の祓魔師, Fairy Tail, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Elder Scroll series, Yandere Simulator, Life is Strange, and Fran Bow. *THIS ACCOUNT IS NO LONGER ACTIVE. I HAVE MOVED TO AO3 and Wattpad. I will be leaving these stories up, but all of my most recent work will be on those websites.*
*I AM NOT TAKING REQUESTS ANYMORE. I TRIED IT A FEW YEARS BACK AND IT IS NOT FOR ME. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR ANY. I WILL JUST IGNORE YOU! *I'm also on AO3, Wattpad, and Quotev under the same username :) Name: Psycho or Circus. Sign: Sagittarius. Or Ophiuchus. Favorite Color: orange and black Likes: writing, studying, swimming, bees, sloths, video games, sweet stuff, music, tiny objects, turtles... Dislikes: eggs, pickles, country music, and a lot more... Favorite Subject: science Dream Job: forensic pathologist under the FBI or secret service :) the world can fight me Religion: I'm atheist, but if you believe in something else, that's cool. I actually think world religion is interesting and I'm hoping to study it more in college. Hobbies: writing, gaming, questioning life, listening to people, planning world domination, learning, etc...I used to read a lot but now I don't because I write more often...I read lots of fanfics though Favorite Food: junk food in general (I have a huge sweet tooth that gets me in trouble far more often than I’d like to admit :) ). I love burgers :D:D:D I have a problem Other: I'm left-handed I'm an empath...I cry when bees are killed or hurt... I advocate for change irl. I've worked on an anti-JUULing campaign, I've formed a Pre-Med & Law club with my awesome friend, and I'm also going to start seeing if I can start increasing awareness and action for mental health. I adore writing I am aWkward bEAn I constantly forget stuff I'm scatterbrained as hell I'm extremely disorganized I embarrass myself on a daily basis I'm clumsy I actually enjoy school for the most part. I like learning and getting involved, but having to deal with three mental disorders SUCK. I don't like the people, though. Also, homework is just dumb. I love sweets...I eat what I WANT! My friends say I'm a cinnamon roll I wear my hair in a pixie cut 'cause they're awesome and you can't convince me otherwise I'm a sucker for brotherly bonds *cough* Winchesters *cough* Okumuras *cough* nINJAGO *cough* TMNT bones are awesome skeletons are awesome Yeah I can look at the guts of an animal without being grossed out but kill a bee and I cry really hard :( I'm good at writing happy stories apparently FAVORITE VIDEO GAMES and my fave characters 'cause why not FALLOUT 4 - I love Danse, Valentine, MacCready, and Hancock - FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS - first of all, this game, IMO, is better than 4. I love Boone. There's no one else I'd rather go on Legion killing sprees with. - UNDERTALE - Ok I'm just a - DELTARUNE - Personally, I thought UT was better but this was cool in its own weird way. Rouxls Kaard is the BEST. - Life is Strange - Yeah, Max is cool. But Warren is precious and my favorite. - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Paarthurnax and the Greybeards. Such an awesome game. I haven't finished it yet, though. There's just so much to do, lol. - Heavy Rain - Norman. He's too cute. His accent is adorable. - Fran Bow - I gotta go with Fran for this one. This is such a weird game but I love it. - Ace Attorney - GUMSHOE FOR LIFE. I also like Phoenix and Edgeworth. They're both precious beans :D - OFF - The Batter. I love him. Yeah, you might think he's evil but personally, I disagree. If you wanna know why, PM me and I'll tell you :) - Dishonored 2 - OK, Emily is awesome. I also like The Outsider. - Hello Charlotte - BENNETT IS THE BABY BOY. MY SON. MY CHILD. I adore Huxley and Felix too :D this game got me messed tf up tho - The Evil Within - SEBASTIAN IS LOVELY. I ALSO ADORE JOSEPH AND STEFANO AND ESMERALDA AND LESLIE AND RUVIK!! THIS SERIES IS ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVES HANDS DOWN. Favorite Shows: - Ninjago. The first fandom I wrote for and the one that will forever hold a SpEcIaL pLaCe In My HeArT (COLE IS BEST NINJA) - Bones. My inspiration for becoming a Squint. I either want to be like Temperance (such a pretty name) and/or Cam. - TMNT. Very inspiring and ahahahahha Raphael, my tsun tsun... - Supernatural. CaRrY oN mY wAyWaRd SoN~ - Teen Titans. The ORIGINAL. YES. Just yes. I bought all 5 seasons on DVD just for me~ Favorite Anime/Manga: - Fairy Tail. Fave dragon slayers are Laxus, Rogue, and Gajeel. Fave character is Acnologia. He puts the hot in psychotic ;) - Until Death Do Us Part. FOXTROT FOR LIFE. - Blue Exorcist. Rin & Yukio = sunshine. - One Punch Man. I love the Mumen Rider soOOOO mUcH - Free! As a competitive swimmer, I appreciate this show very much... - (I have more on my list to watch lol) I suffer from three mental illnesses/disorders. Misophonia, anxiety, and maladaptive daydreaming (NO, THAT IS NOT JUST EXTENDED DAYDREAMING. RESEARCH IT BEFORE YOU SAY YOU HAVE IT). It's hard to live with them, especially misophonia, but I still aim to function and do what I want to do. Don't let stuff like this hold you back. I also apparently have Asperger's. It makes a lot of sense. I've got a 504 Plan in place for my misophonia. It got to the point where my grades were significantly dropping and I was just not happy at all, so I had enough. If you're curious to see how I got it going, let me know. I'll help you as much as I can. If you have any of these (especially misophonia...I could really talk to someone about that) then feel free to PM me. I check my email constantly. Check out my little fanfiction sister - HyperCircuit Main Story Statuses: Current Stories:
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Hiatus: 1. 30 Day Oneshot Challenge (Ninjago)