Hey guys! I'm back for the next chapter! :D

I'm so happy to be back in working on this story. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :D

And once again, credit to MorroAndJaylynn for the new cover art! Its Nya tap dancing! ITS ADORABLE SO GIVE HER A FAV/FOLLOW XD

(oh, and I'm finishing this at 2 am cuz I can't sleep. XD)

Chapter 26 - The Thrill of the Hunt

Luke and Skalidor walked down the street, not having a care in the world about what just went down.

Skalidor said, "I was getting sick and tired of pretending to love those guys as partners."

"I can tell, the aggressiveness in your voice almost brings out Muzzle," said Luke, chuckling.

"Its gonna take me a while to get used to that," muttered Skalidor.

"Don't worry, you will," Luke assured. "So... wanna know who we're picking up next?"

"Enlighten me," said Skalidor.

"Jrotunn, now known as Daddy No Legs," smirked Luke. "And I know who he is..."

"What kinda name is Daddy No Legs?" asked Skalidor, cringing.

"I need to make sure nothing can be traced back to us, so I came up with new names for everyone," Luke said. "Oh, and Trizuus is back too. His new name is Heavy Metal."

"And what exactly are their new... human forms?" asked Skalidor.

"You'll see," Luke smirked.

Suddenly, Skales Jr ran past them.

"Hey, kid!" Skalidor called out. "What're you doing out here, alone?"

"Checking on my daddy!" Skales Jr said. "He got knocked out at the bank!"

"He'll be fine, I was heading back to get help," Skalidor said. "Come with me and... John, please."


Skales Jr smirked.

"Oh, Dreadlokk, you were always full of it," he smiled.

"What the hell..." Skalidor muttered.

"Just relax, I'm only Trizuus," Skales Jr said. "Good to be back, Commander Zozuk."

"Good to see you too, my second-in-command," smiled Luke, patting Skales Jr on the back. "Your code name shall be Heavy Metal."

"Awesome, sounds dope," Skales Jr exclaimed. "Ugh... I got really unlucky when I got transferred into this kid's body."

"You'll work it out," said Skalidor. "Took me years to get used to this one."

"Damn," muttered Skales Jr. "So, uh... who are we picking up next?"

"Jrotunn, now known as Daddy No Legs," Luke said. "Follow me."

The Oni trio in disguise then proceeded to walk into City Hall, where they were stopped by Gravis.

"Excuse me, can I get the purpose of your visit?" asked the secretary.

Luke smiled...

"We're here to visit Jrotunn," he said. "It is of utmost emergency that I speak to him at once."

Gravis smirked.

"Commander Zozuk, I knew it could only be you," he said, standing up and shaking Luke's hand.

"Just a thing that runs in our Oni bloodline," smirked Luke.

"So, where to next?" asked Gravis.

Luke smirked.

"I have some... thoughts."

Meanwhile, back at the Mayor's mansion, the five girls on the Ninja team were currently in the dance room. Nya sat on the floor, Skylor stood next to her, Harumi was showing off the tap move she had just learned, Pixal was near the corner with her violin, and Chamille was propped up on two chairs with a bottle of water and a bowl of popcorn.

"Okay," Harumi said, stepping forward. "I think this one's called a time step..."

She demonstrated the move, extending her arms to the side.

"Shuffle, hop, step, fa-lap, ball change..." she thought aloud.

"Well done Harumi!" Skylor called out. Harumi muttered a quick thank you before returning to her pose and continuing to tap out the time step. She did it three more times before striking a pose, and giggling happily.

"Fantastic, Rumi!" yelled Skylor, clapping for her.

"Thanks Skye!" smiled Harumi. "Nya, why don't you go next?"

"Sure!" said Nya, stepping forward. "This is called a scissor step."

She then thought aloud, "shuffle, toe stand-toe stand, step, shuffle, toe sta-WHOA!"

Nya tripped on her toe, falling over onto her back.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Skylor asked. Nya, however, was laughing.

"I-I'm in effing heels," she laughed. "I shouldn't have done that until I get more practicing done, haha."

"Do you feel okay?" asked Chamille, now sitting upright.

"Yeah, my butt hurts a little though," she muttered. "I'll sit down for a minute."

"Here's a chair for you," said Pixal, putting one down for her.

"Such an angel," Nya muttered, sitting down in it. Pixal smiled and rubbed her hair.

"So... want me to show you how the scissor step is done?" Skylor asked Harumi.

"S-Sure!" Harumi said.

"Okay... so you shuffle out like this," Skylor said, shuffling out. Harumi copied her. "And then, you pop up on one toe at a time. Do you need a bar, or something?"

"Uh... I may need to hold your hand," she said, blushing.

"That's fine!" Skylor smiled, gently grasping Harumi's hand. "So, go on one toe... then the other!"

Harumi went up on her first toe, and then the other. "GREAT! Okay, now tap your toe you stood on first, and stamp down."

Skylor and Harumi both did the moves, and she was applauding the newest member of their group. Nya and Pixal were clapping as well, and Chamille gave a thumbs up.

"Oh gosh, that made me so nervous," Harumi said, hugging Skylor.

"O-ooh, little sweaty," Skylor said, hugging Harumi back.

"Only water," she whispered, taking deep breaths.

Nya smiled at the two. She was so happy all the girls on the team got along so well...

"Hey Nya," Pixal said, kneeling down. "Are you and Cole still friends?"

"Didn't you see the graduation ceremony?" she asked. "He was the first one I hugged besides Kai."

"Well, I think you two would make a pretty cute couple," smiled Pixal.

Nya nearly choked on her own saliva. "Wh-What?"

"Oh come on, he's clearly into you," smiled Pixal once more. "Does he like your tap dancing?"

"Uh... I-I don't know, I-I-I've never asked," she responded.

"You should tap for him sometime, I'm sure he'd love it," Pixal said. "Just ask one day!"

"Oh... o-okay, I will," said Nya.

"That's the way girl," Pixal said. "Ask Skylor to teach you a dance routine, then give him the ol' razzle dazzle! Or whatever it's called; I don't tap."

Nya gave a thumbs up, and rejoined Skylor and Harumi on the dance floor.

This was gonna be...



While the girls were tap dancing, playing violin, or eating popcorn on a chair, some of the guys were talking in the living room.

It was actually just Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane.

"Where'd the other guys go again?" asked Kai.

"Riley went out shopping with his mom, Morro and Lloyd went to catch a movie, and Ronin is patrolling the town," explained Zane.

"Are you an info bank or something?" chuckled Jay.

"I dunno," Zane shrugged.

"I remember the olden days... when it was just us, y'know?" Cole smiled. "Playing in the sandbox... homework was less than five problems..."

"That was the life," Kai chuckled.

Suddenly, Cyrus Borg walked in. "Kiddos, I need to show you all something."

"What's up, D.A.?" asked Cole.

"We located another Time Blade, the Pause Blade," Cyrus said. "I need you guys to come with me to stop the Time Twins from retrieving it."

"Okay," Kai said. "Should we call the girls?"

However, it proved to be no good.

They had all fallen asleep. Pixal had curled up in the corner, Nya had fallen out of her chair and was sprawled out on the floor, Skylor and Harumi were cuddling each other closer than they'd be comfy with, and Chamille was letting them sleep...

But not without collecting her blackmail material.

"Nah, we got this," Jay said. "I'd imagine they won't be bringing too large of an army."

"Okay... lets go stop them," Zane muttered.

And with that, the five ran off to go suit up.

10:00 PM

Cole sighed to himself as he laid down on his bed...

They had almost retrieved a Time Blade.

But, as it turned out, the Time Twins, Machia, Raggmunk, Blunck, and Mindroid were enough to hold them back from getting it...

The Reversal Blade was their last chance.

And they had forgotten where they had put it.

"You okay Cole?" Nya asked from her bed, putting down her book.

"Eh... not really," muttered Cole.

"I'm assuming its because of the fight," sighed Nya.

"Yeah," Cole said, looking at her. "But... what can you do?"

Nya thought to herself...

It was now or never.

"You may not know anything, but I know what I can do," she smiled. "Show you the new tap routine Skylor taught me!"

Cole looked a bit taken aback. "By now people will be asleep. A-Are you sure? I'd love to see it, but-"

"They can screw themselves," Nya smiled at him. "I'm making you happy before the night's over."

Cole stifled a laugh. "Lead the way."

"Okie! Just uh... let me get ready," she said. "I need to, uh... grab my shoes and stuff."

"I'll go ahead and walk down there," he chuckled.

"Thanks," Nya mouthed.

Cole walked down to the dance room, and Nya grabbed her tap shoes and changed clothes.

When she got there, he saw she was wearing a blue leotard, red tank top, and jeans.

"Okay, just gimme a sec," she said, giggling for no reason. "I need to... uh-"

"Put on your tap shoes?" Cole asked.

"That's it," she said, snapping her fingers. The two laughed for a bit, not feeling awkward at all.

Until she looked up from putting on her shoes, and into Cole's eyes...

They sat like that for a few seconds, before Nya coughed and stood up.

"So... should I get started?" she asked.

"Take it away," he smiled.

"O-okay then," she said. "Five, six, seven, eight..."

The routine started off slow, with just rolling shuffles and scuffs, and the occasional time step. She was smiling and humming however, and Cole looked to be really entertained. He was smiling and covering his mouth, so that was a good sign.

But then, as she continued to tap, she remembered her big finish...

A damn scissor step.

She couldn't screw this up.

And then, as she finished her last treble step, she began to pop up on her toes.

She made it to the tap and stamp, so there was only one more to go...

Shuffle... toe to-

Oh no.

She was off balance.

"WOAH!" she screamed.


She fell into Cole's arms.

"Hey, hey, its okay," he said, rubbing her back. She was breathing fast and heavily, trying to calm herself. "You did great... you did so good..."

"T-T-Thanks," she whispered.

She then looked up at him...

And went in.

They locked lips instantly.

The kiss initiated, and didn't separate either...

Not like how either had expected it to happen.

But when they finally did separate, they just... stared at one another.

No one said a thing.

Not a sound was made.

But then, Cole broke the silence.

"Nya... I love you."

Nya gasped a small bit.

"I... I-I love you too Cole."

Then, they pulled together tenderly for another kiss. Nya scuffed back on her heel and stood on one leg.

When they separated, the two laughed.

"That was extremely corny," she giggled.

"Yep," Cole confirmed, laughing with her.

The two stayed in a steady hug for about five more minutes, before finally having the courage to separate from one another.

Nya then yawned loudly. "Woah...I am tired."

"Me too," Cole said. "Wanna get to bed?"

"Yeah, but can you carry me?" asked Nya. "I'd never be forgiven if I walked around in tap shoes this late."

"Not even Skylor is that daring," he muttered.

He then swept her up into his arms, bridal style, and carried her back to her room...

Where they shared a bed for the night.

Well well well... CONYA IS OFFICIAL NOW! :D :D :D Oh, and Skales Jr and Gravis are Oni too... yah. XD

I'm so happy! Let's celebrate! XD (I'm writing this at 2 am cuz I can't sleep lol)

See you guys next chapter!