Author has written 26 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Danny Phantom, Golden Sun, Prince of Tennis, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Sherlock, Legend of Korra, Supernatural, Captain America, Misc. Comics, and Yuri!!! on Ice. I see you've stumbled across my page! My name's Sel and unfortunately, I've become fairly embarrassed of some of the stuff I wrote...oh dear, six or seven years ago. But I will leave them all up because I know other people enjoyed them and I loved writing them at the time. (That, and you can never really delete what you've put online!) Unfortunately, all old fanfiction will probably never be touched again. Apologies to any fans of incomplete stories. If I review canon, I might fall back in love but stories will probably then be subject to rewrites. I hope to get back into the writing groove soon. I've got a couple of epics lying around wanting to be written, but we'll have to see how that goes! I mostly hang out on Tumblr these days @selarne Current writing fandoms (as of January 2017): Check, Please! (webcomic), Yuri on Ice |