![]() Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Hello!! My name is Alathia and I am an 18 year-old (mediocre) writer. I love Harry Potter with all my heart, my house being Ravenclaw (even if I have Hufflepuff tendencies)! so I guess that could be considered my main fandom, but I do have months where I am in the mood for Naruto fanfics (mostly for nostalgic purposes lol) and on the rarest of occasions, Twilight (I know,). Tropes that I am very likely to get into are time travel, a light character turning dark, aus etc. I also have a weak spot for OP fics when I'm in a specific mood. I don't mind bashing in fics, regardless of who is being bashed tbh, as long as it's not overplayed and dumb I have no issues with authors playing up negative qualities in characters or even giving them a whole new flaw! As for ships/OTPS I am not very picky, I tend to read non-canon pairings but that doesn't mean I dislike the canon pairing! There are however a few ships that I will only read if the fic looks particularly promising. These include: Harmony (Harry/Hermione) because I honestly feel like they have a very great friendship where they at times seem like siblings, SasuSaku (Sasuke/Sakura) because I feel like it's kind of an unhealthy deal (but sometimes I can read non-canon ones), NaruSaku (Naruto/Sakura) many of these fics make Sakura out to be some weak-willed girl when she became a strong woman, Harry/Cho they just don't fit to me unless one of them is OOC, and anything involving a relationship with Orochimaru (do I really need to explain that?). Anywho! That seems about it, Have a good day!