Author has written 6 stories for Bleach, Undertale, Misc. Anime/Manga, Yuri!!! on Ice, and Lord of the Rings. I'm kind of an asshole, but, you know. I like to write, so it's cool I guess. A little about me; I am a white American female. My favorite color is navy blue. I read a fuck ton, like its 90% of what I do and it pisses off everyone around me. Excuse my profanity, it slips. A lot. Anyways. Future plans? I don't really know what my plans for future stories are. I do like a wide variety of things though, and I'm not picky about ships and whatnot. But I am mostly a fan of oneshots because I have an EXTREMELY short attention span and it's hard for me to commit to an idea for too long before I get all these new ideas and they clash horribly and I look at this burning mess like aw dammit WHERE DID I GO WRONG? I don’t really do smut, though. It just isn’t my thing. I don’t use a beta usually, either, sooooo cheers! Thanks, and enjoy! |