![]() Author has written 12 stories for Vampire Diaries, Dexter, Gundam 00, Fate/stay night, and Hunger Games. *NOTE: 07 May 15: Whew! Time flies. Good news is that I'll have time for writing this summer finally! I'm all done my thesis and am graduating at the end of the month finally. I'm still working on the next chapter of Reverie, so that should be up by the end of the week. I haven't been able to focus on it with all the thesis insanity and travelling I've been doing, but now I'm really ready to get back to it! Thanks all! 31/01/13: Both Tease Me and Drink Carefully have been taken down. About Me: I like dark things, sexy things, and a lot of gore. If I could, I would use strippers in every story I write...but that would get a little repetitive. My favorite characters are very smart, witty, or like to stir things up...the more evil the better really. Man-behind-the-man is my favourite character a lot of the time. Also, I'm terrible at responding to reviews. I'm great with chat, but review responses seem to elude me. *Why I play Review Tag for my G00 fics*
I hope that explains it. *Why I write OC Stories* I've gotten a few messages/nasty reviews over the course of my time here for not following a pairing that someone likes/introducing a new character. RELAX, it's fanfiction. It's about having fun with and paying homage to a series you love. It did make me want to write this mini-section though. I write OC stories because I love the fun of creating characters. Nine times out of ten I absolutely love the main cannon pairing but I can't help but think of OC story possibilities. Its such a challenge to write OC fics for two reasons: 1. They have to be believable 2. They can't be Mary Sues. The first one is the most fun. I love things that are challenging, and writing a new character into a series with an established fan-base and an already complex set of relationships is hard to do properly (sometimes I'm not sure if I've ever done it properly). Most importantly I have to convince you, the reader (Loves you all!) who probably eats, sleeps, and breathes the series that this OC could actually become involved. On that note I actually get so happy that I've danced around the house on occasion when a dedicated fan of a series has said that the character is realistic/like-able/not sue-ish/very well matched to their love interest. The second one is fun because it tests my abilities as an author. I have to write flaws into the characters, I have to make them weak in some areas, and I have to make them real. I've done it poorly before, so the real fun is getting better with each try. This is hard because as the "mother" of these characters I want them to succeed, but at the same time it makes the stories interesting (and allows me to happily add some gore into the stories) because I have to 'hurt' my own OC. You'd be surprised how many times I've wanted to kill my OCs by the end of stories because it would fit well (and because their love interest could then return to canon). The most pain I think I've ever inflicted on an OC is probably in my currently unpublished Gundam SEED Destiny fanfic. Poor Brinn has been through the ringer and back. Now that I've said that, please try to see why I do it, and if you don't like the pairing I've made, you have the choice to not read my stories. Naishu *Upcoming Work!* Reverie: Working on it. I'm very excited about this story! Angel of Mine: Not motivated anymore, but I'll leave it up here in case I ever want to pick it up again. If someone wants to adopt it, be my guest. Just Like Me: Only three chapters, maybe 4 in this story. It's about the first girl that Brian leaves in season 1. Kind of just a writers block distraction for my other stories. Will not be updated with any frequency. I, Naishu, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the review revolution. (Courtesy of The Reviews Lounge, Too) |