Godric's Heart

Chapter One

He opened the door slowly, putting slight pressure on the handle as the streak of light darted across the room illuminating the small girl in the bed. He walked into the room, his footsteps muffled by the carpet and he leaned on the wall watching her silently. She stirred, rolling over in the bed and opening her eyes, the golden light from outside made her realise the door was open and caused her to sit up. Her eyes met his instantly and they looked at each other silently, no sound coming from the room. Her brown hair framed her face, her emerald eyes glittering,

"You-your back then?" she whispered, her voice cracking slightly, he closed his eyes momentarily and exhaled

"It seems." When he opened them again she'd drawn the covers back and stood up, she stood in her night dress, her eyes flickering with emotion she was trying to suppress. Neither said anything. She suddenly felt the tears slip down her cheeks and blinked in surprise before wiping them away quickly, he'd never liked her crying. "I wanted to-" he began to talk but she suddenly ran at him and he pushed himself lightly off the wall as her body crashed into his and her arms wrapped around him tightly, it was almost as if she didn't want to let him go. He drew his arms around her, holding her as tightly as she was, inhaling her sent; he'd missed it so much. "-make sure you were alright," he finished, she had buried her head in his chest and her eyes were closed tight shut, as if she were dreaming and didn't want to wake to a reality where he wasn't there. He rested his chin on her head and sighed gently, is hand stroking her hair lightly,

"What did they do?" she whispered as if she was to scared to ask, he thought about this for a second and then answered

"Nothing." She drew away from him slightly so she could look at him, an eyebrow raised in confusion,

"What?" he looked down at her expressionless,

"They did me no harm," he said slightly more detail than before, she shook her head still not understanding,

"What? B-but then why did they take you?" she said a slight gasp to her voice, her expression pained because this meant they'd taken him from her for no reason.

"I will not lie to you." He said simply "They most probably would have killed me…but they didn't." his eyes were glued on her eerily and he had not yet blinked, she inhaled slowly suddenly understanding

"…Eric." She didn't miss the small smile creep to his lips; he chuckled lightly at her correct guess,

"Yes…Eric." She suddenly broke off from him, backing away and sitting on the bed looking at him, he watched her, his eyes soft, his face once again expressionless. She looked up at him then, her eyes burning slightly

"Why didn't you fight them off…" she trailed off, he could see the pain written on her features as she looked at him and he did not reply "Godric?" she questioned, he sighed gently again

"There are only two reasons I would ever harm a human." He said, his eyes dead set on her, she looked away from him and shook her head slightly,

"I need you to make a promise to me." She said suddenly standing up, he blinked slowly and raised a slight eyebrow

"And that would be?"

"I need you to promise me that if they ever try and take you again or harm you or…anything! That you will fight them off." He smiled sadly at her, his head going to the side slightly as he watched her, his eyes flicking around her body, his smile grew, even if small,

"I cannot promise that Sarah." He said in the same simple and calm tone he used before

"Why not?!" She exclaimed, she was obviously upset, her fists were clenched and her body language defensive,

"Because," he said quietly "There is only two reasons I would ever harm a human." He walked towards her slowly, "One, is if he or she is threatening another human in a circumstance that is morally wrong," he stopped in front of her and placed his finger under her chin turning her face up to look at him "Two…if you were at risk." She removed herself from looking into his eyes knowing that doing that would make her forget about this topic when she needed him to promise her. She walked to the window, her arms wrapped around herself looking out at the dark, starry, night sky.

"Then," she began, she knew what she was about to say he would not like "Next time, I will come after you myself. The risk of my death is not as important as your safety-" he was beside her in an instant and she gasped, she never had liked the super speed thing, it scared her every time. He looked at her, his expression still unchanged but his eyes burning like fire,

"Never," he hissed, his eyes boring into hers

"Watch me," she said, her eyes threatening to spill over again, he caught her wrists and forced them back against the glass, her back bumping against the window, enough strength to keep her there but not enough to hurt her.

"You will never come after me Sarah. Is that understood?" he said, his voice was dangerously low and her heart was thumping in her chest, she bit her lip as she looked at him "I said is that understood?" his eyes burning again, she closed her eyes and shook her head

"No." she said simply "You refused my promise so I refuse yours!" she spat, he growled slightly and turned her roughly, she fell backwards onto the bed and before she could move he was on top of her straddling her hips.

"You will promise me this Sarah." He said warning in his tone, she tried to push him off her but he caught her wrists pressing them against the mattress.

"T-then promise me m-mine!" She stuttered, her eyes wide in worry

"No!" He barked angrily "I will not!"

"I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" She cried looking up at him; she saw the surprise in his usual unemotional face, he frowned gently and closed his eyes sighing

"You are not going to," he breathed calmly shaking his head lightly and re-opening his eyes "I can survive things…but you?" he laughed slightly, a short mocking laugh as he stared at her "You are a seventeen year old human that cannot survive something like I can! I am 2000 years old Sarah! You are insignificant compared to me!" He said angrily, he saw this effect her, hurt flooding her features, he sighed impatiently "I did not mean it like that…I meant compared to time…" he smiled slightly "I have seen things you could never imagine, things that are beautiful and things so evil I can scarcely bare to look!" he said desperately, his eyes searching for a hint that he'd gotten through to her. He lifted his own hands off hers and then pushed himself off her. He sat then, with his back against the head board, one arm draped across his knee as he calmed himself. She sat up, her knees hunched into her chest as she sat across from him, her arms wrapped around them.

"Why do I love you?" she asked suddenly looking up at him, he raised his head to look at her and smiled sadly

"I do not know…I would love for you to tell me,"

"I love you because…" she paused and moved to sitting with her legs crossed "Because even though your strong your gentle…because if you wanted you could kill me in a second yet I'm not scared of you…because you're the one person that's cared about me since my mum died and because you love me… whatever I do." He sat smiling slightly

"Perhaps." She raised an eyebrow


"Yes." He answered "Perhaps."

"Well!" She huffed slightly getting up from the bed but he moved again so he was in front of her, his hands travelling down her arms, "What are you-?"

"I cannot have you coming after me Sarah…I just can't…" he said catching her eye line, she found herself unable to look away

"Godric! DON'T YOU DARE!" She shrieked angrily trying her hardest to look away from him,

"I am sorry…" he said quietly before saying "Everything is going to be ok Sarah…"

"Everything is going to be ok…" she whispered looking at him,

"You're safe and so am I,"

"You're safe?" she questioned dreamlike,

"Yes. I am safe." He smiled slightly, his hands either side of her cheeks as he stared into her eyes, glammoring her. "Now, you are going to forget the conversation we just had."

"I am going to forget the conversation we just had." she said, he smiled

"Good," he sighed gently and brushed the tear on her cheek away with his thumb "Are you feeling tired Sarah?"

"Am I feeling tired?" she asked frowning

"Yes…I think you are."

"I'm tired." She replied nodding but not breaking his eye contact, then he began to walk her backwards to the bed, not breaking his eye line and then he pulled back the covers slightly as she climbed in. He got into the bed next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist as she nestled into his embrace. He closed his eyes tightly, she was his and no one would ever take that away from him, he would rather die than lose her and that was why he couldn't have her trying to find him and putting herself in danger. If there was a reason Godric didn't attack humans it would be because if they had even a slim chance of being like her, they deserved to be in the world. In his eyes she was perfect; he loved her because she was fragile yet would stand up for what she believed in, she was strong willed and anyone who had slapped Eric was defiantly worthy of attention. He chuckled to himself, Eric wasn't doing to well there…two human women had slapped him. Although there was a good reason for Sarah slapping him, but that was another story for another time.

Godric's bedroom, which they were currently in, was vampire friendly like the hotel; he had the same technology installed. He could stay there all day if they wanted to. More importantly he could stay there with her all day, which he very much wanted. Godric was complex. He had grown tired of all this fighting in his age, he had watched many wars and many fights and all ended with death, perhaps it shouldn't have. He did not understand why exactly they couldn't have just talked about the situation. He did not like hurt and death and... Humans were so fragile; they could easily break like glass or china and he for one couldn't deal with that. It was the reason he was so protective over Sarah, he'd never forget the night they met, that night had been glorious because he met her but evil and unforgettable because of how it came about…

I wrote this because Godric's character real interested me, i think at the moment he's my favourite, i just think he's a really great character and i wanted to give him someone. This is sort of like a taster, hopefully you like it, if not then i'll probably just delete it because...well whats the point in it i guess lol. So please review and tell me what you think, thanks. Star-crossed-eyes. x