Author has written 10 stories for Pokémon, and Dragon Age. Name - Invisible and Moose tend to be my general online pseudonyms. Fandoms (note that these aren't necessarily the fandoms I'm in so much as the games/books/shows/etc. that I like)- Too long to list practically, but as a start Pokémon, Community, Ranma 1/2, TF2, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, Adventure Time, Tales of Symphonia, Newsies, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and other things I cannot recall at this time. Ships I Support - Generally speaking, I prefer canon unless specifically noted, so I won't be listing canon ships unless I have especially strong feelings for them. I support minor and generally disliked pairings, especially the ones canon that people wouldn't know if they didn't read the manga/book/original source material. Bold - current otp Pokemon (Game): (PokéSupe) (anime/Electric Tale of Pikachu) Ranma Ni Bun no Ichi (1/2): TF2 - all mercs Pauling x all mercs Pauling (genderbends are a yes) Uncategorized: (in no particular order) Dislikes - Homework/assigned readings/studying, most feminine interest like clothing or make-up (I don't care if you like it, just don't make me wear it), artificial grape flavouring, those who intentionally couldn't care less about trampling on other countries' beliefs/mispronouncing their language/etc, character haters, excessively spoiled children, and hypocrites (coughs loudly). Irony:–noun, plural -nies. a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result:the irony is that I thought he could help me [count noun:one of life’s little ironies (also dramatic or tragic irony) a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. Please stop being stupid and look up words before you use them. I may just have to kick you in the face otherwise. Random views I'm willing to share : 1. Try to be nice to anyone and everyone you met. It is better to have a friend than an enemy. If you wish to look on the more selfish side of things, look at it this way, If you are good to people, they will treat you well in return. This will result in friendship. In the future, you may use this friendship, depending on the strength, to get you what you want, including connections, gigs, and anything that my be handy to you. Just don't be manipulative about it. 2. Do your research before saying or posting something. It makes you look less like an idiot if you don't post something like having ipods in Feudal Japan, incorrectly using Swedish names for German characters without viable reasoning(or something similar), or misusing words from a language, which includes English. Dictionary and Thesaurus are your friends. Use them wisely and don't go for the most far-fetched definition or synonym. 3. Don't take yourself too seriously on the interwebz. Unless it's a serious topic like prop eight, you'll only make yourself seem like a fool. Also, if you are going into a serious discussion, at least use proper English and support for your arguments. You'll only look like an idiot to your opponent if you don't. 4. Don't be afraid to make small mistakes. When you do they are an opportunity for learning. Try your best not to and learn from other so you don't have to make mistakes and possibly make a fool of yourself. Also love yourself for who you are. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion. Just be ready to explain coherently if you are asked. 5. If you are ever angry or upset, always think before you act. Always think, "Would I ever think or act this way if I were in a more cheerful mood? What would be the consequences of my actions? Who would this effect in both the short term and the long run?" 6. Be your own person. If you love something, good for you. Stick to it regardless of what others say about it. Real friends shouldn't criticize you for loving duck-duck-goose, going to Chuck E. Cheese by choice, or wearing a namebrand/"rebellious" outfit. If you like it and it's comfortable what's the problem? You aren't hurting anyone. People who claim they hate popular things and think they are unique because of it, think again. Your "rebellion" is just like every other teens' so shut up. I'll call you truly unique when you wear a ponytail on the top of your head, wear fairy wings around in public, draw a mustache on your face in sharpie regardless of your gender, and can seriously say you don't care what people think of you. (add twenty points if you add a flotation device) 7. I applaud those open minded. If you can take a serious discussion, such as a religious one, and fully, completely take it in word for word without bitching about how someone else's beliefs are wrong. I give you my respect, even more so if you stick to your principles and give logical reasoning as to why you are strong in you are morals without trying to convert others. 8. Don't believe things based off of assumptions. That's why they make stupid movies and TV shows with reoccurring plot devices, so that we can finally get it. Fist impressions aren't always the best. Awkward situations usually aren't always as they seem either. (although, from what television tells me, if you think positively it'll come out negative and vise versa so be a pessimist! j/k) It's always best to get to know someone before forming an opinion. Goes best with numbers 1,3, 4, and 5. 87 percent of surveys are made up on the spot and are completely untrue. If you have one of those 13 percent that supposedly aren't made up and believe that other percentage thing are rather ridiculous and stupid and know that 98 percent of kids haven't smoked pot/like ambercrombie and fitch/liek mudkipz/are total and complete twits, then dress up like Nyan-Cat and run around with giant Pop-Tart and a rainbow flowing out of your backside. |
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