Reviews for For What It's Worth
Overthinker Core chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
You forgot the part when he knows about the human who killed GLaDOS, who later turns out to be Chell. But, other than that, this was awesome! Really, it's so difficult to put yourself in someone else's position, but this made me understand. I've always loved the character of Wheatley, but when I replay the game, I realize that I only like him when he's not in charge. If I were Chell (and obviously didn't read this) I think I would never forgive him, because I wouldn't understand why he did what he did. I would think he was selfish for no reason, and crazy like the rest of the people of Aperture. But after reading this, I can believe that he really is sorry, not just for what he did to Chell, but for what he did to himself. When did things go wrong? They were okay escaping together, everything was going right for once (as the fanfic says) and then he messed everything up. Again. If I were him, I would think that maybe I really was designed to be a moron, and a part of me wouldn't want to go back to Earth, because in space nothing can go wrong. Nothing goes right or wrong. And I wouldn't trust myself after what happened.

By the way, the comparison of the facility crumbling like his mind was... I never thought about that, it makes a lot of sense! It's terrifying and I love it! Haha!

Wow long review. Sorry. Space.
TheDualWriter chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
Oh God...I'm in tears right now...

You did a good job with this. I always like to think that Wheatley was selfish, but had his reasons.
Silvara chapter 1 . 10/11/2011
Wow! This is the kind of story that remends me why I still enjoy readnign fanfiction. The character analysis, every tiny thing the game could not so. The feeling of completion and closure.
Methuselah Honeysuckle chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
This story is... I have no words to describe this story. But it was good - very good.
Invisible-chan chapter 1 . 7/8/2011
This is really beautifully written. I love the way you capture Wheatley, especially how it's done in second person. Great job. D
Anonymous-cat chapter 1 . 6/26/2011
Best. Wheatley. Character. Study. EVER. And your use of second person is fantastic. Well done!
cruelfeline chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Never in my life have I ever had such a powerful need to hug a fictional spherical robot.

Thank you for your work.

zabchan chapter 1 . 6/16/2011
beautiful, just beautiful. deep and thoughtful and everything i ever wanted. thank you. i hope you write more wheatley someday because clearly you have a deep and thorough understanding of his character. i admit it, i cried.
Delfinos chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
This seriously made tears in my eyes. You summed up everything that Wheatley is, and how I felt so bad for him throughout Portal 2. Every Portal fan should read this, it just gives his character so much importance and feeling. Your writing style is beautiful, don't ever stop!
FourEyesZeroSoul chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
This was really quite amazing, and I'm now a bit obsessed with writing in second person. Wheatley was one of my favorite characters from Portal 2, and this version of his perspective fits his character perfectly. (Sorry about not reviewing earlier- I was planning on getting around to it, then just kept not doing so.)
Zanna-chan chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
...I'm sad now...

You nailed Wheatley's personality though
MegaShinyObject chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
Okay, that actually made me tear up a little bit toward the end there!

Wheatley was my favorite character in the game, even after he turned on you, and I really felt bad for him in the end. But, if you think about it, it's probably the best fate for him anyway, since GLaDOS would have killed him off had he managed to stay in the facility. *shrug*

Anyways, this was well written and I enjoyed it! Keep up the good work!
RisuQ-theQissilent chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
Words cannot express how awesome this is. It was touching, sad, and in a strange way, /human/. Really puts Wheatley into perspective.

I'm still reeling on how awesome this was, and what a joy it was to read. I have no criticisms for you, only congrats on writing such an amazing piece.
AnimeRANDOMNESS chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
T_T Oh man, this story made me cry. I really want to go save Wheatley now. But anyway...

Wonderfully, WONDERFULLY written story. The perspective really makes this story stand out that much more. It's really poignant and perfect all on its own.

And now, I'm off to build a rocket ship. _
aww chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
poor wheatley. this story is terribly sad, but brilliantly written, and i wish i had the ability to express how amazing this. but i don't, so i'll suffice to saying i absolutely loved every word
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