A/N – Okay, I'm really sorry. I really should have updated sooner. I was starting it, but I accidentally deleted what I was typing up… Anyways, Seeing as plenty of people really seemed to like my work, I decided to make an update. Yay me! I decided to get up off my lazy, but and do something for a change. Onward ho!
Looking up, Kris fell speechless. Before her was a girl that seemed as though she could have been her twin or double. Upon further inspection, the girl had a black-blue shade of hair that came into sharply spiked pigtails while Kris's were dark cobalt and waved upwards instead of something gravity defying. Her facial features seemed rounder and slightly more tanned, though they both had a heart shaped face. Kris also had azure eyes instead of the other girl's violet-blue mix. They were also approximately the same height. After thinking this part over again, she realized that she had been helped up.
"Oh! Um, thank-thank you." Her stutter portrayed the feeling emitted from the both of them, pure shock and confusion. Her face flushed from realizing she was staring.
It was more than a freak coincidence that they had similar outfits as well. While the basic outfit was virtually the same, the colors were the only things that were off. For example: Kris's jacket was white with crimson strips around the wrist of the sleeves, which matched her turtle-necked shirt while the other girl had a pink jacket with a lighter red. The girl had yellow star-shaped earrings while she herself tended to stray from unnecessary accessories.
Deciding to break the awkward silence, Kris spoke up. "I'm Kris. These are my friends Kamon to my right and Hiro to my left." She felt her introduction was odd and out of place, but could not think of any other way to respond to the situation.
"I'm Crystal, this is Gold and Silver," she directed to her left and right to each respective person.
Kris's emotions increased one hundred fold with the introduction of Crystal's companions. Once again, she found mirrors, not of herself, but of the two boys beside her.
There was little difference between Kamon and Silver, save for Kamon's longer, darker hair and the different designs on their red-lined, black jackets. Kamon had a more mature face with slightly shaper features and lighter colored eyes, but otherwise, they could have passed as true twins.
Gold and Hiro, however were barely more distinguishable than the previous boys. As aforementioned in the previous chapter, Gold had his goggles and pool cue. Hiro's bangs curved down naturally opposed to Gold who's seemed to have a strangely sharp corner to it. Gold's eyes were pretty much gold while Hiro's were darker amber.
Kris, who had been standing rather close to Kamon, gripped his arm tightly. He understood. She was right. Something strangle was going on.
"So who the heck do you think you are, trying to copy us like this huh?" Hiro burst out, unaware of Kris and Kamon's previous conversation. Kris let go of Kamon and held his arm.
"Please don't."
"What the heck do you mean copying you? You're the one's trying to copy us, the legendary dex holders!"
SMACK! "Gold! Don't be so rude!"
"What the heck, woman?"
"Legendary? What's so legendary about you? You're a bunch of imitating brats! At least Copycat was cool about it!"
Hiro jumped surprised by the sudden pain. He turned to see the girl beside him was gripping his arm to death and, though her expression was calm, had a tint of annoyance and possible anger in her eyes. He decided to shut it.
Kamon and Silver sighed at the ridiculousness of their companions. Really now, how old were they supposed to be? At least the girls knew how to control the situation.
After a moment to glaring between the two black haired boys, Crystal spoke up.
In a vain attempt to keep things normal she asked, "What brings you three so late to the Viridian Forest?"
"Out of all thing things you could've asked, you asked that? What the heck? And besides, we should be the ones asking that."
Once again, Hiro felt jolting pain for his outburst, this time from an annoyed Kamon for being so rude to a lady.
It was his turn to speak. "We were just out for a late night stroll," which was true, "when a moron attacked us," a glare to the side, this all being said as though the previous complaint hadn't been made.
"Pfft! What an excuse! A 'night stroll'? Now that's suspicious."
Kamon rolled his eyes. "What's your excuse?"
"We don't have an excuse."
Silver's hand was magnetically pulled to his face. [insert facepalm here] "What this idiot means is, we aren't making up excuses. We have a real reason. Professor Oak sent us."
"Sure he did, and I'm not the Pokémon champion," Hiro fired back.
You aren't. Technically, I am, Kris thought to herself, but didn't bother saying aloud knowing how much it would both bother Hiro and nullify his point.
Gold laughed haughtily at him. "Hah! I can't believe that a looser like you thinks he's better than me, let alone Red."
"Well, duh, I've defeated Red."
"Heh, dreams don't count."
A fist that was aimed toward Gold was, stopped by a smaller hand. Kris's eyes had a clear intent to kill. Hiro felt the urge to hide behind Kamon.
"Look, obviously something isn't right here, but instead of mauling each other in the forest, shouldn't we find somewhere we can figure this out more civilly?" Kris kept her head level and clear. It would be wiser to get these strangers as allies rather than enemies in this confounding situation.
"I agree. Dawdling here won't get us anywhere." Crystal felt already she could trust this double. Though it wasn't was quite wise to casually trust strangers who seem to be copying you, she felt no malice from them.
"The girls are right. I think - "
"Keh, you're such a brownnoser." Hiro chose to ignore the glare coming from Kamon.
"We should get out of this forest and figure out what's going on," Silver concluded for him. "The park should be empty at this time of night." He pulled out a PokéBall containing murkrow. The rest of the trainers followed suit except for Kris. She watched them quietly. This did not pass Crystal's notice.
"Is something wrong?"
Kris shook her head. "No, it's just that, I don't have a flying type," she chuckled.
"You could get a ride with me and Mantaro," Gold suggested, winking.
Before Kris could reply, Kamon pulled her to him, and they took of on his crobat. Three of the four left, blinked in surprise.
"Are- are they dating?" Gold asked incredulously.
"Everything but," Hiro mumbled in reply. He followed suit.
Silver and Crystal looked at each other, his awkward expression mirroring hers. This was turning out to be an odd night.
A/N - Just want to apologize again. It's been what, a year or two since I last updated? _ _ Yeah... sorry. I'll get started on that next chapter now.