Author has written 5 stories for Danny Phantom, Teen Titans, and Naruto. Since my friend and I are always writing stories together anyway, we are merging accounts (and have been for almost a year XD). Name: Camryn or Snow White Gender: Female Birthday: March 3rd Looks: my best friend. No seriously. Except for the eyes. Short black (naturally blond) hair and witchy eyes that are almost always a pale blue. Country: Traveling about. Social Status: The freaky rich girl (If you've ever seen Danny Phantom, my life is similar to Sam Manson's except that NOBODY but Cj knows I is rich. And I just outted myself. -.- Oh well, no one in my school actually writes... or reads) IQ: meh Personality: umm...all over, normally kinda nice and outspoken but give me a teaspoon a sugar and you'll want me in an asylum ;) and don't come near me in angry mode...+everyone behind me nods vigorously+ and no trying to analyze me when I'm with Mo...never Dislikes: Strongly- cigarettes, abortion, animal testing, pollution, annoying boys, creulty to animals, molestation, rape, idiot president who wage war on defensless nations in far away countries, war, tatoos, and other evil things like murder and making fun of DDR. Loves: DDR, archery, books, animals in general, and my binder (i hide that binder very well +stands in front of bulge in bed whilst whistling ever so innocently+) Now for Momo! Name: My nickname is Monan (or Mo or Momo) and that's all you get Pen Name: Rose Red Gender: Female Age: March 1st (I'm OLDER) Looks: Short dirty blond hair with hazel eyes that change too often to have one color. Country: US Social Status: That one person from the small town that's always been there and knows everyone. I'm pretty average. IQ: God if I know. I'm bright though... or so my mommy tells me. Personality: I'm worse than Cam. I don't switch emotions mid-sentence like her, but I have my share of people that freak out around me. Dislikes: Quite a few things. At the moment, it's exams. And Twilight. I hate it with a fiery passion fueled by the love of creepy Vampires and non-sparkly stalkers. Loves: My cat, Artemis. And other things. Too lazy to write it out though. Writing Style: I think up an idea and write out the bones to the story. When I get to it is a whole other matter. So, we are writing. But Momo is in college and Camryn is traveling around the world so our stories take a long while to write. Momo currently has five or six 'stories' in the works. Camryn has ... none. She is editing all of Momo's whenever she has access to a computer plus editing the one's already up. |