Author has written 12 stories for Misc. Tv Shows, Loud House, and M*A*S*H. Just a brief little introduction to clear up some confusion, or poor first impressions: I acknowledge that my pen name comes across as pretentious and self-absorbed, but there is a little back story to this. When I re-joined FFN a few years back, I had a simple mission: take back fanfiction communities that had been taken over by shit authors and straight-up trolls, and encourage legitimate authors to resume writing and publishing worth-while stories to share with the communities to counter-act all of the assembly line dreck the trolls crank out. Yes, I would publicly roast these trolls, but to be honest, it really did help boost the morale of these communities, that the legitimate authors had all but given up on, so in a sense, my pen name was fitting. However, I eventually grew tired of this, and wanted to return to actually writing and publishing actual fanfiction stories myself... I've considered changing my pen name, but it just kind of stuck - not to mention, I've already established myself under it, so changing it might confuse those who may follow me. So, please don't get the idea that I'm some pretentious narcissist based on my pen name - I may still roast trolls from time to time, but I'm actually a really nice guy. Profile Update 9-1-2020: Today finally marks the release of my latest multi-chapter Loud House fanfiction story, Behind Closed Doors; new chapters will be released every other day for the next two weeks. As is usually the case with my multi-chapter stories, I had originally drafted this whole story months ago, but have spent all of this time tweaking, editing, repairing, cutting, and for one chapter - re-writing until I felt 100% satisfied with the end results. I'm more glad about doing such this time, because I was able to pick up just a few little minor details from some of the new episodes of the series that have aired in the previous months to work into parts of the story for more accuracy and authenticity (as opposed to, say, creating an OC Royal Woods High principal before Principal Rivers appeared on the show, or writing about Luan and Benny not being ready for a relationship when they had their first date on the show). Either way, I hope everybody will enjoy it! Profile Update 8-17-2020: Here are the illustrations I did for Soul Sisters (and yes, once again, I did cheat with the backgrounds in a couple of them), including a re-creation of Lucy's attempt at painting a picture of she and Luan. As always, remember to remove the spaces: https : // i . postimg . cc / QCn58mB3 / kissonthecheek . jpg I must confess, it has been a rather nice and refreshing change of pace writing a couple of lighter Loud House fanfiction stories like The Temptation of Luna Loud and Soul Sisters (and I suppose my contribution to Albertson's Age-Up Challenge, though that doesn't really count)... but, brace yourselves, dear readers and followers, because I'll be returning to form (evidently) with my next multi-chapter story, the long-anticipated Behind Closed Doors - coming up sooner than later. Also, if anyone happens to be be a M*A*S*H fan, I will soon be releasing a complete re-write of my first M*A*S*H fanfiction story I wrote for a different website many, many years ago. Profile Update 8-15-2020: At last my summertime release is here - what was originally going to be titled Rage Against Conformity, now titled Soul Sisters, my Luan and Lucy bonding story. I was going to release it a little bit sooner, but I decided to hold off until publishing it over a weekend, since, well, the story itself takes place over a weekend. This ended up going a lot longer than I planned, so for that, I apologize. Profile Update 6-11-2020: I've come to realize that Juney and Principal Jones have ended up becoming somewhat significant OC's in my Loud House fanfiction stories... at least with Principal Jones, some of you (and, even myself) feel she is a much better character as Royal Woods High's principal, than the now-canon Principal Rivers. Nevertheless, since it is not un-common for either of them to appear within any of my stories, I thought it would be a good idea to compile actual character profiles for both of them - sort of as references, if you will, just to give them some background and context, to show that neither of them are Mary Sue's or anything of the sort. As always, remember to remove the spaces: https : // i . postimg . cc / C1svSV8H / juneyprofile . png Profile Update 5-17-2020: As you may have to noticed, I am requesting input from the community as to what my next major Loud House fanfiction project should be. Please let me know which you would prefer to see from me. Profile Update 3-28-2020: Here are a series of illustrations I did for the final chapter of Loud Triangle; Chapter 8: "Oh, How We Danced." I have to say, I think these turned out really well... even if I did cheat on the backgrounds with a couple of them. Remember to remove the spaces: https : // i . postimg . cc / mkk3Jv9c / awkward . jpg Well, that's it for Loud Triangle; hope you enjoyed it! So, what's next? Well, even though I still have some other Loud House fanfiction projects in the works for the future, for the time being, I will be sharing and releasing some smaller little items to hold us over until then - you'll see in the weeks to come. Stay tuned! Profile Update 3-6-2020: Here are a couple of illustrations I did for the current chapter of Loud Triangle; Chapter 5: "Wake Up, Maggie" (remember to remove the spaces): https : // i . postimg . cc / Y9pzfGqz / crushing . jpg Profile Update 2-24-2020: A number of fans out there have offered their visual interpretations of what they believe the Loud House characters would look like two or more years into the future - these are mine for Loud Triangle (remember to remove the spaces): https : // i . postimg . cc / tgG5JvKf / loudtriangledesigns . jpg Profile Update 2-14-2020: Given the date of today, I'm sharing this visual little teaser of the next upcoming chapter of Loud Triangle, just for the purposes of stirring up titillation and scintillation (remember to remove the spaces): https : // i . postimg . cc / nhw8dDZv / luaggievalentine . jpg Profile Update 1-16-2020: My latest fanfiction story, Loud Triangle, has officially been released today. As previously noted, the chapters are going to be spread out through March to coincide with part of the story's timeline (give it a little sense of authenticity), though I will say that unlike The Missing Loud, the chapters for Loud Triangle will be released and published with a little more consistency and regularity - either on a weekly basis at most, or a bi-weekly basis at least. Don't forget to R&R (read and review)! Favoriting and following doesn't hurt, either. Profile Update 12-30-2019: Well, it's finally over; The Missing Loud has been completed, and I'm very pleased that my first attempt at Loud House fanfiction has gone over really well and the response it has gotten. Thanks to everyone who's been following the story since its first release back in September! Now that that's out of the way, I am formally announcing my next Loud House fanfiction story that I've been working on for a little while: Loud Triangle. I have a feeling that this one will be rather interesting, as it attempts to mesh canon AND fanon together. It, too, will be a little on the dramatic side, but I promise it won't be nearly as dark or suspenseful as The Missing Loud was. I plan to begin releasing it sometime in the middle of January, and will be spreading it out till the end of March to coincide with part of the story's timeline. Profile Update 12-01-2019: I'm really excited to share some visuals I've worked on for The Missing Loud - not that I don't encourage you, dear readers, to use your own minds and imaginations when visualizing the story in your head. And, you will have to remove the spaces, as FFN evidently does not allow for off-site hyperlinking, in spite of the hyperlinking function in the profile editor. Here is a modified screencap I edited of Tucker's newscast about Luan being missing, as depicted in the most recent chapter; Chapter 7: "Spreading the Word." Note the Nick logo I layered in to make it look like an actual broadcast: And here are the character designs for the OCs featured in the story: Story Status and Progression: Currently In-Progress Stories Recently Published/Completed Stories Upcoming Projects Scrapped Projects |
AppleJTZ (8) | OmnipresentNuance (43) Parent12D (47) | PlasticPencils (10) Quiet Waters (21) TheBlueJetpack (25) |