The following takes place during the summer before the eldest Loud sister Lori leaves for college. This is my first fanfic, so don't go lightly on the criticisms. Oh, and before I forget, I don't own The Loud House, I just think it's really cool.

Spring was drawing to a close, and the town of Royal Woods, MI could not have been more beautiful. The kids in the park were running and playing with various sports equipment, and it was overall a great day to be alive.

Meanwhile, down the street at the corner of main and 19th, stood a brick building with a small parking lot attached. The place was "Lynn's Table," a newly opened restaurant owned by Lynn Loud Sr, where he served "Great Food, at a Great Price." On that particular day, business was uppity, and Lynn Sr. was starting to regret only taking on three employees, those being a teenager named Grant, who had prior experience in the Food industry; Kataro, who was Lynn's best friend and fellow musician; and the newest addition to the Lynn's Table family was none other than his eldest daughter Lori.

Lori had begun working under her father to save up money for college, as well as having an excuse to spend time with her dad before her departure for greener horizons. It was tough at first finding the right role for her, as small annoyances had hindered her ability to perform the simplest of tasks. However, her experience in helping raise 10 younger siblings had prepared her for the perfect job, as manager.

It was only a few days ago that Lori received her High School diploma from Royal Woods High School, so from then on she had a couple months to finalize orders from manufacturers and overall run the day to day operations of the restaurant while her father remained in the kitchen doing what he did best.

Two months from now, Lori would be heading to another state to study at Fairway University, a college nationally known for its golf-centric curriculum, which took special notice of Lori, enough to snag her a scholarship. The best part was that she'd be minutes away from her boyfriend Roberto Santiago, or as everybody called him, Bobby. Still, as excited as Lori was to be leaving the nest so to speak, she couldn't help but worry about her siblings.

She had always been the mother bird to her large family as her parents spent much time away from home in the hopes of making enough money to keep their children clothed, fed, and warm.

The biggest problem with her leaving was that her roommate and slightly younger sister Leni would likely be in charge of corraling the rest of her rowdy siblings from tearing down the house with their antics. Put simply, Leni was the epitome of a dumb blonde, and was too gentle and kind for her own good.

That wasn't to say she was incompetent, far from it. It was because of her big heart and knowledge of all things fashion that she was able to get a job of her own at the Rheinengers department store, where she flourished and impressed her coworkers and costumers alike.

Lori figured that she could always delegate the responsibility to the next oldest child, Luna. However, Luna was a bit of a wild child that gave her surname a whole new meaning. Because Luna was a musician, no, scratch that, she was a musical PRODIGY, her guitar playing was as impressive as it was blaring, and that was just her instrument of choice. She might not be the best candidate to watch after everybody once Lori left.

Thinking about her family so much was starting to distract from her duties, as her coworker Kataro had to shake her shoulder to get her to return to reality.

"Uh, Lori." He said in a concerned tone of voice.

"Huh, whuh?" She replied, slightly embarrassed by her temporary drift into distraction. "Oh, sorry Kataro, what's up?"

"There's a man over in booth eleven who's asking to see the manager," pointing to that exact location where indeed, a man in a tan business suit was looking at the duo with a smile on his face. He gave a slight wave for her to come over and speak to him.

The man made Lori slightly nervous, but she'd come across her share of creeps, so she figured any ill intentions from him could be squashed immediately. She began her short walk over to him.

As she got closer, his features became more and more clear. She could already tell from afar that he had no hair on his head aside from a small goatee. What she discovered upon getting closer was that he wasn't unpleasant looking up close. He could almost be family.

However, his smile was slowing replaced with a look of confusion as the high school graduate approached him, standing just several inches away.

"You're the manager?," he finally said. "No offense but you seem kinda young to be managing a restaurant."

Not the least bit perturbed, Lori explained. "Yes, I'm the manager currently, and I'll have you know that I think being a manager has more to do with knowledge than experience."

The man didn't respond, but rather he squinted his eyes towards Lori and continued to stare at her face.

"When I asked to see the manager, I'd thought I would get sent Lynn, the owner. But come to think of it, you do look kinda familiar," he spoke, never once taking his eyes off of her.

"Well fine," Lori said in a low menacing voice. "The truth is, my dad IS Lynn, I'm his eldest daughter."

At the realization, the Man's eyes widened, as did his smile. "You do look a lot like Rita—"

Upon hearing that, Lori was officially creeped out, but she still had a job to do so she quickly asked. "What was it you wanted to see my father for, SIR?"

Sensing the young woman's growing agitated state, he simply said, "You could say I'm an old friend that just wanted to catch up. I don't live here in town but rather an hour from here in Hazeltucky."

"Lori-loo," a voice erupted from the kitchen, belonging to her father. "The steak's are here." Seeing her chance, Lori said

"I'd better get that, my dad can get upset when things aren't on schedule."

"I know, right. Say, why don't you send him over here, I'd really like to talk to him, and he'll explain everything, I promise."

By that point Lori had already stopped listening and was power walking towards the kitchen. She wiped her face of any sweat before pushing the swinging door.

"On it dad," she spoke, not bothering to look at him. "By the way, there's a man at booth eleven who claims to know you, and mom for some reason."

Lynn Loud Sr was by many glances, a coward. But when his kids felt threatened, he pushed it all aside to be the protective father he knew he was.

"Thanks sweetie, I'll handle him. Right after I take the "Lynnger Chicken out of the oven." He replied. Once that task was complete, Lynn Sr. made it all the way to booth eleven.

"Listen Bucko," he spoke in a gruff voice. "I don't know who you are, but nobody just goes around—"

The man's head was buried in his phone, but when he heard the sound of the chef's voice, his head slowly lifted with a smile.

"Hiya Lynn, looks like your dream came true after all" he said.

Lynn stood there stunned at the person in front of him. It was somebody he thought he wouldn't have to deal with anymore.

"A-A-Avery," he sputtered out at last.

"Good to see you… Brother."

Thus concludes the first chapter. I was inspired to write this story because I found a surprising lack of fanfics that focused on the relationship with Lynn Sr.'s extended family. "Home of the Fav" is probably my favorite episode of Season three and one of my favs overall. But let me know what you think.