![]() Author has written 4 stories for Fate/stay night, Naruto, and Harry Potter. I am obsessed with Fate Stay/Night, and have been with the series since the 2004 release. My main ongoing story, Fate Generations, is part of a longer more complex story. Fate Lost Origin and the connected stories that will follow it are intended to capture the entirety of Nasu's universe, rather than distort it, while building my own upon it. Fate Generations is not the beginning, but it is far from the end. It is only a glimpse of the true story that is meant to establish a connection between every branch of Fate. Many timelines will be brought together, joining together to forge a new path. I personally refer to all of Toshimi's stories as Fate Lost Origin, but the actual series will be broken up into several parts; Fate Lost Origin, Fate Revelations, Fate Generations, Fate Ragnarok, and Fate Ascending. I also have an 'extra' story that will be something like a giant epilogue for the rest of Lost Origin, named Fate Unlimited, which will feature a Gamer-like system in a Virtual Holy Grail War like that seen in Fate Extra. My Multiverse Reincarnation Network series is something I cooked up after getting frustrated when writers make 'reincarnation into another world' stories that talk about the idea of being reborn again in a new world of choice next time they die, but never follow through. I have no intention of stopping at Naruto, but once Naruto has gotten well underway I'll start a poll for the next rebirth. Shoot me a PM if you have any questions or desire any explanations. Update on Fate Generations- Rest assured my story will not meet an untimely end. It will be completed as intended, but I do apologize for the long wait. Anyone interested please feel free to let me know which (if any) of these you would like to read! Code Geass: Naoto survives and leads the Black Rebellion alongside Zero. What would the Rebellion have looked like if Zero had a trusted leader acting on his word, giving him more time to scheme his way to obliterating Britannia? What if Naoto, Kallen, and the other Japanese resistance members didn't need Zero as much as he thought they did? Naruto: The Ninja World Tournament begins while ninja gather across time and space to prove who the strongest truly is. OC's galore. Lots of shenanigans. |