Chapter 49
Trials and Tribulations
Uub floated alone in the abyss, slow floating rock and debris surrounding him on every side. He was calm and quiet, the absence of oxygen giving him no indication of discomfort.
The place where the Earth had been was devoid of life, so he vanished from sight and reappeared at a portal, into which he calmly entered and vanished again, this time reappearing in an empty, quiet garden. Again he could find no sign of life, and so he vanished once again, and again, and again, each time appearing at foreign yet familiar locations. Finally, satisfied he would find no life, he sighed deeply. "What a shame." he said to himself. He then departed for home, the ring on his right hand glowing as he flew into one last portal.
Uub reappeared on the Planet of the Kais, but found it was empty as well. Annoyed, he vanished again.
Gohan walked into the arena in a suit and tie, Videl at his side, and the arena already packed to the gills with haloed spectators awaiting the trial. Repurposed for the occasion, the Otherworld fighting arena scarcely resembled any courtroom he had ever seen, but it would have to do.
Only allowed in Otherworld due to Gohan's temporary status as Piccolo's representative, Videl took a seat on a folding chair on the ground floor between Roshi and King Kai, who's stumpy legs didn't reach the floor.
Gohan walked to the middle of the tiled arena floor where sat two tables behind a small wooden podium, facing a large pulpit. He approached the right table and took his seat behind it, uncomfortably aware of the thousands of eyes fixed solely on him. Next to King Kai sat several Kais he hadn't seen before, but surmised that they were from Universe Nine, very likely here to see justice carried out for their fallen superiors.
He searched the audience for anyone he knew, but to his surprise could not find his father or brother. He did find Uub, however, though it took no searching as the young man strode confidently onto the platform and approached him.
"Oh, hey Uub. What're you doing here?" Gohan asked nervously as he rose to his feet and stuck out his hand.
"The Supreme Kai took Goten on another one of his inter-universe sparring matches." Uub explained as he quickly shook his hand. "He's fighting all comers preparing for Beerus. Of course, I'm not invited on those trips."
"That figures." Gohan muttered. "And he's alright with you coming here without him?"
"I make my own decisions now, Gohan." Uub replied with a confident smile on his face. "He sent me on a mission of my own, but there was no challenge to be had. The Zamasu you fought is dead, I've confirmed it myself now."
A moment later another familiar face strode onto the arena floor. Kibito, unaccompanied strode over and stuck out his hand to Gohan. "Hello, Gohan." He said.
Gohan was courteous, but confused. "Hi Kibito. Are you here to deliver the terms to the Grand Kai?"
"That's all been delivered already. I'm here as the representative of the Kais."
Gohan's jaw all but hit the floor, but he spoke only in hushed tones. "You're bringing the charges? Kibito, you're one of the ones Piccolo's taking the fall for."
"We all play our part, Gohan." He said, and walked to the desk on the left. Just then, the Grand Kai stepped onto the floor and climbed the stairs of the massive pulpit. As he took his seat, Uub stepped off of the floor and stood beside the concrete wall of the arena, where he made sure he was in plain sight to everyone on the arena floor.
"Quiet, quiet." The bushy haired Kai said, and a calm hush fell over the arena. He still wore his dark sunglasses, but had been kind enough to not bring his boom box to the trial. "Bring in the Defendant."
On cue, the doors to the back tunnel opened and Piccolo strode in, his wrists in large iron cuffs, and flanked by Tien and Yamcha. The two humans led him to the desk with Gohan, unlocked his cuffs, and walked to each side of the pulpit in front of the Grand Kai, where they turned and faced the desks.
"Alright, alright, everyone sit down." The Grand Kai announced in his raspy voice, and all parties obliged, with the lone exception of Uub, who leaned lazily against the concrete wall surrounding the ring. "Now, as everybody already knows, we're here today for the trial of Piccolo Daimo.
"Oh, come on." Gohan said under his breath, but Piccolo shot him a glance that screamed, "Can it", so he kept his silence.
"Whoo, this is a list of charges." The Grand Kai continued, "I mean this is really a lot. Go ahead and stand up, Piccolo. I'm not gonna read all this. Basically, looks like you killed a lot of people, tried to kill a bunch more, you're a demon – that's not even a charge, it's just on here as a footnote - and most recently, this is the good part, you abandoned your post as the North Kai's Protector, tied him to a tree, went to Earth with a kid, attacked a living human, used the Dragon Balls to go to a universal portal, killed Universe Nine's Supreme Kai and his protégé, and then came back and acted like nothing ever happened. Said it was a prank, in fact. I mean, man, Piccolo, that is some kinda rap sheet. If you really did all this we're looking at permanent death on the easy side. Hell is very much on the table here."
Murmurs erupted from the crowd, but Piccolo kept his composure, silently staring at the Grand Kai throughout.
"Alright, now let's see." The Kai said. "Says here we've got a plea deal, is that right?"
"It is, Grand Kai." Kibito said rising to his feet. "In addition to the charges, read and unread, the Kais observe that Piccolo's life has also included many good deeds, on which I'll allow his representative to elaborate."
"Thank you." Gohan said, and walked to the small wooden podium, where he pulled a folded piece of paper from his coat pocket opened it, and laid it on the podium to read. "Our agreement is in observation of the following facts: that Piccolo's expansive life, while indisputably flawed in part, is in sum a life of good deeds, of protecting the innocent, of fighting evil even in the face of overwhelming odds, of deterring evil at every opportunity, of serving as the Guardian of planet Earth and the Protector of both planets Earth and Namek, as well as the North Kai, and of the training and moral development of the four strongest members of Universe Seven's present population, of which I am one. We would also note that many of the charges listed occurred before his death, and he was thereafter judged worthy to keep his body in Otherworld.
"Furthermore, while the most recent charges are true, that they are tragedies borne of good intention. Piccolo only meant to better prepare a young man for the protection of Earth and the universe, and while he certainly erred in his methods, he is not an evil man. As such, we humbly request hell and permanent death removed from consideration as potential outcomes of this trial."
Here, Gohan put down the paper and looked back at Piccolo before turning his attention to the Grand Kai. "He's a good man, Grand Kai - as good a man as I've ever met. Better than I am even permitted to say at this trial. He raised me, he gave his life to save mine, he's risked his life for others more times than anyone can count. He has proven time, and time, and time again that he is no monster, no matter what that list of charges says. The charges before him are heinous, yes, but if anyone has earned mercy, it's Piccolo."
"Very good, very good. You can sit down." The Grand Kai said. "Kibito?"
Kibito stood and strode to the podium. "The Kais accept all facts stated by Piccolo's representation as true and put fourth the following demand: that Piccolo publicly accept guilt here today for all charges brought before him. In exchange we would ask you, Grand Kai, to issue the following orders: That Piccolo be stripped of his title as Protector of the North Kai, and that his body be taken from him permanently. We would allow him to continue his time in Otherworld as a disembodied soul."
"I see." Said the Grand Kai, not failing to notice the disbelief on the faces of the foreign Kais sitting beside the ring. "Everything looks in order to me. I'll accept these terms with one additional condition. Piccolo, your life in this universe might've been mixed, but in Universe Nine you were nothing but a foreign murderer; at the very least you owe them a personal apology. Come up and admit your guilt and apologize to those fellas right there, and we've got a deal."
"Remain in Otherworld?!" a fat Kai beside the ring stood up and screamed. "This man slit our Supreme Kai's throat and stole his time ring!"
Panicking, an idea suddenly hit Gohan. He walked quickly to the edge of the ring, stepped down, and strode to the fat Kai. "Here." He said, and pulled the golden ring off his right hand. The old Kai was perplexed but accepted it with an unsure look on his face. "That's yours – I'm sure Piccolo didn't know what it was."
The Kai was shocked, but gave no protestation and returned to his seat, so Gohan returned to his as well. Satisfied, the Grand Kai motioned for Piccolo to approach the podium.
Piccolo stood and strode calmly as Gohan looked on nervously. "Thank you all for coming." He said, his deep voice carrying through the deathly silent arena without the aid of a microphone. "Regarding the charges brought against me for my lives as Piccolo Daimo and Ma Junior, I am unquestionably guilty. I do not apologize, but the charges are true."
"Tough start, but I'll take it." Gohan muttered to himself.
"Regarding the crimes taken in my role as the North Kai's Protector," Piccolo continued, "I am guilty of abandoning him and tying him to a tree. I am also guilty of going to Earth and attacking a mortal in self-defense, and of stealing their dragon balls and using them to enter a foreign universe. I am also guilty of the murder of a Kai named Zamasu.
"However, I did not kill the Supreme Kai Gowasu." He said, booming his voice for emphasis and igniting a loud murmur throughout the crowd.
"No, Piccolo…" Kibito and Gohan both said aloud.
"Gowasu was killed by his own pupil, Zamasu, moments before I arrived." He continued, "I went to Universe Nine not as a training expedition, but as a targeted attack on Zamasu, who I, along with our Supreme Kai, knew to be evil."
Here the crowd was approaching full uproar, and the Grand Kai was trying his best to silence them, but Piccolo continued, only raising his voice further so it boomed above the fray.
"The Supreme Kai of Universe Seven, known as Shin to some of you here, was well aware that Zamasu intended to murder his Master and begin a massacre of all mortals in both Universes Nine and Seven! We knew because we had contact with an alternate timeline in which it had already happened! He did not warn Universe Nine! He took no action to stop it himself! He did not send aid to the future timeline, leaving that man" and here he pointed at Gohan for emphasis, "to go alone to help our contact! We no longer have contact with that timeline, because our contact, the man who warned us, is now dead!"
"Piccolo, STOP!" Gohan yelled, but to no avail.
"Gowasu is dead today because your Supreme Kai is obsessed with his own protection at the cost of innocent lives. I am on trial today because he refuses to do his job, because like his counterpart, Beerus the Destroyer, he has outlived his usefulness! He has created a cocoon of the world's most powerful fighters around himself strictly for his own protection! He is a coward and a fool, and it is a SHAME, that the Supreme Kai dead from all of this was a good man like Gowasu instead of HIM! This trial should be for HIM!"
Finally, the Grand Kai threw up his hands in exasperation. "Guards, seize him, already!" he yelled. Tien and Yamcha gave each other nervous looks, but obeyed as halfheartedly as they could and lurched forward at incredibly slow speed, already with their guards up.
With a low yell, Piccolo threw out his arms and let loose a massive kiai in every direction, blowing everyone off the stage but himself. "For some reason you all seem to think I'm going to go quietly!" He bellowed throughout the colosseum. "Didn't you hear my name? I'm Piccolo Daimo!"
With that Piccolo burst off the stage and up into the air away from the arena, heading north toward King Kai's planet. Tien and Yamcha, well aware that Piccolo had spared them serious damage, gave chase at low speed, as did a few other members of the Grand Kai's enlisted guards. The crowd, apparently enthused by the speech, cheered loudly for his escape.
The foreign Kais stood up furiously and prepared to give chase themselves, but King Kai hurriedly stopped them. "Please, please!" he begged. "Piccolo is incredibly powerful – he killed Zamsu, after all. He doesn't have anywhere to run to, just let the guards catch him. They'll bring him to justice!"
Piccolo soared ahead at raging speed past King Yemma's stop and onto Snake Way, and continued the pace for several miles until he could sense only Tien and Yamcha behind him. Satisfied that the others had lost ground, he landed on the road and waited for them to arrive.
When they did, they walked up to him nervously and took turns shaking his massive hand. "All according to plan, I guess." Yamcha said.
"You sure it was worth it?" Tien asked. "It's gonna be rough down there. You know there's no coming back."
"It had to be done. Besides, as long as I have my body there's nothing down there for me to fear." Piccolo said. "Don't forget, I'm the Demon King."
He then rose back into air and hovered over the clouds separating Snake Way from hell. "Hey, and tell the kid thanks for everything. He turned out alright."
With that, Piccolo Daimo descended into hell.
Bulma tinkered in her lab for the better part of a day while Trunks, hidden from the rest of the world, exhausted himself in the Gravity Chamber created for his father.
Finally, she felt sure she'd done it. The new Dragon Radar was significantly larger than the original, more closely resembling a scroll when opened than a handheld beacon, but was essentially a slight modification of the original. It was incredibly sensitive - a lifetime of work having far improved her skills over her original work as a teenager - and it would need to be, now that the hidden orbs were to be scattered over an entire universe.
"Ok, come look." She said to Trunks as he toweled himself off. "This won't begin to cover the whole universe, so you can't see all seven, but it'll cover huge areas. If you move as fast as you say you can, you should be able to sweep both universes pretty quickly.
"And then we get Dad back." Trunks said, and Bulma was unable to hide her joy or her tears. She turned it on as a test, and in the upper left-hand corner, a small blinking light appeared.
"First one." He said. "We'll have him back before Beerus shows up."
"You want to bring him back just for a fight?" Bulma asked worriedly.
"I want him back because it's right – why should he be the only one who stays dead forever? And I want him back for you. And for me I guess, but…look if I brought him back right after the biggest fight of all time he'd kill me. He'll want to be there for it, I know he will."
"That's true." Bulma said, still worried, but softened.
"Alright, I've got to go before someone finds me." Trunks said. "Remember, I was never here as far as anyone needs to know."
"Sure, but…why? You're not a criminal."
"Yeah, but this isn't exactly sanctioned." Trunks explained. "If the Supreme Kai figures out what I'm up to there's no way he'll allow it. Besides, I've made some enemies; I don't need any of them tracking me here. I've got to go."
"Wait, enemies? What if they come after us to get to you?"
"Don't worry, it's nobody Okami can't handle." He replied.
"It's Akela now." She said, "His fusion's permanent."
"Even better. Just keep him close, I trust him."
"Okay, well, goodbye I guess…" she muttered, suddenly feeling the loneliness creeping back.
Trunks walked forward and embraced his mother. "'Til next time."
He backed away and folded the new radar, placing it in his pocket. Bulma looked on as he stepped outside and crouched low, and time itself seemed to warp as he took off out into space, a portal opening as he left the ground and then disappearing, leaving no trace that he had ever arrived.
That evening, the Supreme Kai, Goku, and Goten arrived back on the Planet of the Kais several hours later with Goten sporting a fresh bruise on his head but the smile of a winner on his face. Upon arriving they found Uub and the Old Kai sitting together beneath a tree, a wry smile on Uub's face.
"How was the match?" Uub asked through his grin.
"I slipped up a little at the beginning, but I got him." Goten replied happily.
"I'll remind you the goal of these matches is to improve, not to win." The Supreme Kai scolded. "Uub were you able to confirm the death of the future Zamasu and Black?"
"They are deceased." Uub responded.
"And I expect you attended the trial despite my instructions?" Shin asked.
"Of course I did." Uub replied cockily.
"Mister Piccolo put on a show." Uub said, almost laughing in the Kai's face.
Just then, Kibito arrived on the planet looking incredibly disheveled. "What happened?" the Supreme Kai asked firmly.
"Piccolo went rogue." Kibito explained. He refused to admit guilt for the murder of Gowasu and fled into hell. The Universe Nine Kais are very upset, but they've returned to their universe now. One of them threatened war if we don't make amends, but I don't believe they'll pursue it any further.
"What of Piccolo, Supreme Kai?" Kibito asked. "He still has his body, but he's trapped in hell. We do have a few warriors who might be able to overpower him and bring him back with my assistance…"
"Maybe I should just send you down there after him." The Supreme Kai spat before regaining his composure, a hurt look materializing on his assistant's face. "No, forgive me. If Piccolo's gone to hell he'll be under enough torment, there's no reason to risk losing you. Dabura should get to him soon enough, in any event.
"Unless…Uub," he said, looking over at the smiling boy. "You've been wanting a real task. Why don't you fetch him?"
"No thank you." Uub replied cockily. "Mister Piccolo made some good points during his trial, I think I'm on his side. If he wants to be in hell, I say let him stay. I'm certainly not dragging him out."
"Points?" the Supreme Kai asked menacingly.
"Yes, well…" Kibito stammered.
"Piccolo blamed you for everything." Uub interjected. "Said you should've been the one to die instead of Gowasu. I thought it was too much, but the crowd seemed to agree, so…"
Fire seemed to light in the Supreme Kai's eyes, but Uub kept his calm composure, keenly aware there was little the Kai could do to him. The Kai could sic Goku or Goten on him, sure, but he felt confident in his ability to fight his way free, and sure that they would be unable to kill him even if they had a mind to try, which he seriously doubted.
Just then, a high-pitched voice began ringing across the sky of the planet, "Hey, Supreme Kai!" it said, "Can you hear me?"
"North Kai?" Shin answered.
"Yeah, it's me." The voice returned. "Listen, I don't want to bother you with stuff that doesn't matter, but I thought you might wanna know this: Trunks showed back up on Earth for a little while."
"What of it?" Shin asked.
"Well, we were all at Piccolo's trial, so by the time I heard the news from Dende he was almost gone, but I watched him leave. He's traveling in space without a ship or oxygen now, and he had Bulma make him a new Dragon Radar. Not that it'll do him any good since he left the planet, but I figured I better keep you in the loop. That's all; I'll let you know if I hear anything else."
The Supreme Kai could feel his head throbbing as his mind began to race. "Why would Trunks leave Earth if he was after Dragon Balls?" he thought, "Super Dragon Balls – that must be it. But how does he know about them? And why would he want them? Power, probably; he is a Saiyan, after all. But for what purpose? To kill Beerus? Or perhaps so he could exact revenge, perhaps revenge against me for refusing to train him with the others.
"Am I being alarmist?" he asked himself, still in thought, "Yes, probably so. Trunks has never threatened me. But then again, a rogue with an axe to grind in possession of any wish he could think of? And if he's collecting them, he must also intend to cross into Universe Six. What kind of problems could he cause there? Who knows, he could go after their Supreme Kai, and he might not have ample protection. He could start an inter-universe war if he had a mind to – and we're already on the brink of one with Universe Nine. What if they united against us? Or can he even travel to Otherworld? He couldn't the last time I saw him, but… he's mastered space travel, what else could he know? Who knows what dark methods he might be using to acquire this power? Far too much risk, far too many unknowns. It must be dealt with."
"Uub!" he yelled, suddenly snapping out of his trance. "Trunks! That's your mission. Bring me Trunks, alive if possible."
"Whoa, 'if possible'?" Goten asked in shock. "Are you giving him permission to kill Trunks for hunting for Dragon Balls?"
It was too late, though, the gears were already turning in Uub's head. The arguing of the others faded away as his mind drifted back to the things Trunks had said to him as a child. How he had threatened to kill him, how he likely would've done it if Goten hadn't been there to protect him. But he wasn't a child anymore.
"Sure, I'll bring you Trunks." He said, a wild smile now covering his face, sending chills down Goten's spine. "We've got a score to settle, after all."
Before anyone else could protest, Uub was gone, hurtling through space in search of the rogue Saiyan.
King Kai was mindlessly tending to his garden when he felt Gohan's energy appear on his planet. "He's not here." He said before the Saiyan could get a word out, "He flew down Snake Way a little ways and jumped down into hell. I didn't know he was gonna do that, I swear."
"Actually, I came here to see you." Gohan replied. A confused look came across the fat Kai's face as he continued. "If Piccolo thought that was the right thing to do, I trust him. I'm not going in after him, and I know you didn't have anything to do with it."
"Oh, well then, what can I do for you?" the fat Kai asked.
I didn't know if it was really possible for Saiyans to master Kai energy, but I've seen it now. I know it wasn't 'them' really, but I've seen Goten and Trunks's bodies both do it. Now that I know it's possible, it's just a matter of time until our Goten and Trunks learn it, too. They're too good not to."
"I see. And what about you?" King Kai asked.
"No, not me." Gohan shook his head as he replied. "I'm too far behind. Even if I did it I doubt I could catch them now, but I don't intend to stand on the sidelines anymore. King Kai – I need a new weapon."
Dende and Akela stood on the edge of the Lookout surveying the quiet Earth that evening, the breeze coming through carrying the smell of rain in the clouds below. "It's all so calm," Dende observed. "But so uneasy."
"I'm afraid this is how it will be until he comes." Akela replied. "How long do we have?"
Dende looked over his shoulder at a massive hourglass sitting under the entryway to the palace. "Less than three years."