Author has written 13 stories for Final Fantasy X-2, Bleach, and Mass Effect. *I need a good beta reader. I honestly don’t know a good productive way of finding someone so I would be forever grateful if you can let me know how to find someone or even if you want to be my beta-reader. Feel free to read my other stories (feel free to leave reviews ;)) and let me know by sending me a PM. I have another Ichiruki story written that is in desperate need of a beta-reader. But this one is way darker and has more angst than I’m used to writing, also it contains sexually explicit scenes so obviously I need someone who is comfortable with those contexts. Categories I write for: Bleach Final Fantasy X-2 Mass Effect Categories I'm interested in writing for: Dragon Age Assassin's Creed Favorite Characters: Rukia (Bleach) Garrus (Mass Effect) Fem!Shepard (Mass Effect) Joker (Mass Effect) Desmond (AC) Sten (Dragon Age) Alistair (Dragon Age) Favorite Pairings (the pairs I write about): Ichigo x Rukia Garrus x FemShep Current News(?) - You've Got Sphere! : DOA - Instances: this is aan ongoing one-shot series focusing on Garrus Vakarian nd his thoughts (most of them FemShep related). If you have any ideas you want to share or a request please let me know! I welcome any kind of inspiration! AND PLEASE REVIEW! I WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A BETTER WRITER AND I NEED YOUR HELP TO DO SO! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!! |