Author has written 18 stories for X-Men. Wow! It's been like forever since I updated my profile. A lot has changed. After my parents died I found myself broke and with almost no connections in real estate so I'm back in nursing. I've been working with a rural hospice and I'm having a great time. It does take up a ton of time so I don't have near the time to write now. As most of you know, I'm a Wolvie/Jubes shipper. What Marvel has done to her in the last few months breaks my heart. Jubilee: The End is how I think she should have been treated after M Day. All Grown Up will look at her again 10 years after M Day. When I get more chapters written, I'll start posting it. A good number of my stories are co-written with dizi, who is a friend, and include some of her wonderful OC's. She has a talent for developing interesting OC's that I don't have. If you ever get a chance, read her Jenny stories. They're great! I also am editing a series of stories that Jaenelle Angelline is spinning off of my story 'Lifeline'. As for my bio: I am a 48 year old mother of 2. I've been a nurse for 20 years.Saying that, my stories are somewhat heavy in science. Can't help it people, it's what I know best. I love all kinds of science fiction and fantasy. I'm old enough to remember Star Trek, the original series, in first run. I am a fan of X-Men but not the films. My favorite character is Wolverine and favorite paring is Wolverine and Jubilee with Remy and Rogue a close second. I write stores for and . I also write nonfiction and some fiction for . My muse is Logan and he tends to nag me about stories while I'm driving or sleeping. I've been trying to break him of this habit but no luck. I get the occasional visit from guest muses such as the Charmed Ones. They tend to wait until I'm awake to talk to me. My latest guest muse has been Sinister. He's a funny one. Ya gotta watch him. He tends to give you the same chapter over and over, then leave for awhile. At least he has stopped visiting while I'm asleep. It gave me nightmares. Stories in the works at this time: An untitled Sinister story co-written with dizi and my beta reader. I've posted this one over at the Wolverine and Jubilee interractive hub so if you read it and want to add to it, be my guest. I've run out of ideas for that one. A Long Way Home: This story is getting very long. It looks to be novella length or longer. I'll post a chapter every week or so. All Grown Up: I've been working on this one for a while now. It follows the current Marvel timeline and shows how Jubilee deals with the loss of her powers. I have several stories at . That is where you can find the rest of 'Treasure Hunt'. That story is out and out smut. The third chapter will be added as soon as it has been edited. It will be a Beast chapter. They are going very slow but I hope to post soon. To everyone who is wondering. I've been having computer problems for about a month. My laptop is giving me a keyboard error and my PC just has a bum keyboard. I've been working on my stories as best I can given the limitations but each chapter is taking much longer than I anticipated. I will probably post once a month until further notice. Sorry for the dreaded cliff hangers but that's how it goes sometimes. I expect "A Long Way Home" to be finished in about 5-7 more chapters, depending on how sadistic my muse gets. |