![]() Author has written 12 stories for Red vs. Blue, RWBY, Fable, Warcraft, StarCraft, and Overwatch. Why hello there, my name is Raging Archon. You've probably never heard of me, which is understandable. Despite my name, I am actually a calm and sophisticated gentleman who is very slow to anger. I hope to contribute to the Fan Fic community by writing stories that are enjoyed by the viewers and so on and so forth. Below are a few rules I have for my stories, read through them so you can get a grasp of what content to expect on my profile. NOTE- I have just recently made a DeviantArt account called 'RagingArchon' where I post drawings of things from my Fan-Fictions and those of others. Feel free to contact me either here or on DevaintArt if you're interested. RULE NO. 1: OC'S (Own Characters) In some of my stories, I will be writing from the perspective of an OC. The reasons being that in some cases, it's hard to find a well known and important character to fit as the main protagonist or antagonist of a story. In fact, if some of my stories become so popular, I'll even ask reviewer's to make one for the story. However, I do have some rules with OC's. Number one is that the OC must be believable. It somewhat annoys me when I read a fic featuring an OC that is God's human form on earth or they have access to something they shouldn't have, example a Spartan having Sangheili Energy Dagger's integrated into their armour. I want an OC to be believable and doing something like that takes away the realism. Number two is that they must be interesting. What's the point of reading a story with the OC as the main character if they are boring. Give them a good origin story but in line with rule one, make it believable. And number three is Mary Sue's and Gary Stu's. I hate them. No need to elaborate on that factor seeing as it's self explanatory. RULE NO. 2: VILLAIN'S I'm not gonna lie here, I love villain's. In every movie or game I am always secretly routing for the villain. As for in fan fiction, I feel it's necessary to give the villain a good backstory. While I have no problem with the "I'm evil deal with it!" type of villain, I know people do hate that stereotype. Give them a good reason to be evil, like Arthas in Warcraft 3 wanted to save his people from the Scourge but ended up allying with them after taking Frostmourne so he could defeat Mal'Ganis who was responsible for directing the Scourge efforts in Lordearon. Also be aware that there are many types of villains, there are those that take glory in the field of battle and are present in every important battle while there are those that play the schemer who hides in the safety of the shadows but whose presence is always felt. Also, don't make the villain a pushover. It gets a bit boring when the villain is easily defeated or suffer a great loss and does nothing about it. A good example is in Dragon Age Inquisition: you take the templars or mages from the Elder One, He takes Haven from you. This rule applies more to OC villains as established villains have their background and personality already created. RULE NO .3: LORE I'm a huge lore nerd when it comes to fiction, especially video game lore. That is why when I read or write a story, I always fact check it. I read to make sure that it is accurate to the fullest extent. When I see something that I don't recognise, I check it to ensure I'm not mistaken. If I find it on a widely accepted web page or book, then I learned something new and I'm happy. But if it doesn't match up in anything I find, then I get angry. If it's something they admit in a later chapter they got wrong or if it's an AU (Alternate Universe) then I'm content with it, but if it's something that they admit was wrong and either do nothing or just don't care, then I get really angry. So ensure that my lore on the respective universe is correct before I post a story, but if possible, I would most likely set my story in a point in the timeline that either hasn't happened or not much is known about. RULE NO. 4: CROSSOVERS I often find crossovers to be a rather interesting read, as it's good to see an author's interpretation of events in a 'What if?' scenario. However, there are rules that must be followed. Number one is that the crossover must fit. That way, it tends to be more believable if the event actually occurred. For example, a RWBY and Overwatch crossover is more believable than a RWBY and Ghostbuster's crossover as Overwatch has elements that fit in rather nicely with RWBY and vice versa. Not to say that crossover couldn't work but it is less believable than the former. Number two is that in fights between characters from two separate realities, it must be even. As an example, in a fight between Weiss Schnee from RWBY against a Ghoul from the Warcraft franchise it's no contest. But a fight between Weiss and the Lich King from the same franchise would be far closer. If it seems that due to the lore of a universe one participant has the major advantage, find a way around the advantage such as a loophole or something that was explained earlier in your story. And number three, make the interactions between characters believable. I recently read a crossover from an author who I won't name and it featured a well established character that was acting OOC (Out of Character) and it felt like a huge slap in the face. Make it so that character interactions are believable, an example is the Master Chief from the Halo franchise. He's not much of a talker and you could say as a man who has spent his entire life in the military, he's kinda socially awkward and won't interact much with the more 'open' characters. RULE NO. 5: ONE ON ONE FIGHTS Let's be honest here, a story without conflict isn't a great story. However, as I said in the crossover rule, the confrontation must be believable. It's not great when you see the 'almighty villain' get defeated so easily by the hero. Make the fight believable, what powers do they control and how skilled are they. That being said, while the hero is expected to triumph over a lowly soldier, don't make it to easy. Don't forget that the soldier they're fighting is a soldier for a reason, and he will fight tooth and nail to kill them. This rule applies to both heroes and villains so unless the villain is actually something that is God like in power then don't hold back when writing fights between them and soldiers. RULE NO. 6: ESTABLISHED CHARACTERS Aside from OCs, the common thing for an author to do is to take an already established character and have them at the 'helm' of a fan fic. This is because it is far easier to take a character that has already been created then make one up. I have no problem with that at all. What I do have a problem with is when that character begins acting OOC. It's a huge slap in the face for the reader if one of their favourite characters begins acting not so much like their favourite. However, it is also important when a character who is facing a situation they have never faced before to react accordingly. Put yourself in their shoes and react accordingly, if you were a war monger that encountered an unknown but intelligent species, would you try and get a solid line of communication or attack? RULE NO. 7: PARODIES Now, I have nothing wrong with a good old parody. However, they must be done correctly. There needs to be a balance between reality of the franchise and finding the right amounts of humor. Too much seriousness, and it isn't really a parody but a normal fic with some humorous elements. Too much comedy, and it just gets a bit boring after a while with usually the same jokes being used again, and again, and again, and again... RULE NO. 8: GUY ON GUY/GIRL ON GIRL Let me get this out of the way very quickly, I have absolutely nothing against the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Tran-sexual) community. However, I don't write that stuff. This dog just doesn't bark that way. As I already stated, nothing against them, it's just that I don't feel comfortable writing about that sort of stuff. RULE NO. 9: ROMANCE It's rather common in fics (especially crossovers) for the main character to be romantically attracted to another. However, the romance needs to be done right. While instant attraction between characters DOES happen, it's not very common. As an author whose name I can't recall stated, romance is like a flower, it takes time to reach the full state. RULE NO. 10: CRITICISM Criticism is important when writing, it's the only way to really improve your skills. However, there are some types of criticism that will not be tolerated. Constructive criticism is the best type of criticism, as a reviewer is giving their opinion on a matter and explains in clear and calm manner what they disliked about the story and how it could be improved. However, flamers are the worst. They go around either trolling or just unleashing their rage on author's saying despicable things such as 'your fic sucks!' or 'you should go kill yourself!'. Flamers or 'toxic reviewers' will not be tolerated and will be blocked immediately! This is your first and only warning! Those are my rules on fan fiction writing, I will update when appropriate but the list shouldn't change too often. Now for some of my favourite franchises which some will be the main focus of my fan fics. Favourite Games Halo- one of the first games I ever played, this titan of a franchise has always been an important part of my life. While I personally don't like the direction that 343 Industries are taking Halo, I will always have fond memories of this franchise. World of Warcraft- I love this game, I have been playing since late Burning Crusade and I'm still playing today. I always have fond memories of my first Honor Kill and my first raid and like halo, it has been a huge inspiration for me. Dragon Age: Inquisition- A recently new game, and one I already love to bits. The open world, the followers and the story changing depending on your actions are just the tip of the Iceberg of why I love this game. Also, best dragon fights out of any game I've played. Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls- While Diablo 3 may not have the customisation that most RPGs have, the open world is no joke. With each map layout changing on each playthrough allowing access to undiscovered dungeons, the potential encounters are endless. Also, thumbs up to Blizzards cinematic department. Elder Scrolls Skyrim- How could I not include this RPG on my list, I mean, come on! The customisation may not be as in depth as DA:I, but the lore and race possibilities are tremendous. Fable franchise- Fable is not that common a franchise but it sure was a great game in my opinion. The morality system, the story and the british humour got me at every turn. If I had to pick one, I would pick Fable 2 but all the games in the trilogy have their moments. Favourite Movies Lord of the Rings Trilogy- Need I explain any further. Too bad the Hobbit didn't live up to it's predecessors expectations... Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back- In my opinion the best out of the film series, Empire showed that the Rebel Alliance wasn't as invincible as the first film portrayed. Great story and stunning visuals that still hold up today, Empire is one of my favourite movies. Jaws- Great movie with a memorable soundtrack, what else must be said? Alien- Great blend between sci-fi and horror, this movie and its elements go great together. Also that scene with the chest-burster? BEST! INTRO! EVER! Favourite Shows (Both TV and Web series) Game of Thrones- love the story and character development in this show, one of the few book to screen adaptations out there that is actually any good. The plot is always taking twists and turns so you never know what to expect, unless you've read the books...which I haven't... Red vs. Blue- what can I say, I've watched from season 1 to present day and it is one one of the few shows that makes me genuinely laugh. Love the story and plot and love the animation in it as well. RWBY- I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of anime. In fact I loathe it. I would never have tried this show out at all. It was only after Monty Oum's untimely death that I thought "I'll give it a try, see what it's like". And I haven't looked back since. I'm glad I decided to click play all those years ago. Starcrafts- A cartoon show that is both funny and clever, I love this show. With favourite characters like Patches and the Ragelot, this show just makes me laugh. Also, who else could make an Ultralisk look cute but Carbot? Other favourites Nixxiom and Moocluck- These guys are legends all on their own. These guys have been making me laugh since 2013 and the numerous jokes are just too funny for me to handle, with gems like Level Fifty-Eight Death Knight and the ludicrously long guild names. I hope that these never stop doing their work, because I don't know where I'd be without them. Nobbell87- Unlike others on this list, this man doesn't make films or tv shows. He instead makes WoW lore videos. It is because of this man that I got interested in video game lore and without him, I would just be killing things without knowing why I'm killing them. Thank you Nobbell87, for all your videos and I look forward to your Arthas lore video. That is pretty much it for my Favourites and like the rules, it will be updated appropriately. Current Fan Fics The Hero of Remnant- Fable/RWBY crossover - Main Characters: Hero of Brightwall & Yang Xiao Long Shadow of the Harvest- Warcraft - Main Character: Undead Completed Fan-Fics RWBY: The Chorus Chronicle- RWBY/Red Vs Blue crossover Reap What You Sow- RWBY/Overwatch crossover - Main Characters: Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Reaper & Soldier 76 Fan-Fics in the works These are a list of Fics I'm planning on doing. So don't steal any of these ideas for I will find you and get Liam Neeson to use a particular set of skills that make your life hell! You have been warned... Stand alones Blood Hunters- RWBY - Yang Xiao Long, Raven Branwen & OC Soldiers Sacrifice- Halo - Main Character: OC Shadow of the Past- Warcraft - Main Character: Human Empires Glory- Elder Scrolls - Main Character: Imperial Hunter:Hunted- Warcraft - Main Character: Undead Ghosts in the Dark- StarCraft - Main Character: Terran Ghost Family or Honour- StarCraft - Main Characters: Zealot & Dark Templar The Wrath of Hethiss- Warcraft - Main Character: Troll Crossovers The Stars Our Home- RWBY/StarCraft crossover - Main Characters: Zealot & Weiss Schnee Alone- Halo/Starcraft crossover - Main Characters: Sangheili & Dark Templar Reap What You Sow sequel (Unnamed yet) Shield World- RWBY/Halo crossover - Spartan, Elite & Team RWBY I hope you like my stories and I can't wait to receive reviews. Raging Archon out. |