So! Who else has been having the time of their frickin' lives killing everything that moves in the Broken Isles?! I know I have!
Anyway, I think I've kept you all waiting long enough, and so to avoid the fate of having my metaphorical door getting kicked in, I present you with the first chapter of Light in the Void! Onwards!
Oh, and before I forget...
Disclaimer; I claim no ownership to any of the following properties. Warcraft and RWBY fall under the ownership of their license holders, of which I am neither.
Remnant Bound
Residents of Stormwind stared up in awe at the sky.
Everyone from the youngest of children to the oldest of elders, civilian and soldier alike, watched in amazement as a small fleet of osprey bullheads hovered near a massive portal above the skies of Stormwind, hovering above the city in a lazy formation.
Behind them was a massive portal, big enough to swallow the fleet with little issue. A portal that had taken days to complete. Not because of its scale, but because of where it led...
Several Stormwind mages positioned on the roof of Stormwind castle nod silently to each other before firing magical flare spells into the air, the balls of arcane energy bursting in a series of fantastic colors that could have no doubt been spotted all the way in the arid lands of Westfall.
The flare's intended recipients, the fleet of bullhead's that floated above the keep, seemed to acknowledge the flares, flying down towards the gardens of the keep. They slowly descended until they were flying just level with the overlook of the gardens, with one bullhead in particular flying right up against the stone surface of the wall, hovering still in the air, as if by a string.
As the bullhead's pilot finally seemed to decide that they had positioned themselves correctly the side door of the bullhead slid open, revealing Ravarth and Weiss, who both sat in the passenger section of the bullhead.
After the invasion of the Broken Shore and the loss of a large chunk of the Alliance leadership, Ravarth had been appointed as a commander in the army, and in response abandoned his old armor in favor of black and red armor that had been commonly worn by many gladiators during the Northrend offensive.
Weiss had gone through just as major a wardrobe change as Ravarth in the past few months since the war against the Legion began. Her white combat skirt was long abandoned, instead replaced by a much more conservative grey look, though it retained the look of her previous combat skirt in most other aspects. She also had taken to wearing small pieces of armor over the outfit here and there that served to protect her while still granting her the mobility that made her such a deadly duelist.
What was the most noticeable part of her new attire however were the small, almost unnoticeable, Gilnean symbols that had been engraved on the shin guards that she wore over her legs.
"I was wondering when you two would finally decide to get going." Ravarth spoke up above the loud hum of the bullhead's engines as he gazed over at the host of guards surrounding a blonde haired young man. "You ready to put on your political faces and kiss some bureaucratic tail?"
"I never am Commander..." Another voice called back, the voice of the young man surrounded on all sides by the wall of living flesh and cold metal. "But with your calming presence I'm sure everything will turn out just fine."
Ravarth bore his fangs in a grin. "Let's get going then wise-ass."
At the snap of the blonde man's fingers the guards parted to reveal Anduin standing there with crossed arms and a grin on his own face. "That's King Wise-... Is something wrong Ravarth?"
Ravarth adopted a confused expression for a moment as he scanned the crowd of guards in search of his target. Or more accurately, his Queen. "I thought the kid was coming with us. Where'd she run off to?"
"Ruby? Oh, she's coming she just wanted to grab something from our room." Anduin explained with a soft sigh, to which Ravarth crossed his arms.
"So... Her weapon?"
Anduin sighed, his hand resting on the pommel of his own blade. "Yes. Her weapon. She insists its her baby."
Ravarth only chuckled at the King's words. In the time that he had come to know Ruby he learned, with exceptional speed, that Crescent Rose was the girl's prized possession, and would rather lose an arm than lose her precious scythe.
Weiss meanwhile was strangely silently, not a word out of her mouth since they had arrived. She sat nearly motionless in one of the seats in the bullhead, watching the congregation of guards surrounding Anduin with little interest, the only sign she was still attentive the bobbing of the leg she had folded over the other.
"Sorry to keep you waiting guys!" A voice called out from behind the sea of guards, prompting all present to turn to locate the source of the call.
Anduin as well turned to to face the voice, only to find a black haired girl walking towards them, a large smile on her face.
Ruby Wrynn. The Queen of Stormwind. The Rose of the Alliance.
She had been a blessing in Anduin's life over the last year of his life that he would have been a fool to take for granted.
Though her hair had grown in length by a noticeable inch or two and the outline of a lion head now adorned her blood red cape, very little else, at least personality wise, had changed about the bubbly huntress. She still sported her usual predominant red and black theme, colors normally associated with the Horde ironically enough, and her silver eyes still held the same shine of genuine curiosity and kindness that had first caught Anduin's attention all those months ago.
However, despite her overall personality remaining more or less intact since the wedding, she had forgone her old combat dress almost the day after she and Anduin had been wed, just over a month ago. Instead she had donned a more combat oriented outfit that consisted of a tan shirt and shorter skirt that was surrounded by a host of different red and black articles of clothing, the most noticeable of which was the reinforced corset that was wrapped tightly around her torso. She was also adorned with black armored boots that seemed to have replaced the stockings she once wore.
"Ready to go?" Anduin asked as Ruby strolled by, her 'precious baby' held securely in her arms exactly as one would cradle an actual child.
"Yep! Let's go." She called back as she quickly strolled up to the bullhead before almost immediately hopped into the aircraft without a moments hesitation.
She had been looking forward to this trip for a long while, really since the day that Anduin had announced it. They would be heading back to Remnant! Of course it wasn't going to be Patch she would be headed back to, or even Vale, but still, Remnant was her home, and she hadn't seen it for a year! She was certainly due a trip back.
Anduin meanwhile took a moment to recheck the mental list in his mind one last time for anything he could have missed or forgotten to do before leaving.
He had given orders to the SI:7's leader, Mathias Shaw, to inform visitors that the King and Queen were both suffering from a strange sickness or had been moved away from the general public in interest of their safety. Not the most elegant of excuses, but a better one than the truth of an absence of royalty while he and Ruby were in Remnant.
He had also graced King Greymane's forces in their march for the Broken Isles, though graced may have been too strong a word. Accepted was probably a more suitable one. Anduin had a feeling that Greymane's Armies would have gone whether or not he had permitted them.
Finally there was the issue of the Horde, though that issue had seemed to have temporarily sorted itself out thanks to the near constant amount of pressure that the Burning Legion had put on both the Horde and Alliance on the Broken Isles. Not even small outlying towns had been attacked by the Horde as of late, which was a surprise considering all the bad blood that had shot back up between the two factions after the events at the Broken Shore.
With his mental checklist scored off, Anduin gave himself a short nod before making his own way onto the aircraft, hesitantly stepping onto the flying metal monstrosity with anxiety clear on his face. How the Gnomes and Dwarves dealt with these things on a daily basis he would never know.
Once Anduin was safely inside, two guards began to step up to help shut the door, only to jump back in surprise when it slid shut by itself before the bullhead quickly began to build altitude, levitating above the keep, slowly making its way to the portal that hung above it.
Inside of the craft, as it finally made its way into the portal, Ravarth spoke up, his coarse voice echoing throughout the chamber of the bullhead, reverberating off of the metal hull. "So... The final plans for the initial diplomatic meeting with the leaders of Atlas are in place?"
"Yes, that they are." Anduin replied, taking Ruby's hand in his own as he spoke. "It's quite fortunate that we were able to make contact with another kingdom on Remnant that has survived the Legion's attempted occupation. Any help our forces can receive in the defense of the planet would be welcome, especially now that we've...Lost the support of the Horde."
"I'm surprised the Forsaken haven't tried to gas half of the Eastern Kingdoms at this point." The Worgen spat out as he crossed one leg over the other, mimicking Weiss' position, though in his black gladiatorial armor made it all the more ridiculous. "They seem almost completely unhinged as of late."
Anduin said nothing in response, only staring at the metal floor of the aircraft's cabin.
"Well... That aside, how do you plan to woo the leaders of Atlas?" Ravarth spoke up once he realized that Anduin wouldn't be providing any sort of rebuttal for his comment towards the Horde. "Priss here's been telling me that she's from Atlas, and that they're not the friendliest to new faces."
Anduin, secretly thankful that Ravarth had switched topics, glanced over to Weiss. "Is that true Weiss?"
"Yes. It is. My family is from Atlas, and our dust company's headquarters is stationed there..." Weiss spoke up for the first time since Anduin and Ruby had stepped into the bullhead, her voice as cold and emotionless as ever, if not more-so than usual. "I would advise caution when we first arrive King Anduin. Like Ravarth said, the leaders of my kingdom aren't the warmest of people, and they will almost certainly regard you with suspicion at first after all that's happened as of late."
"Right, and that's completely understandable." Anduin replied quickly with a small nod of appreciation. "Thank you Weiss."
Ruby, after noticing the strange tone her friend and partner was taking, spoke up in a concerned tone. "Hey Weiss, you okay? You sound... Not Weissy."
"I'm Fine Ruby... Just..." Weiss sighed loudly, her eyes clearly showcasing the inner turmoil that was raging ceaselessly inside of her conscious. "I'm not exactly thrilled at the idea of seeing my father again..."
"Oh." Ruby hummed, finally catching onto the reason for her discomfort. Nevertheless, she still attempted to reason with the heiress, "But... He's your father, he must miss you and-..."
"Please just drop it Ruby..."
"Drop it."
Ruby sighed. She knew Weiss had a tense relationship with her father, but to not want to even see him? She couldn't even imagine having that sort of relationship with her father, and she certainly didn't want to imagine it. She loved her father.
And as Ruby felt Anduin's hand grasping hers tightly the newly crowned Queen realized that another person on that bullhead felt the exact same way as she.
"I wouldn't worry too much about it either way Priss." Ravarth suddenly said, his blunt words smashing through the uncomfortable shroud of silence like a brick against glass. "With all the refugees around chances are you'll barely even see your father past the formal greetings."
"Refugees?" Ruby asked, shooting a confused look at the Worgen.
"Aye. Bunch of refugees from other kingdoms fled to Atlas once the Legion invaded, even from Vale and its surrounding provinces."
"You've certainly been following the situation in Remannt closely Commander." Anduin noted, watching as Ravarth huffed silently as he suddenly found a keen interest in the form of a small strap on his armor.
"Keeps my mind occupied."
"It does. To an almost constant degree." Anduin chided, leaning forwards towards the commander, taking on an almost fatherly tone as he spoke. Quite ironic given that, in truth, they were quite nearly the exact same age. "If we weren't headed to such an important summit with the leaders of Atlas I would honestly have suggested you take a break."
"...I don't do well with free time." Ravarth muttered before turning his gaze out of the window at the oceans below, a clear signal that he wanted the conversation to continue no further.
Before any of the occupants knew it, nearly an hour had past. The bullheads were nearing Atlas now.
In only a few minutes they would be dealing with politician after politician, bureaucrat after bureaucrat, all so that they wouldn't end up with another enemy on the very world they were attempting to defend from an army that wouldn't think twice about wiping whomever they came across of the map.
Ravarth snorted silently.
This was going to be interesting.
"Hey Var?"
"Yes Yang?"
"I'm never going along with any of your 'super secret warlock missions' ever again."
"Yeah... Yeah, I don't blame you."
The two hung precariously upside down, tied to a large iron bar by their legs, surrounded on all sides by a combination of felslate and fel-lava that made up the majority of the surface of the demon world in which they now hung.
Yang and Varimas, only hours before, had been invited by a group of Warlocks named the Council of the Black Harvest in an attempt to summon a large demon in an effort to strengthen Azeroth's armies against the invasion of the Legion. Fighting fire with fire, as most would eloquently put it.
Unfortunately someone in that particular group of 'competent' warlocks seemed to have had lapse in their judgment, as the final, and most important, points of the ritual had been left to none other... Than a gnome.
At the last moment, through no fault of any except for the gnome, the group had ended up accidentally summoning the lord of Dreadscar, the pit lord Jagganoth. A famous demon known for his cruel, sadistic tendencies.
Needless to say that the group had quickly been taken prisoner by the Lord and his demons, before being separated and sent off to different Legion worlds, no doubt in an effort to extract all the information out of them before their deaths.
Even more unfortunate, Yang and Varimas had been given the 'privilege' of being stuck on the Dreadscar, Jagganoth's main base of operations.
"You know, I'm surprised you aren't suffocating right now." Varimas asked dryly as he glanced over at Yang. Or more accurately, a certain defined feature of hers, which was only amplified by her choice of clothing. "Don't those things cut off your oxygen supply?"
Right after Ruby's wedding had taken place, along with her rather sudden wardrobe change, Yang had elected to also change up her style, citing her reason as being that she would soon be in need of clothes that fit an adventurers lifestyle, not that of a club hopper.
However, what Yang thought of as adventuring gear, Varimas more thought of as loungewear.
She wore little more than a pair of dark brown cargo trousers and a bright orange tank to, along with a tan jacket and a pair of sneakers that she had to go all the way back to Vale's few still running stores in order to acquire. Finally, her once proud mane of golden hair was now tied back in a haphazard ponytail, the tips of her locks still tinted a sickly Fel green.
"Yeah yeah. Very funny." Yang muttered as she swung her head slightly to the side, her rough ponytail scraping against the soot covered ground. "You have a plan to get us out of this, or are we just gonna become some demon's pot stickers?"
"I'm thinking of something..."
"Think faster!" Yang cried, the patience in her clearly beginning to wear thing as she began wriggling around in an attempt to reach up towards her feet. A normally simple task made all the much harder by the large weights, made from some form of enchanted iron, latched securely on her wrists. "All the blood's rushing to your head! You should be thinking like... A hundred times faster!"
"That's not how it works."
"Well if-... Uh..." Yang suddenly trailed off as she gazed past Varimas with a look of surprise on her face. "Hey Var... You might wanna turn around."
Varimas turned his attention to where Yang was directing him, soon finding himself face to face with a short red demon staring at them intently, with wide yellow eyes that were filled to the brim with cautious curiosity. It was small to say the least, horns sprouting from sides of his head, carrying a pack that appeared much too large for something of its stature
"Erm... Hello."
"AH!" The demon jumped back in surprise, as if direct communication had knocked it out of some sort of trance.
It recovered quickly however, and soon hopped back over to the two once more.
"Uh, what's it doing?" Yang asked.
Varimas would have shrugged if his arms weren't latched in the same enchanted metal shackles as Yang's were. "Not sure. Try-..."
"You two are the ones!"
"What?" Varimas questioned, his voice laced with suspicion. "The ones what?"
"The ones to free us!"
"Free you? I don't follow, sorry."
"Calydus is servant to cruel, cruel Jagganoth! He assumes and mocks poor Calydus so! But you two..." The demon, Calydus, spoke quickly as his entire body seemed to twitch in excitement. "You two could be his undoing!"
"Right... And why would we help you?" Varimas asked, realizing that they had been stumbled upon by one of the more unhinged residents of the Dreadscar.
"Calydus has the key! He can set you free!"
"Damn it..." Varimas cursed before gazing back at the creature, which now wore a hopeful smile on its face. At least he thought it was a smile. The strange shape of its face did nothing to help with solving the various expressions that flew across its face on an erratically frequent basis. "Alright, fine. Just let us out and we'll help."
"Fantastic! Calydus knew it could could on new friends!"
With that, the demon quickly began freeing the two, disengaging the enchanted locks binding them upside down with all haste in hopes that they would escape before the master took notice of their absence.
Acherus, the floating necropolis and headquarters for the Knights of the Ebon Blade, floated menacingly above the Broken Isles, like a specter of death, soon to unleash its wrath upon the lands below, just as it had done in the Plaguelands so many years before.
In a small room, hidden away in the small labyrinth that made up Acherus' upper platforms, two figures stood, a male Sin'Dorei and a female Faunus, watching the sky with fixed gazes. The female, the shorter of the two, leaned on the male, while the male had its armor covered arm wrapped around the female's torso.
"You said that they'll be arriving today, right Zailan?"
"Yes, any minute now. The Ebon Riders have taken to the skies in search for them."
"You mentioned that there was someone special among them. Care to fill me in?"
"You'll know exactly who I'm talking about when you see them Blake."
Blake nodded once, never taking her eyes off of the horizon. It was so much more majestic from the upper halls of Acherus. Even Stormwind's towers had not given her a view quite like this.
Wrath however, glanced down at the woman in his arms. He had seen the horizon from Acherus hundreds of times. He could afford to miss it this once.
Her style had changed considerably in the last few months, to just as significant degree as her friends, ever since she had been inducted as an honorary Knight of the Ebon Blade. She now wore a long light grey coat over a tight black shirt, which bore the symbol of the Ebon Blade on its back, with two long coat tails that reached down to her ankles, along with a fair amount of black armor that covered her legs, along with some that was hidden under the sleeves of the coat.
Her weapon, Gambol Shroud, was still latched to her back, though it's edge now sported a noticeable aura of cold that radiated off of the edge, which glowed a bright runic blue whenever it was swung.
The shifting of metal brought the two gazers attention to a small doorway nearby, where a large armor clad Orc stood, his arm held up in a ceremonial salute.
"Deathlord, your guests have arrived. They await you now on the lowest platform of the necropolis, in the war room."
Wrath gave a small nod before he and Blake followed the Orc down into the lower levels of the Necropolis, past the training arena, and past the three halls of learning, of Blood, Frost, and Unholy magics.
Soon the two found themselves in the center of the necropolis, where a small group of Ebon Knights had gathered, surrounding a small group of people who were very obviously not a part of the Ebon Blade.
Blake froze the moment that the group came into her line of vision. Standing there, amongst the throng of armor clad Knights and rotting corpses, were her old teachers, Ozpin and Glynda Woodwitch, along with what was rather unmistakably Ruby's Uncle Qrow.
What her attention was drawn to however, was the short woman wearing a white cloak, her back turned to the Faunus as she studied the map laid out on the war room's scouting table, her finger trailing along the edges as she seemed to scrutinize every last detail of the map and the plans written upon it.
"Ruby?" Blake asked, causing the woman to tense up visibly from beneath her cloak. "What're you doing here?"
"Hmm? Oh. No, sorry... I'm afraid that I'm not who you think I am." The woman began as she turned around and pulled back her hood, giving the Faunus a small smile. "Not quite."
Blake's breath caught in her throat the moment that the woman turned around. She recognized the white and red armor that she wore, it's polished surface devoid of the blood that had once coated its surface.
"It's you..." Blake whispered as she stared at the woman with eyes wide from bewilderment. "From Icecrown."
The woman nodded, leaning against the scouting table casually. "You're quite the escape artist. I lost you for a bit when you decided to jump off the edge of that platform."
"But wait, how did you-..."
"I'm sure you have enough questions to take up an afternoon..." The woman interrupted, holding a hand up, though her smile remained. "But for now, let's save those questions, we have quite a bit to accomplish, and a limited timeframe to do so."
"Agreed." Wrath nodded before making his way over to the table, flanked on both sides by some of the more fearsome looking Ebon Knights. "Are we ready to go Summer?"
The woman, Summer, nodded once before turning around to face the table.
Blake meanwhile, stared in shock. This was Summer Rose? The woman who had given birth to her team's leader? The one who Yang had described with admiration in her eyes as 'Super Mom'? The one who was thought to have been lost to the claws of Grimm years ago?
She certainly couldn't deny the evidence, the evidence of the woman who now stood before her with a calm, warm smile that seemed to glow softly, despite the dreary architecture that surrounded it.
"That we are Wrath." Summer gestured towards the table, prompting the other inhabitants of Remnant, along with most of the Knights present, to turn their attention to the map which lay before them. Their battle plans. "Shall we begin?"
And there we go! The first chapter of Light in the Void is complete! Please let me konw how it was in the reviews, and I'll be sure to respond in the following chapter! Now, I have a world boss to go kill!