Hello everyone, I'm back! I'm feeling a lot better now, so let's get this chapter on the road, shall we? First, review response time. Shadowwolf1997; that assumption is correct...probably. And TheFelRoseOfTerror; well, you know, it's more that he blames his kin for letting the death of his son go unpunished. After all, in this time-line, his son was killed by human invaders, not forces of the Old God's. Now, on with the show!


Chapter 25- End of the Beginning

"On the count of three! One...two...three!"

Ruby pushed forward with all her might, letting out an involuntary grunt as she, alongside a group of Night Elves, pushed one of the many posts that had been knocked down during the attack on the Moonglade back into place. There was a number of murmurs as the other Night Elves pushed against the wooden structure, as well as a few panicked murmurs as the post tilted a little too far for their liking. Eventually, after a few close calls, the post was secured, the Night Elves backing away cautiously, almost as if they were afraid the post could collapse at any given moment. Fate seemed to be on the Night Elves side however, as the post stood adamant, causing the group of Night Elves to let out sighs of relief as they congratulated each other.

"Good job everyone." Ruby complemented, lightly jabbing one of the nearby Night Elves in the shoulder. The Kaldorei simply looked down at their shoulder before looking back up at the red cloaked Huntress, staring at her in confusion. Ruby simply chuckled sheepishly as she backed away from the Night Elf, before turning to look at her surroundings.

It had been a few days since the attack on the Moonglade, yet judging by how pristine the glade looked now she would have had a hard time believing that it had been attacked at all. Homes were being rebuilt, wounds were being tended to and the dead had been buried, even the Gnolls. After their leader, Hogger Jaune had said he'd been called, was killed and his head ran through the vale, the remaining Gnolls had panicked and began to fight one another, quickly allowing the Night Elves a chance to regroup and push back the invading forces, a task made much easier as more and more Green Dragons and Druids who had been trapped in the Nightmare began to wake up.

Then there was the betrayal of Staghelm. When his betrayal was revealed, there was a notable shock-wave of emotions. Some had always suspected the Archdruid was up to no good and weren't at all surprised. Some whilst not trusting of him were certainly shocked nonetheless about his betrayal. Those who had openly supported the Archdruid were the most broken by the betrayal...at least the ones who were still present. A small number of Druids had vanished the day the Archdruid escaped, taking most of their possessions with them, no doubt in order to find and serve their dark master.

"Miss Rose." a rough voice spoke, snapping Ruby out of her thoughts as she turned to face its owner, the Warden Shadowsong. "High Priestess Whisperwind and Archdruid Stormrage wish to speak with you."

"Right, of course." Ruby responded, quickly following the Warden deeper into the Moonglade.

Eventually, Ruby found herself standing before the grand building she had been brought to when they first arrived, though this time as a guest, not a bound prisoner. Night Elven Sentinels and Druids stood at attention around the building, and inside Ruby could recognise the shapes of both the Archdruid and the High Priestess, who appeared to be in deep conversation with a third figure who Ruby could not see properly. Maiev stood at attention before the three figures, quietly kneeling down as she lowered her head in respect. At first there was no response from the figures, so engrossed in their own conversation as to notice the Warden Commander. Maiev let out a short cough, causing both Tyrande and Malfurion to turn towards her, their eyes immediately focusing instead on Ruby Rose.

"Thank you, Warden Shadowsong." Tyrande thanked, before gesturing to the side. "You may leave us now."

"As you wish, High Priestess." Maiev responded, quickly standing up and saluting the Night Elven leader before leaving the room, her footsteps echoing throughout the hallway.

"Miss Rose." Tyrande began, gesturing towards the awkward Huntress in question before turning towards Malfurion himself. "The Archdruid has told me of your valour within the Emerald Dream, and of the part yo and your friends played in uncovering the betrayal of Fandral Staghelm. For that, we owe you more then our lives."

"It was nothing, really." Ruby defended, waving her hand out in front of her. "I just did what was right."

"Indeed you did." Malfurion added, his beard swaying slightly as he spoke. "But do not think that denotes your actions. Were it not for you, Fandral could have taken us on a path from which there would be no return."

"Where will he have gone?" Ruby asked, genuinely curious as she leaned forward, partly so she could identify the third person still in shadows. She couldn't make anything out about the features of the third individual, only that they were female. Another Night Elf perhaps?

"I do not know." Malfurion responded, a frown marring his features. "No doubt he will have retreated to his 'Twilight Hammer' allies in search of shelter, or at the very least to better serve his master."

"And who is his master?" Ruby asked.

"He serves the Void, which knows only one thing..." a new voice answered, causing both the Archdruid and High Priestess to turn to its source, the third figure. "Endless hunger."

The third figure then began to move forward into the light. They were indeed a Night Elf, at least that's how they looked, for even Ruby could feel an ancient power brimming from within them. They wore forest green armour over their lilac skin, with a flowing cloak that seemed to have a mind of its own. From their head sprouted a pair of horns, and their eyes glowed with power. Eyes that Ruby recognised.

"Lady Ysera!" Ruby gasped, immediately dropping to her knees and averting her gaze from the Dragon Aspect. In response, Ysera let out a chuckle as she held her hand out towards the young Huntress.

"Rise, Miss Rose." Ysera ordered, causing the red cloaked Huntress to stand up immediately in response. "I have yet to thank you properly for the part you played in my rescue. For that, you have the eternal gratitude of me and the Green Dragonflight."

"Well, it wasn't just me." Ruby sheepishly responded, rubbing her arms. "There were my friends as well..."

"Yes, they too played a part in safeguarding our future, as did one who's help I did not expect." Ysera added, causing Ruby to lift her head up in confusion. "Bring him in."

A pair of doors at the side suddenly opened, and in stepped through three figures. Ruby recognised the armour of two of the figures, immediately recognising them a pair of Night Elven guards, but it was the third figure in the centre, who Ruby recognised the second the doors opened.

"Ebonhorn!" Ruby shouted, quickly rushing towards the disguised Black Dragon and hugging him, which he returned shortly afterwards.

"He surrendered himself to my children a few days ago." Ysera explained as she turned towards the disguised Black Dragon. "He would have been killed on sight had it not been for my intervention, for although he shares the blood of the Betrayer, I see in him what his Father once was: a paragon of peace and justice."

"Lady Ysera," Ebonhorn began, dropping to his knees as he lowered his head. "I do not deserve your mercy, though I am eternally thankful for it."

"Rise, Son of Neltharion." Ysera ordered, to which Ebonhorn did so slowly. "Let all crimes be forgiven and all trespasses forgotten, for the threat of your Father draws ever closer."

"The Hour of Twilight..." Ebonhorn said, to which the Dragon Aspect nodded.

"What is this Hour of Twilight?" Tyrande asked, to which Ysera turned towards the High Priestess.

"It is the end of all creation, when the Elemental Lords are free to wreak havoc across the world as they did aeons ago." Ysera responded. "Humanity was charged to forever watch over four Relics which kept the Elements imprisoned, though for the first time in millennia, they are failing. One Relic has already fallen into the hands of the Twilight's Hammer, and it is only a matter of time before the others follow. If they succeed, then all life on Remnant will be forever lost, and the Void will have claimed another world."

"Which is why we have to stop them." Ruby said, causing Ebonhorn to look at Ruby in shock, to which the Huntress returned his gaze. "I know I said I wanted to return home, and I still do. But if the Twilight's Hammer succeed, because I could have stopped them and I didn't, then there won't be a home to return too. I have to do this."

Ebonhorn said nothing, though the small smile on his face spoke for him, the Black Dragon slowly nodding his head.

"You do not need to do this alone, Miss Rose." Ysera said, causing all to turn to the Dragon Aspect in question. "Myself and the Green Dragonflight shall join you in your journey. Together, we will stop Deathwing and his dark masters."

"As shall we." Malfurion suddenly said, causing all to turn towards the Archdruid. "Myself and Tyrande have been talking, and we both agreed that Fandral must answer for his crimes. And now that we know of this Hour of Twilight, there is all the more reason to join your cause."

"Archdruid Stormrage." Ysera began, taking a step towards the Archdruid and High Priestess. "If I leave this vale, my blessing will remain. You will still be one with the forests that you swore to protect. But the second you leave, you will lose that blessing. Your connection to nature will wane over time, and you will be susceptible to the sands of time. You will become mortal."

The Archdruid turned towards Tyrande, who gave him a firm nod which was returned, before the Archdruid turned to face Ysera.

"If such a thought is enough to give us pause, then perhaps we have lived long enough as it is." Malfurion rebuked, to which the Dragon Aspect gave him a small smile, along with a nod of approval.

"Then let us not waste another second." Ysera proclaimed, before turning towards Ruby and Ebonhorn. "Tomorrow, we begin our fight, to defend this world."


"Is everything packed?" Jaune asked as he checked his rucksack, turning towards Ren and Nora.

"I think so." Ren responded as he slung his bag over his shoulder and turned to Nora. "You have everything?"

"Yes!" Nora exclaimed loudly as she slung her bag on her back, not even bothering to check the contents within.

"Are you sure?" Ren asked, his brow arced slightly.


"Do you want to check?"


"Okay then..." Jaune slowly said as he turned towards Oscar, who was still fiddling with his own bag. "What about you? You ready?"

"I think I have everything..." Oscar said as he made a last minute check. "Yes, I'm good to go."

"The journey will take many days, weeks even." a deep voice warned, causing all to turn towards Ebonhorn, who was in his Dragon form. "Be sure you have enough supplies to last the journey, for I fear we won't be stopping."

"Where are we going anyway?" Ren asked the Black Dragon, who turned his gargantuan head towards the green clad ninja.

"Ysera believes that Deathwing and the Twilight's Hammer are held up within an old fortress on the Dragon Isles." Ebonhorn explained, the earth trembling with every word spoken. "That is where we are headed."

"Well guess there's only one way to find out..." Jaune murmured as he made a step towards the Black Dragon, followed closely by Ren, Nora and Oscar.

"Take it you're all ready to go?" a voice suddenly asked, causing all to turn and face it, where they were greeted by the sight of Ruby, who had her own bag slung over her shoulder.

"Ready when you are." Jaune answered, causing Ruby to nod slightly as she took a step forward.

"Really?...Thought you could leave without me knowing?" a rough voice asked, its seemingly stern tone laced with humour.

Ruby froze at the voice, her eyes going wide as she slowly turned around to greet its owner.

"Uncle Qrow?..." Ruby said, her vision blurring as tears began to fill her eyes.

Standing before her was her Uncle, who was notably less pale then he had been, his stomach and arm wrapped in clean bandages and his sword strapped to his back. Before either could say another word, Ruby ran to her Uncle, embracing him in a tight hug which the veteran Huntsman returned.

"Qrow...I'm so sorry, for everything I said..." Ruby began, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

"It's okay, kiddo." Qrow responded slowly, gently rubbing Ruby's shoulder. "I'm sorry too."

The two simply stood there, unmoving, for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, both Qrow and Ruby pulled away from one another, the former looking up to where Jaune and the others were gathered.

"So, from what I've been told, you've been rather busy." Qrow began, folding his arms as he grinned slightly. "And that you're going to make a stand against Deathwing after all."

"Are you coming with us?" Ruby asked, hoping that the answer would be yes. However, instead her Uncle slowly shook his head, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"I wish I could kiddo, but I still have business in Mistral." Qrow answered. "I need to speak with the Headmaster at Haven. But after I've spoken with him, I'll come find you, I promise."

Ruby nodded in response, taking a step back from her Uncle before turning around and walking towards Ebonhorn, pausing when she was only a few feet away from the Black Dragon.

"I love you, Uncle Qrow." Ruby said, before she stepped towards the Dragon and slid onto his back.

"I love you too kiddo..." Qrow responded as he waved at the group before strolling back into the forest, quickly disappearing from sight.

Ruby bit back tears as both Jaune and Oscar hopped onto the Black Dragons back, with Nora and Ren taking position near the Dragons fore-claws. Without so much as another word, Ebonhorn grabbed hold of both Ren and Nora, quickly taking to the air with a single beat of his wings. He burst through the forest foliage into the open sky, where he was greeted by a throng of Green Dragons, their Emerald scales glistening in the sunlight. The Dragons were joined by hundreds of Druids who had taken on the forms of great birds, who flew around in intricate patterns, whilst below them Night Elves sat upon Nightsabers, the big cats roaring as they prepared to march. At the head of the Dragons flew Ysera, her gargantuan form dwarfing all the other Dragons, even Ebonhorn.

"Come, children of the forest!" Ysera roared, her voice echoing loudly around her. "The time for justice has finally dawned!"

With a single beat of her wings Ysera spun around and flew north, the Dragons and Night Elves following her. Ebonhorn was quick to fly forward, Ruby and her friends gripping onto the hide of the Dragon tightly.

"This is it..." Ruby murmured quietly to herself as she felt the wind push against her face. "This is where it begins..."


And that's it. The story is over. It's been a long journey with a few stumbles here and there, but we got to the end nonetheless. But the story doesn't end here, my friends. For as we all know, RWBY doesn't just follow the story of Ruby Rose. There are still other tales to tell, and the next one will be coming soon, where we will explore the trials of Weiss Schnee and the crisis in Atlas in 'Of Ice and Dragons', the first chapter of which will premier April 7th. It's been a lot of fun writing and finishing this story, and I'll see you all soon in the sequel.

Raging Archon out.