![]() Author has written 23 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Harry Potter. I first started reading fanfiction while still at school (over in England we finish at 16, so was awhile ago). I have absolutely no idea how I stumbled across it but I know some of the first stuff I read was Buffy & Angel – it did absolutely nothing for me, I really dislike the really cute canon relationships, some make me feel a bit queasy. My current obsession is Hermione/Minerva. What can I say? It never made sense to me to have Ron/Hermione, really don’t think that she would go for him at all. The only other convincing pairing I have read for her is with Remus Lupin – that obviously has certain similarities to a Minerva pairing. There are a few good Hermione/Bellatrix stories too. The thing that has always appealed to me about fanfiction is the “what if...?” That’s what it’s all about. Not a big fan of making characters OOC to make a story easier to write, normally I will only go AU or OOC if that’s the “what if?” I am trying to address. I’m not a fan of crossovers quite often it stretches both characters and situations. Saying that I did write a Harry Potter / Pern crossover – I had the idea and I had to do it and it works surprisingly well, although it proves I'm a little crazy |