AN: Featuring the music of Pink in this epilogue.
'Spike'- Rolanda Hooch
'Blue' - Draco Malfoy
'Mocha' - Angelina Johnson
'Blondie'- Hermione Granger
'Red'- Minerva McGonagall
'Wolverine'- Neville Longbottom
'Sandy'- Andromeda Tonks
'Morticia'- Narcissa Malfoy
The ancient brick building stood just a few steps from the entrance to Knock-Turn Alley. It had seen its share of joy and sorrow in the past.
The industrious days of broom making within its walls, long gone.
The horrific days of torture and murder, long gone.
No more dirt, dust and death.
Only life...
The joyous life of loud music and dancing. Of laughter. Of love. Of the amazing structure it had been morphed into.
Club Glamour.
If a structure could breathe a sigh of relief, this one would.
A sigh of thanks to one Draco Malfoy for having the vision to see beyond appearances. Of thanks to Hermione Granger for having the ability to change so many lives with just a simple rubber wrist band. Of thanks to Angelina Johnson for having the nobility to rise above her disability with enthusiasm and courage.
If one looked closely, the eyes could just make out a small smile shaped design in the bricks just above the door to the club.
'Spike' sat herself in her usual seat at the end of the bar. The spike haired witch gazed at her lover with undisguised lust brewing in yellow eyes. Eyes currently hidden by mirrored sunglasses.
The leather clad witch sipped at her Gillywater, grimacing at the flavour, "I realize that we're going alcohol free tonight to celebrate Hermione's completion of the twelve step program, but this is just plain disgusting."
Silver eyes narrowed to cat-like slits as 'Blue' whispered, "It's just for tonight. Let's celebrate her victory ok?"
'Spike' felt the deep dark eyes of her lover rake over her. Glancing up, a purple lipstick clad mouth quirked up in a mischievous expression as 'Mocha' limped near. The caramel skinned young woman was leaning a bit heavier than usual on her cane. A testament to the rather heated activities of the previous evening that had taken place between the two witches.
Seeing the expression on both the women's faces, 'Blue' rolled his eyes, " two are going to be insufferable from now on."
'Spike' shook her head, "Oh no. You know who'll be insufferable don't you?"
'Blue' and 'Mocha' both shook their heads echoing each other, "No. Who?"
A long thin finger pointed to the short hallway beside the bar where two women were emerging from the "Getting-To-Know-You" rooms.
One short, lushly curved with a mane of long blonde hair. The other tall, athletically slim, with shoulder length red hair. The taller of the two was sporting a rather obvious love bite on her swan-like neck.
"Those two. Especially Miner... uh 'Red'. Now that's she's getting laid on a regular basis she'll be an even worse martinet to work for."
Laughter erupted from the other two as the women in question glided over to the group.
"What's so funny?" 'Blondie' asked raising a suspicious eyebrow.
'Spike' snorted as she reached out a single finger and tapped her friend's hickey, "You might want to put those where people can't see them. I'm pretty sure this one will be resting above the neck line of a certain set of emerald robes."
Dark green eyes widened as 'Red' whirled to her lover, "You. Did. Not!"
Mirthful warm chocolate eyes gazed back, "Ooops, my bad."
Silver eyes glowed as 'Blue' spied someone just entering the club, "No Ma'am, that's my line... If you will excuse me." He walked towards the tall man who'd just entered.
Dark eyes stared into softening grey, "Hey."
"I'm glad you came."
A smile creased the handsome, whiskered face of 'Wolverine', "I wouldn't miss Hermione's celebration for the world."
The sharply angular face in front of him fell slightly, "Oh. That all huh?"
Grinning, a large hand reached out and slid through blue spiked hair, "No. That's not all."
A long moment of heated silence rushed between the two men until it was interrupted by a raucous yell that could only belong to 'Spike', "Ya know there are rooms behind the bar for that sort of thing!"
Blushing brightly, 'Blue' shot the people at the bar a single, bony middle finger that caused even more laughter.
'Red' accepted a tall pitcher of Pumpkin Juice and two glasses from 'Mocha'. With a nod of thanks, the tall woman followed 'Blondie' to her favorite table in the corner. After settling into their chairs, the red head poured them some juice.
Raising a glass, 'Blondie' offered a toast, "To my sweet 'Red' who stuck by me throughout the entirety of the wizarding version of AA's twelve step program."
Their glasses touched in a gentle ping, then a sip was taken.
'Red' smiled and raised her glass, "Another toast. To you my dear for having the compassion to not throw me out on my ear."
They drank again, then set their glasses down.
Emerald eyes peered deeply into chocolate brown, "I love you."
Neither was sure which one said it and neither cared as lips met in a tender, soulful kiss.
Watching from the bar, 'Blue' nodded his approval as the others smiled.
"They really are meant to be together." 'Mocha' whispered, her dark eyes glowing at the love she was witnessing.
'Spike' nodded, "Yeah. The funny thing is that the Board of Governors didn't give a shit. Molly Weasley wanted to know if anything had happened between them while Hermione was at school, but other than that, they got a thumbs up from everyone."
'Mocha' smiled conspiratorially and leaned in, "Did anything ever happen while she was a student?"
'Blue' snorted, "Nah. McGonagall is too honorable for that." He took a sip of his juice and added, "I imagine she took quite a lot of cold showers though."
Giggles rolled through the group as they imagined Professor McGonagall running to the shower after dealing with Hermione.
'Wolverine' cleared his throat, "I'm just glad everything worked out and they were able to overcome certain..." He paused searching for a word.
"Imperfections?" 'Mocha' chirped.
The tall, dark eyed man nodded, "Exactly. Nobody's perfect."
'Spike' suddenly found a light bulb hovering over her head as she got an idea, "I really hate when that happens." She groused as she swatted it away. Beckoning 'Blue' over, she whispered into his ear.
Grinning, the blue haired man nodded, "OK. Give us a sec to get ready."
He reached under the counter of the bar and pulled out his microphone, "Show time!"
As the lights dimmed, 'Blondie' and 'Red' looked up.
"I guess it's time to start." The young woman said as she took another sip of her juice.
A throbbing beat began blasting through the sound system of the club as the lights began to rapidly strobe. The dance floor crowd parted as 'Blue' leapt up onto the stage.
"Good evening ladies and gentleman and..." he paused as a very hairy... something was seen off to the side of the dance floor. Continuing, he said, ".. and everybody else. Welcome to Club Glamour." His voice took on a mysterious hiss as he added, "Where the famous, the not so famous and the infamous remain safely anonymous!"
His statement was met with an enthusiastic cheer from the crowd.
Grinning, he went on, "Tonight we are celebrating. Tonight we are giving thanks to those people who we call friends. To the people who stick by us no matter what. Who take our abuse and give it right back!"
Gentle laughter rolled through the club.
Smiling broadly, he continued, "And to those people who find more than friendship. To those people who find love and a possible future together." His silver eyes connected for just a moment with the dark eyes of 'Wolverine' as he said, "To those people who find forever even if we are less than perfect."
The music stopped and the lights dimmed, coming up a moment later as a single spotlight focussing on a leather clad spike haired woman standing by the bar. Her mirrored sunglasses reflected the brightly coloured lights as the music rose slightly and she raised a microphone to her lips...
"...Made a wrong turn, once or twice."
'Mocha's' dark eyes widened in surprise as she watched her lover turn to face her.
"Dug my way out.
Blood and fire."
A gentle hand reached out and caressed the soft caramel skin of the sexy bartender.
"Bad decisions. That's alright.
Welcome to my silly life."
Mouth open wide in shock, 'Red' stood as she watched her friend of many years do something she never imaging she could do. Rolanda Hooch could sing!
"Mistreated, misplaced,
Miss 'no way, it's all good'
It didn't slow me down."
'Red' felt a small hand clasp her own. Looking down, she found herself falling into warm chocolate eyes.
"Mistaken, always second guessing.
Look I'm still around."
'Blue' stood beside 'Wolverine. His silver eyes blinking in shock as 'Spike' marched between them. Grabbing their hands, she connected them together as she continued to sing...
"Pretty pretty please,
don't you ever ever feel that you're less than...
fuckin' perfect!"
'Blondie' stared into emerald orbs that were glowing with love. Minerva had truly been there. Yes, they'd had a bit of a rocky start after realizing who the other was. But during her stay in the hospital, Minerva McGonagall had never left her side.
Not once.
"Pretty pretty please,
if you ever ever feel,
like you're nothing,
you're fuckin' perfect to me."
Filius Flitwick had been a bit surprised to be summoned to St. Mungo's. Even more so when Minerva began conducting Hogwarts business from the bedside of none other than Hermione Granger. But once Rolanda had explained the goings on, he whole heartedly agreed to bring the daily business to Hermione's room every day.
After all, Minerva McGonagall and Hermione Granger belonged together. Even he knew that.
'Wolverine' looked down at his hand clasped with 'Blue's'. Giving it a gentle squeeze, he smiled as 'Spike' continued...
"You're so mean, when you talk.
About yourself,
you were wrong."
'Blue' closed his eyes as he felt that warm, gentle paw of 'Wolverine' tenderly cup his chin.
"Change the voices,
in your head.
Make them like you,
Hungry lips caressed his own as 'Blue' trembled under 'Wolverine's' kiss.
"So complicated.
Look happy, you'll make it.
Filled with so much hatred,
such a tired game."
Tears filled 'Spike's eyes as she watched the two men open cautious hearts and let the love in...
"It's enough,
I've done all I can think of.
Chased down all my demons,
I've seen you do the same."
Strong arms wrapped around the tall, slim young man as a sincere whisper sounded in 'Blue's' ear, "I'm never letting you go."
'Mocha' was awestruck and found herself falling in love with Rolanda Hooch all over again. She watched as the amazing woman danced around the crowd and made her way towards where Hermione and Minerva were watching.
"Pretty pretty please,
don't you ever ever feel,
like you're less than
fuckin' perfect."
A tear fell from the bartender's eyes as she watched the small form of Hermione Granger, A.K.A. 'Blondie' become engulfed in the tender embrace of Minerva McGonagall, A.K.A. 'Red'. She watched as her own lover danced a bit closer to the witches.
"Pretty pretty please,
if you ever ever feel,
like you're nothing.
You're fuckin' perfect to me."
'Spike' moved away from them and towards the bar as she began to rap...
"The whole world scared, so I swallow my fear.
The only thing I should be drinkin'
is an ice cold beer."
'Mocha' grinned at her lover. The latter lowered her sunglasses and shot the beautiful woman a golden eyed wink as she continued...
"So cool in line,
and we try try try.
But we try too hard and it's a waste of my time."
Sighing like a woman who had truly found the love of her life, 'Mocha' watched as 'Spike' moved to the main entrance.
Grinning, the bartender saw her lover step between 'Sandy' and 'Morticia' as they had just arrived. The sexy flying instructor began bumping her hips between the sisters.
'Sandy' threw back her head and laughed loudly while 'Morticia' raised an imperious eyebrow but never-the-less moved her hips with 'Spike'.
"Don't look for the critics,
cause they're everywhere.
They don't like my jeans,
they don't like my hair."
'Spike' reached for 'Morticia's' hand and gracefully spun her as she sang...
"Exchange ourselves,
and we do it all the time,
why do we do that?
Why do I do that?"
'Spike' stopped and looked between the sisters...
"Why do I do that?"
Jumping a little in the air, 'Spike' turned and danced her way back to the stage...
The crowd began moving in time with her, loudly shouting their appreciation.
'Blue' and 'Wolverine' found themselves holding each other tightly as they swayed to the music.
"Oh pretty pretty please!"
'Red' clasped 'Blondie's' hand and led her to the dance floor very near to where 'Blue' and 'Wolverine' were. Pulling the smaller woman into her arms, 'Red' whispered, "You're perfect to me."
"Pretty pretty please,
don't you ever ever feel,
like you're less than,
fuckin' perfect."
'Blondie' grinned up at her love, "Fuckin' perfect."
Grinning back, 'Red' raised an eyebrow at her lover's language and whispered, "Indeed."
"Pretty pretty please,
If you ever ever feel,
like you're nothing,
you're fuckin' perfect to me..."
Thin lips pressed themselves to plumper ones in a soul affirming kiss that caught the eye of a certain spike haired woman who was singing her heart out...
Strong fingers raked through silky blonde tresses.
"You're perfect!
You're perfect!
Yeah! Ohhh!"
'Spike' smiled at her friend and her lover. Feeling like she'd accomplished what she set out to do, she moved towards the bar.
Towards where her heart belonged.
Towards Angelina Johnson. A woman she was seriously considering asking to marry her.
"Pretty pretty please,
if you ever ever feel,
like you're nothing,
you're fuckin' perfect to me."
AN: Thank you all so very much. Y'all have been awesome sauce with your kind reviews and sweet pm's. I apologize to those of you who didn't get a review reply from me. I want you all to know that I try to answer every message but for some reason FF hasn't been letting me. *shrugs* Dunno...