![]() Author has written 8 stories for Static Shock, Halo, Movie X-overs, Dragon Ball Z, and Kamen Rider. E-name: Gamest Link My real name translated from Spanish means: Happy Mary Flower Actual Name: Felicia Marie Florez Age: Forget it I'm old! (...okay 29) Weight: 116-120 lbs. I like how I look. XD I tend to be little immature. That's why in all of my fanfictions you can find a little bit of humor. I'm a small person standing at 5 feet. My favorite things are Rootbeer, videogames, cartoons, metallica, anime (dragon ball Z) favorite character was Vegeta now it's Bardock, and Jack in the box, (mmm tacos) RedVsBlue, and Viva la Bam, Kamen Rider: Favorite Rider of all time is Kamen Rider Sting from Dragon Knight for having the most heart and being all out inspirational. Favorite Ryuki Rider is Ohja--I don't know why I like the most psychopathic Rider. And the Rider I will keep on voting for is Decade because to me he is the strongerest Rider there is. I've grown up with nintendo, never been without one my whole life. I like to write action/adventure, and I accept critisum (mispelled it), it helps me to become a better writer, but don't just do that on purpose to be mean. I will usually email back to people who need me to explain something about my stories and I give spoilers to the worst critics. Yes, I know I have really bad grammer issues. : b I need keep reading these grammer books, english class never really helped much. I'm used to writing in script format as opposed to actual novization. It's easier to write about what a character is doing than what they are actually feeling. Which is why Autumn's Edge has been giving me a lot of grief. However has been improved in Message in a Bottle. Yes I did try and attempt to traslate one of my fics which turned out misirably. But yea! Someone out there has Volinteered to Traslate for me! I would also like to thank reoccuring critics. I bow down to you the reviewers. I do have Youtube account: http://www.youtube.com/GamestLink And Facebook using my real name. XP My Vocab: Gamest: My word for a girl gamer, and title to any fellow females that play. Burk-up: A heck-up and a burp done and simultaniously the same time. I'm a girl if anybody can't tell. That's right I'm a Chick! Not a guy! Here's a new image for Message in a Bottle My fic 'MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE' HAS REACHED OVER 3,900 HITS!! GO BARDOCK!! AND THANK YOU AGAIN BARDOCK! 'BLACK STAR GUARDIAN' HAS OVER 1,700 HITS!! WOOHOO! Damn this no longer counts since they've updated, but the first one is a really good story. second is still in the works. Story Status: So far "Message in a Bottle" is complete and has been the most hit. Favorite Quote: "As weird as it sounds, I don't like having to change my own diaper." --M. Trunks "Fan Mail" for Halo is in the lead as most favorited. Most likely due to it's fun filled Humor with its dignity still intact. also has over 1,000 hits! FQ: "Samus, oh yeah, she's hot." --Master Chief "Armor for 2, or 2 for 1" was my first completed fic, yet my proud blunder. FQ: "Great we’re getting taught by a teacher named after a fruit" --Virgil Hawkins "Autum's Edge" deleted. "Fusion Huh?" was my shortest fic ever. FQ: "Uh... Wayne. I don't feel so good." --Garth Algar "Black Star Guardian" currently has my full attention. However, this story has been suffering through a case of writers block at the moment. And editing per chapter takes two days to update. So for anyone carring an interest in this one there have been minor changes to the previous chapters if you look closely. Currently on hold due to huge writers block. FQ: "Farewell Bardock. May the next time we meet…you are still yourself." --Shin, aka Higashi no Kaioshin It's been a nice simmer. :) "Worlds Collide: Ryuki" New story and because of the crossover I'm well aware I put myself in the flames territory, but hey I like both so I'll just have fun writing it. "Worlds Collide: Dragon Knight" New story. Now lets just see how the characters get along. At least let's hope they do so expect lots of battling doubles. Update: I'm going back to fix the chapter 20's. I added a lot of stuff I didn't originally intend to do and it's messing with how I wanted to write the rest of this segment. This is only half way through the story and it's been holding it up. Update: 1-5-2016 All of my stories have been on hiatus due to severe writers block and life. Do I plan on finishing these stories... Yes. But be patient, things take time. |