Author has written 20 stories for Pokémon, Misc. Movies, Green Mile, Monk, Rocky Horror, Pirates of the Caribbean, Police Academy series, and M*A*S*H. I'm 35 years old, a professor by day and a writer by night! At the moment, I'm trying to get back to finishing some of my unfinished stories. Please stay tuned!! I currently have a couple of unfinished stories: Police Academy 9: Bye Bye Birdie - I'm currently working on this story to update it more often. Mr. Monk and the Accident - I apologize profusely for not updating this fanfic sooner. To get in the mood to write a fanfic for this story, I have to watch a Monk episode. I haven't watched one lately and I don't like writing chapters without being refreshed, because then I may venture into "out-of-character" territory. Big Nemo - I don't know if I'm going to finish this, or where I would go with this... If one of you "Big Nemo" fans would like to send me a PM as to some ideas about where this story could go, I'd appreciate it. It's been eight years since I've updated this (2005)!! Rocky Horror II: The Encore - I won't be finishing this one... Sorry! I have many finished stories: Police Academy 8: Police And Prejudice - My take on Captain Thaddeus Harris. Friend Close, Enemy Closer - Finally finished after years of writing the Beckabeth trilogy. My longest work to date. Fate and Frank Burns - A M*A*S*H story looking into what might happen if Frank Burns returned to the post-Burns 4077th. I may add an epilogue. Kindred Spirits - My second M*A*S*H story. It's my first oneshot in almost ten years (the last time I did one was back in May 2001!!) delving very gently into the unseen camaraderie between Major Winchester and Major Houlihan. A Major Wager - A M*A*S*H story. It's quite long, but I'm very happy with how it turned out. What's funny, is, had it not been for the reviewers, the story was going to turn out completely different. I won't give away any plot points in case you're interested in reading it. That just goes to show you how reviews can shape stories!! Mr. Monk and the Wishful Thinking - I'm very happy with the turnout of this story. I enjoyed writing it and molding an otherwise unwatchable finale into something I can call my Monk finale. A Touch Of Destiny - The second part of my very slow-moving relationship between Beckett and Elizabeth. I made a mistake with Frank N Furter and my OC in my Rocky Horror story (see above) and I did NOT want to do that again, and so that's why it's taken over 300k words to move it along... Beckett's Debt - I enjoyed writing this story. I enjoyed all the feedback, and giving some more life to a character barely touched on in the PoTC films. Beckett and Jack were my favorite characters from the POTC movies. Mr. Monk and Mrs. Fleming - Honestly I felt the ending was a bit rushed, but this was the first fanfic where I openly flirted with the idea of Monk and Natalie together. I just wish I'd done just one more chapter at the end to solve the case more gradually. I thought the Monk episode "Mr. Monk and Sharona" had lots of similarities to this. Sharona's arm gets broken. Something happens to a family member of Sharona's. And SPOILER: Sharona ends up with Randy. I made a list of the similarities--maybe I'll post them sometime if anyone's interested. After The Mile - I love Stephen King and I love both the Green Mile book and the movie. I also love the character of Percy Wetmore. So what do I do? Torture him! hehehe Mr. Monk Gets Sick - My only Monk story without an actual case. I thought the series send-off of Sharona was poor and so I wanted to correct it, in my own mind at least. Mr. Monk And The Haunted Motel - One of those what-if stories. What if Monk had to stay with Natalie in a hotel room? And what if that hotel was unbearably disgusting? Actually, the Monk episode "Mr. Monk and the Voodoo Curse" was kind of like this story, I thought. Mr. Monk and the New Assistant - My first major venture into 1st person point-of-view fanfiction. I wish I'd titled it differently, because it's a pretty boring title. I would have called it "Mr. Monk and the Bones" I think. One Too Many - The third in my "Rocketshippy" Pokemon stories of yore. This was written almost a decade ago! Sunrise Confessions - My shortest fanfic, and the second in my "Rocketshippy" Pokemon stories. The Great Sacrifice - The first story I ever posted on this site so many years ago. I wish I'd divided it into more chapters, because it was waaaay too long for just two chapters. Can't go back now because then it would look like I just wrote it (and I think the quality of my writing's gone up since then, so it would look like a spontaneous regression). |