Author has written 29 stories for Harry Potter, CSI, House, M.D., Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, Bones, Hey Arnold, Alice, 2009, and Pride and Prejudice. Name: Lindsey Thanks for reading and reviews are greatly appreciated. I realize that a lot of my fics are left unfinished and I apologize. I get a ton of ideas and then I tend to leave old ones to collect dust. I'm really trying to be better about that. With a busy college schedule sometimes there isn't a lot of time to spend on leisurely writing, but I'll do my best to stay on top of things. Also, I'd love to Beta for people, but due to all the work I have right now it isn't in my best interest to do so. Still, feel free to send a PM if you'd like and I'll try to respond. Now onto more interesting things about me... Fav fandoms/ships: I watch way too much tv, too many movies, and read too many books. :P So that list above is actually a lot bigger than that, but those are fandoms I'll read fics for. I also like making things with Photoshop, Photography, listening to music, going to concerts, among other things. So yeah, I hope you'll read and review my fics. I'm open to comments, criticism, and suggestions as well. Thanks! |