Disclamier: I do not own House.

Author's note: I am sorry about the typos from Leaving. I had took some of your advice and wrote a sequeal about it, still haven't decided it is a one shot, or it is going to have more chapters. Hope all of you will enjoy it.

It was such a nice morning. Cameron thought to herself. The air was fresh, and you could smell small hints from the flowers. She pushed the door and entered the Princeton Plainsboro Hospital.

It was the same reception table, but with different faces. She looked around, and saw the clinic was packed with people. She walked straight to the elevator, and went upstairs, to the diagnostic department.

Her heart stopped when she stood in front of the door of the conference room. There was no one inside, and somehow she felt relived about it. The conference room looked the same; nothing seemed to have changed at all. She hesitated, but pushed the door opened, and entered to the place she had once worked in.

She took a deep breath, and could distinguish the different colonies her ex colleagues used. She looked around; there was the white board, full of symptoms with House's elegant handwritings. She looked over to the counter, and found there were 3 coffee mugs in the sink; she smiled to herself –the boys clearly incapable of cleaning those mugs. She wondered how they got those cleaned every morning. She walked over to House's office. No one was in there either.

Not much was changed inside House's office. The black comfy leather chair House loved to sit on while he was thinking about cases, the Magic Eight Ball that House loved to use for counsel whenever they had a complicated case, the red and gray ball that House and Chase loved to throw it around. All of those brought back so many fondmemories.

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" A woman behind Cameron asked her, and bought Cameron back to realty.

"I was just…" Cameron tried to explain, but decided to leave it. "Actually, no, I was just going. Sorry about it." Cameron replied with a small sincere smile.

"Okay." The woman replied, and gave Cameron a weird look. The woman had black straight hair with green eyes. She wore a pink shirt with black blouse, and a white robe, with the name, Dr. Melissa Hamilton MD. Cameron assumed she was the replacement.

Cameron started to walk out of the office, but bumped into…

"Cameron!" Foreman said with surprise.

"Cameron? What are you doing here?" Chase asked, looking at her.

Cameron gave the guys a smile and a hug. "Hey, guys."

"Come in!" Foreman led Cameron back inside the conference room.

"Hey Eric, Chase." Hamilton greeted them. Cameron frowned; she was using Foreman and Chase's first name. She looked at Foreman, hoping to find a reply, and Forman gave her a look of "don't ask". Hamilton spoke again, "This is?"

"Allison Cameron. She used to work here with us." Chase introduced.

"Melissa Hamilton. It is a pleasure to meet you, Allison." Hamilton said with a smile on her face.

"Me too, err…Melissa." Cameron replied with a small mock of Hamilton. But Hamilton did not appear to notice it.

"What brings you back?" Foreman asked while sitting down.

"Well, I have an appointment with Cuddy later on. I was just hoping to see if you guys would want to go to lunch with me." Cameron explained briefly.

"You coming back to work?" Chase asked, took a seat beside Foreman.

"Maybe." Cameron didn't want to say anything about her job until it was confirmed with Cuddy. She had called Cuddy about a week ago about the offer Cuddy gave when she handed in her resignation.

"Cameron, for old time's sake, think you can make coffee for us again?" Foreman asked.

Cameron rolled her eyes. "Hey, I am not a servant."

"But you are the nicest person that I know, please?"

"Fine." Cameron said and walked over to the counter. She was actually quite pleased with this, she had itched to wash those mugs once she discovered them, and now she had an excuse for it.

"How was your mother?" Foreman asked, with a cautious tone.

Cameron stopped making the coffee, but recovered quickly. "She passed away about 3 months ago."

"I am sorry." Foreman and Chase said together.

Cameron didn't say anything; she concentrated on making the coffee,deep in thoughts.Her mother had passed away in a hospital, it was during midnight, and Cameron had just left the bedside for a cup of coffee. When she went back to the room, she saw the doctors came out, and instantly sensed something wrong. "I am sorry." The doctor said in a soft tone, and patted her shoulder. She had spent the next three months, organizing the things that her mother left for her and her emotions. She loathed herself for going outside for a coffee; she loathed herself for not being able to be with her mother when she passed away, even though part of her knew that her mother had intended to have this way.

"Good morning, my children. Something smells really good today!" A familiar voice said behind Cameron.

Cameron turned, and found House, looking the same, standing right there. House, on the other hand, was surprised to see Cameron, in the conference room, making coffee. Saying both of them were in shock were understatements.

Any comments are appreciated. Tell me what you think, especially should this be one shot or should I continue on it! Thanks!