![]() Author has written 32 stories for Misc. Tv Shows, Hunger Games, Maleficent, and Supernatural. Well, if you're at my profile you're either interested in me... oh. Okay then. Skip my intro, go straight to the stories. Just review if you can. If you're still reading, hi! I'm Dayna, nice to meet you! A little information on yours truly. Name: Dayna Potato. Well, that's not my name but it's what you can address me by. Age: Eligible for the Hunger Games :D District: I love Districts Seven and Twelve, so I associate myself as a lumberjack or a miner. What can you do, you know? Supernatural Species: I'm probably the Yellow-Eyed Demon tbh Zombieland Name: It would be Tejas/Texas. Favorite Actor/Actress: I absolutely ADORE Wilson J. Heredia, Woody Harrelson, and basically any cute/hippie male that acts I guess. Well I lie, because being the broadway girl I am, Idina Menzel is my IDOL. Favorite Singer/Band: Right now it's EDEN {considering DWV broke up :'(}. My favorite EDEN song is tied between Fumes and Drowning. S/O to my best friend for introducing me to him. Favorite Food: The one that I eat. Duh. No, but on a serious note I love Chinese Food and I love Tacos. And of course, french fries, chips, mashed potato's... yes, I am a cannibal. #DealWithIt Favorite TV Show: Supernatural came in a close second, but it's Rupaul's Drag Race, hands down. Especially seasons Three, Four, Five and Six. #TeamRaja, #TeamWillam, #TeamDetox, #TeamBiancaDelRio, #TeamKatya List your twelve favorite Hunger Games characters in no particular order: 1) Johanna Mason 2) Effie Trinket 3) Finnick Odair 4) Chaff 5) Seeder 6) Cashmere 7) Gloss 8) Pres. Corioulanus Snow 9) Gale Hawthorne 10) Haymitch Abernathy 11) Pres. Alma Coin 12) Hazelle Hawthorne 1) Have you ever read a six/eleven fiction before? Cashmere/Alma Coin? No! But I have read Cashmere/Pres. Snow. It was interesting. An incest fic. 2) Do you think four is hot? How hot? Chaff? I'm afraid not. He may have been attractive in his younger years, but I believe the only person with eyes for him is Seeder. 3) What would happen if twelve knocked up eight? Hazelle and Snow? Pardon? I think you mean if 8 knocked up 12, in which case Gale would have even more of a reason to hunt down and kill Snow. 4) Do you recall any fanfictions about nine? There are so many, are you kidding! Er, I read one Gadge fic where they lived happily ever after but I forgot the title. 5) Would two and six make a good couple? Effie/Cashmere? Absolutely not. Effie is reserved for one person only, and he's a grumpy drunk. 6) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Seeder/Gale or Seeder/Haymitch? Good one. Seeder/Haymitch. I could see it happening sometime after Seeder's games, and Chaff hasn't won during that time. So she goes to him and one thing leads to another. 7) What would happen if seven walked in on two and twelve having sex? If Gloss walked in on Effie and Hazelle having sex? He'd wake up cx 8) Make up a summary of a three/ten fanfic. I'm just going to copy and paste my Gods & Monsters summary here: Who does Finnick go to when he needs to cope with his first appointment? Why, the only one that understands of course. A slightly dark Haymitch x Finnick pairing because now I ship it. 9) Is there such thing as one/eight fluff? Only if it ends in Snows decapitation. Of course there's no Johanna/Snow fluff. She would murder him. 10) Suggest a title for a seven/twelve hurt/comfort fanfic. Gloss/Hazelle. The Man Without A Mother 11) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted four to deflower one? Johanna's first appointment is tomorrow and she doesn't want them to steal her virginity. Haymitch and Finnick aren't available, so she turns to the only other person she knows to help her. 12) Does anyone on your friends list read three? Finnick. You are asking me if anyone in this fandom has read Finnick? Wow. 13) Does anyone on your friends list draw or write eleven? My personal friends? I'm not sure. But I have seen Coin fanart before. 14) Would anyone on your friends list write two/four/five? Effie/Chaff/Seeder? 15) What might ten scream at a great moment of passion? Haymitch? "God damnit... almost... fuck... shit... fuck..." 16) If you wrote a songfic about eight and six, what song would you use? Snow/Cashmere. Haunted by Beyonce. I would actually use Haunted by Beyonce for any fic I write that contains smut so there's that. 17) If you wrote a one/six/twelve fanfic, what would the warning be? Johanna/Cashmere/Hazelle. Warning: Three hormonal women who love Gale very much. 18) What would be a good pick up line for ten to use on two? "Princess, that corset would look better on my floor." 19) If four got hurt, what would nine do? If Chaff got hurt, what would Gale do? Shrug and walk away, probably. 20) If one died, seven's reaction. If Johanna died, Gloss' reaction? To clean his sword of her blood. Because he's a dick that way. Projects
~.~Evil Queens are just the Princesses that weren't saved.~.~ So Dayna, favorite fandoms? Ships? Etc? Yes, actually. I wish that fanfiction had a reality TV show option, else I'd be in the RPDR fandom 24/7/365. But other than that my favorite fandoms are Hunger Games, RENT, Now You See Me, Natural Born Killers, The Unfortunate Events series, Maleficent and Zombieland. But I really only write Hunger Games and Maleficent. As for ships... you don't want me to go into the whole list... do you? Yes. Yes we do. Fine. Hunger Games Trilogy (2012/2013/2014/2015) Haymitch/Effie Katniss/Peeta Gale/OC {{Her name is Briar Dawson, and he meets her Post-MJ.}} Cinna/Portia Plutarch/Flavia Snow/Coin Finnick/Johanna Beetee/Wiress Haymitch/Katniss Haymitch/Finnick Haymitch/Prim {{At this point, I don't even know, man.}}Supernatural (2005-2015) Castiel/Dean Bobby/Crowley Sam/Gabriel Garth/Bobby Crowley/Castiel Jody/Bobby Death/Garth Abbadon/Metatron Ellen/JohnRENT (2005/2008) Angel/Collins Maureen/Joanne Mark/OC Roger/Mimi Benny/AllisonNow You See Me (2013) Merrit/Henley Jack/DanielNatural Born Killers (1994) Really I don't have ships for this... I just ship Mickey and Mallory with everyone don't I? XDUnfortunate Events (2004) Violet/Olaf (and yes, young Violet. I just kind of dug the chemistry between them, especially during the movie) Klaus/Olaf (fortunately, I'm not sick enough to ship Olaf/Sunny. You're welcome)Zombieland (2009) Tallahassee/Wichita (I always thought that Tallahassee should have gotten the girl... Columbus was too much of a wimp)Maleficent (2014) Diaval/Maleficent Aurora/PhillipThat was certainly a list. I told you so. Psst. I like to dub myself the 'Duchess of Odd Pairings' so below you may see some pairings that have you like 'whaaaaaat?'. I am sorry if you do not like them or if they offend you. If it makes you feel better, most of them are Haymitch involved anyways and not many people like Haymitch so not many people will read them .-. I hope you enjoyed my profile, there is plenty more to come! Now go enjoy the stories below VVV |