Reviews for The Fifteenth Hunger Games: Fallen Leaves
Gareth chapter 29 . 2/14/2015
Milo's Pov is a little unrealistic; how can a bittersweet friendship blossom in the thick of danger especially when they are from different backgrounds and district.

Hayden/Raphael/Sans/Paisley: This alliance, I'm looking forward to how it would unfold. Would Hayden turn his back on them or stay just to humor the Gamemakers?

Gabriel's pov is a little upbeat compared to the other povs in this chapter. It's...light humor.

What I'm surprised is there is no career pov this round and who killed the male tribute from district 11?

To be honest, at the rate this is going, if I were a sponsor, I'd be betting my money on Hayden coming out as victor despite the district he came from or the presence of a psychotic career.

Hayden from the start has been eye-catching and mysterious (different from the rest of the other tributes and he's different from the usual tributes in syots), he has ability to kill a mutt (hopefully the author would talk a little bit about Hayden's injuries in the next chapter to make him a tad more realistic), he has a dark humor that is quite hard to portray (imo), and the way he carries himself when he was talking to Saffron during Training... He has also shown a wide range of emotions despite his supposed composure and icicle stoic persona, and his growth and evolution as a character is a lot more obvious than the other tributes. All this makes him my favourite tribute and the one I'm rooting for to be the victor. Kudos to Xyncisthe for creating such a fantastic character! Good job.
HestiaAbnegation11 chapter 29 . 2/15/2015
Just a little short was still okay as a whole. Day 2 doesn't pack as much of a punch as the bloodbath ever anyways
ArrowKat12 chapter 29 . 2/15/2015
I really think this should be longer-I mean, you had more than a whole month to work on this, and all you did was make 4 POVs. I thought you could do better.
TheSnowyAngel chapter 29 . 2/15/2015
Great chapter! Really sad that I had to quit and Paisley... yah... I feel so guilty now haha.

Hayden: Great chapter as always, still can't believe you thought of Paisley as a burden still haha. I thought I was able to change you slightly. And Hayden is right, Paisley was too weak to be able to survive so, I'm just happy that she died with her "friends" around her. *BAWLS FOR 2 STRAIGHT HOURS*

Rapheal: His character is very interesting, sometimes he can be really weak and sometimes he can be pretty devious. I have yet to decide what Rapheal is really like and I have mixed feelings about him (I have a feeling that that's you were aiming for Elim9, great job!)

Milo: I don't know why, but I have this vibe that he's in love with Maylin... or it's just admiration... I don't know. I'll find out soon ;)

Gabe: C'mon Gabe! You're district partner died and you don't even acknowledge her?! I thought we were friends *sniffles* LOL. Very impressed that he keeps making a joke of everything. He seems like he would survive for a while *fingers crossed*

Anyways, great stuff! Kinda tearing up because of Paisley... she was the first original character I've created so the blow is pretty hard haha. The wait was worth it :)
bulletscorpio chapter 29 . 2/14/2015
Berries n shit... is that because I said shit n shit and other phrases that ended with "n shit"?
Grand Coconut chapter 29 . 2/14/2015
Those names WAHAHAHAHHAahAha! what were they, like foolish, worthless, hopeless. that's funny. and i knew paisley was gonna die so her death wasn't that bad. and i agree, she was deadweight. i hope sans can get over her death. if this were real, she would never had made it anyway.

but now that she's dead, I wonder what's gonna happen to their alliance. what's to stop them from killing each other now?

and I don't know if it's a good idea to camp by a pond. a water source will usually draw in other tributes and end in a death. but i think maylin and milo are a great team.

ArrowKat12 chapter 19 . 2/9/2015
Velvet is literally INSANE. She gets worked up about everything. Anyone can tell she's psychopathic. At the same time she tries to be sexy. Wow.
ArrowKat12 chapter 28 . 12/31/2014
I'm glad this chapter is so long. There are so many point of views, it's so cool how there can be three tributes views in the Gabe/Velvet/Saffron conflict.
Dresden chapter 28 . 12/29/2014
Holy shit! Hayden you're my fav! Go go! Don't die early ya punk! The others good job. I hope the intensity continues until this game is over. :) Kudos ya all writers!
PottedCactus chapter 28 . 12/29/2014
What a coincidence that Raphael just happened to run into Sans and Paisley instead of any of the other twenty-something tributes wandering around the woods. And, once again, what a great coincidence that he happened to go in exactly the correct direction to stumble into Hayden and, again, didn't stumble into any of the other other twenty-something tributes along the way. Did they all just magically psychically know where their allies were, because I don't remember them having any sort of conversation earlier about how they were going to find each other, and it does sound suspiciously like they did just happen to all stumble across each other and none of the other tributes.

Honestly, I kind of thought Raphael was going to get stabbed by just grabbing Hayden's shoulder like that. And Hayden probably should have at least been startled when Raphael just grabbed his shoulder.

Smoke bombs? I wonder what made the gamemakers approve of that? I mean, yea, it's good for the tributes that want to get away, but It's kind of hard to give the people a show when you can't see anything. I can see the gamemakers getting flak for that. Maybe they have special cameras… maybe. I think smoke bombs are kind of a stretch for hunger games. Like giving them guns, it kind of goes against the purpose of the games. What's the point of having a bloodbath if you can't see any of it?

"I'm just telling you some basic skills you learn from a fishing district". Cray shrugs. "You know, because we regularly fight to the death and have our food stolen by other people and need to survive with only the stuff in whatever packs we happen to be carrying. Happens all the time in four."
Dame Selena chapter 28 . 12/29/2014
Hayden-I actually found this kinda romantic XD. I dunno, when you said you wanted to kill Exella I imagined you wanted to write a sadistic murder, not this wtf you didn't even kill her! So you did have some sort of history where you grew attached to her, I wish you wrote it during the pre-games and not just flashbacks. Uh, so Saffron's a the top of your hit list? I feel... sorta scared XD. (Nah not really Saffron can kick his butt)

Raphael- Incredibly realistic. All his actions are to help prolong his own survival. Unlike Sans, Hayden, and Saffron who tried to save their girls out of emotion/duty Raphael only goes back for Hayden because his supplies would help him. I like how his inner thoughts are all about looking after number one, even at the expense of his allies (that's how I would be during the games too).

Paige- So she's planning how to die!? Ah so she only killed out of mercy. What does menicanly mean? When I first read that I thought it was Mexicanly and pictured a Mexican guy with a poncho and sombrero shaking maracas XD. Does she plan to join one of the anti-career alliances? She's still pretty mysterious to me.

Sans-Haha he's funny. Wait you can THROW hakapiks and they BOTH landed square on the girl from 11's back? That's kinda unrealistic. Hehe loving those nicknames. I see he's pretty protective of Paisley, it's gonna be hard when she dies next chapter.

Sabrina- Pretty short, basic bloodbath, well written though. I hope you write Day 2 and tell us more about your boss who was from District 13.

Valeria- Wait wut I might come in handy?! What does that mean? I like how you described how easy it was to kill and your previous training.

Gabe- "I'm crazy! Oh god, I'm absolutely mad!" Haha I loved that line, really silly. Oh you're injured, that's pretty bad...

Casker- So Fleur saved him? Pretty short, generic bloodbath chapter. I look forward to seeing what you can do with the duct tape though.

Maylin- Ah so that's how you killed Lucas. I see she has some guilt over her first kill. You got the same stuff as Casker, I wonder why duct tape and compass though? *imagines inventions such as a duct tape whip with a compass at the end for weight*

Velvet Lux- I'm sorry you couldn't access the google doc, it seems this POV doesn't really correspond to what Saffron and Gabe saw. So, Velvet sounds pretty villainous. I like how you described the fight sequences.

Milo- Cool, you and Maylin figured out a way to communicate through sign language while on the pedestals. You spelled Maylin wrong once, as Maypin, I kinda thought that was a cool name though. I'm curious to see how the relationship between Maylin and Milo develop.
Grand Coconut chapter 28 . 12/29/2014
giiiiiiiiiiiirl, how tf do you love hayden when you've only known him for a week.. anyways, that was a very intense scene! now that saffron is on hayden's hit list, I wonder what will happen.

hay-bear and ralphy... ummm... okkkkkkk... if I was raphael right now I would ditch the alliance solely because of those two nicknames.. but I really do wonder how this alliance will work out. four very different people in a group can easily go bad, but maybe it won't. we'll see.

I thought paige was a career? oh well, I guess she's not. she technically got a kill in the bloodbath, so props to her. and what ever happened to talia and ace? I haven't heard from them since the reapings. and it's so irritating that their creators just quit the story like that. not cool.

sans is really stepping up! he's stacked with weapons, killed a kid, and is protecting paisley like a fierce mama lioness! I knew he had an inner fire in him before, it was only a matter of time til we saw it from him. i'm excited to see what he does after paisley dies.

And ummmmmm, where did the italics go in gabe's POV? wtf I know I used them. I guess his POV won't be as good anymore. man, that's a bummer.

and now that arlette is dead, I guess it's just Maylin and milo. she seems upset that she couldn't protect arlette, but really, it was arlette's job to protect herself. it's not maylins fault she's dead.

UHHH and with all that time velvet took with arlette, someone easily could have came from behind and killed her too. what's wrong with these guys! when you see an opportunity, you've gotta take it!

this chapter was so long! it was super exciting though. the bloodbath has to be my favorite chapter, other than the finale. i'm excited to get writing gabe's next scene and watch as the rest of the story unfolds!
bulletscorpio chapter 28 . 12/29/2014
I loooooooooooveeeeeee Sansssss! 'Screw me over and fuck me sideways because fuck'?! That's beautiful! I love 'geeky gay boys' from 6.
juliaaxo chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Can't wait for the bloodbath chapter!
ArrowKat12 chapter 27 . 12/19/2014
This is so exciting!
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