Author has written 9 stories for Paradise Kiss, Gundam Wing/AC, Sailor Moon, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, and Hedwig and the Angry inch. My old author name used to be Parakiss, but, due to unfortunate circumstances (ie. I lost the disk I had my writing on and didn't update, and when I finally -found- the disk again, I'd forgotten my password), I have a new name. News (07/31/2011): Hi everybody..! U P D A T E S The Price for Our Lives - Chapter 13 added (07/31/2011) Here's the deal is with the other fics. E V E R Y T H I N G E L S E - is on temporary-hold status. I sincerely apologize for taking forever to update... Monthly updates will follow for the only active fic. Hugs and kisses for all of you lovely writers and reviewers! - Zangai |