-Chapter One-
Trowa glanced over a shoulder as the door to his apartment was thrown open with enough force that it when it hit the stopper, there was a rather pronounced spring-sound. He held back a sigh, only staring and blinking in greeting when the grinning Duo Maxwell entered, and made a mental note to keep the door locked and bolted from now on.
"Hey, Trowa," Duo spoke casually, leaning against the door frame and fiddling with the thin tie around his neck.
The Latin youth saw his friend was wearing another expensive suit-- courtesy of Quatre, no doubt. Aside from a physical growth (having gained an inch or so in height, as had his braid) Duo hadn't changed much in the three years since they had paid their final respects to their gundams. And one had a hard time believing that Duo owned tailored clothing.
As for Quatre...
The hinting of a smile graced his lips in memory. It had been nearly three months ago, at the annual Christmas-Eve party the blond held, that he'd seen him last. Of course they were good friends after all that had happened, even if it was more of a one way relationship; Quatre always ready to express himself and laugh sweetly, while Trowa seemed to merely exist in stoic silence alongside him and everything else in the world.
xxx Flashback xxx
Quatre had looked so happy that night at the party. It had been a small gathering of friends; normally, dinner engagements at the Winner mansion consisted of at least a hundred and fifty people. But that night it was just those they had fought alongside of over the years. A few drinks and everyone was caroling and feasting in the holiday spirit...
Well, maybe Wufei was trying too hard look dignified as he nibbled on an angel shaped sugar cookie, and Heero had fixed his death-glare on Noin when she suggested that he help her string popcorn for the tree's garland, but it was better then one would expect.
One of the perks of the evening had been when Duo had donned a red suit and white beard, playing the part of Santa Clause and insisting that everyone come sit on his lap and tell them what they wanted. Even the quiet pilot was amused when Duo-Clause had tried to force Wufei to take a seat and the Chinese man pulled out a knife, threatening to cut off Duo's braid if he attempted to put him through such an "injustice."
And where had Trowa been the entire time? Calmly seated away from most of the action, arms folded comfortably across his chest, expressionless features fixed on the happenings. He didn't need to be in the center of everything to feel as though he were part of it. This was where he was most content, letting his eyes take in everything, letting his eyes love Quatre, even if he appeared numb to those who knew him best and even if the Arabian youth had no idea as to what Trowa was thinking when he looked at him.
xxx End Flashback xxx
Trowa physically shook his head to break from his nostalgic state, having fixed a rather blank and glassy stare on Duo (although, given that Trowa tended to stare like that quite often, Duo hadn't taken any notice and was still chatting away). After a few moments, the green eyed pilot realized that his friend was going on about some sort of party that was being held this evening.
"Duo," he cut in softly, having to repeat himself a couple of times, as Duo was really getting into the story, "What are you talking about?"
Duo raised a brow. "Weren't you listening?" He crossed his arms, huffing indignantly. "I don't know -why- I bother with you sometimes, Trowa! Geez!"
Trowa fixed another one of his famous stares on Duo, one that the untrained eye would say was as blank as before. Duo, on the other hand, knew this one quite well. It was the Don't-Waste-Anymore-Of-The-Time-I-Could-Be-Using-To-Stare-Off-Into Space Look (actually, it was the Get-To-The-Point Look, but that's Duo for you).
The braided pilot rolled his eyes. "Uh, helloooooo, the dinner at Quatre's tonight to celebrate Relena's completion of the Terra Forming Project. How'd you forget? I gave you the invitation, like, two weeks ago."
How'd he forget indeed. Trowa knew he'd never miss one of Quatre's parties, which could only mean one thing. His eyes narrowed a bit. "You never gave me an invitation."
Duo blinked a few times before scratching his head thoughtfully. "Really? Oops!" was all he said, chuckling to himself.
Trowa was very nearly scowling at this point; it was times like these that he remembered why he appreciated the fact that Duo lived on Colony L2 and he himself lived on Earth.
"Hey now! No biggie, right, buddy?" Duo flashed his disarming grin as he went to the closet and began to rummage through the contents. "We'll just slap a suit on ya and head over; if we hurry, we won't even be late!... Geez, you got enough turtlenecks in here, Trowa? I mean, I know you like the look, but a t-shirt or two never killed--" Duo continued on, but the taller pilot had already tuned him out.
Trowa sighed deeply, although quietly, leaning against the door frame as he watched Duo tear apart his closet. The right corner of his lips curved up in a half-smile, hidden by his veil of dark hair.
It was going to be a long night... But one well worth it, once they finally did reach Quatre's; it had been too long since he'd had last seen his friends.
So, eh.. How'd you like it? My first GW fic, heh, hope so far it isn't too bad.