![]() Author has written 21 stories for Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, X-Files, Gundam Wing/AC, Digimon, Andromeda, Excel Saga, Noir, Love Hina, Saikano, Read or Die, Ai Yori Aoshi, and Voices of a Distant Star. I'm just an "old guard" of FF.N (if my registration date shows anything) and have seen the site change and evolve. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. I'm not so active now, focusing more on quality than quantity of my fanfics, but I am currently fixated on crossovers. Diligent grammar and spelling stickler, I'm completely intolerate to bad writing. Read Or Die, Read Or Dream - ROD in all its incarnations is my favourite series. I would put up the almost all of the Read Or Die section would be on my favourites list, but I don't want the list to grow to long. The ones that I do have on the list are the ones that I think stand out because of the writers, the plot, characterization, humour, whatnot. |