Reviews for Literary Hell
NeutralWotan chapter 1 . 9/18/2015
For a second, I thought she was referring to Twilight.
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
Like wow. Good fanfic
Julie chapter 1 . 10/8/2005
Wait a minute, didn't Yomiko have two rather different experiences with a book-burning in R.O.D. the TV?
Black Wolf chapter 1 . 9/22/2005
To be honest, I think that this is one of the best R.O.D fanfics that I've read thus far. I like that you have given Yomiko a dark side, and I especially like how you did it. Showing her darker half gives her more of a personality and more depth as a character. After all, her character is still human and all human beings have different sides to there personality. I especially like the way that you introduced her dark side, since it shows us a possiblity that there may one book in the world that Yomiko truely dislikes and gives her even more depth as a character. Finally I also have to say that this is one of the most well written fanfiction I've read. There were hardly any spelling or grammer mistakes in it. Overall you've done a good job. Keep it up.
Wing Omega chapter 1 . 7/3/2005
Good story. As soon as Yomiko said that she hated a book I knew that it had to be Fahrenheit 451 even though I haven't read it yet. I've been saving it for when I feel like being depressed.
Dartxni chapter 1 . 2/11/2005
Exceptionally well written. No, I think Yomiko would love even that book, but it would probably come back to give her nightmares.
The Tissue Paper chapter 1 . 12/31/2004
Wow. Fahrenheit 451. I had to read that for one of my high school english classes so I feel for her. Maybe a good I, Robot or The Hound of the Baskervilles will cheer her up?
problematick chapter 1 . 12/26/2004
Poor Yomiko. ::sad:: I just watched the OVA, or at least what came on Adult Swim. I really liked it, but I haven't seen anything else...this is good, and I liked the headmaster person. I would never have guessed that nickname...::small shudder:: Creative, I must admit.
Sgt Tim chapter 1 . 11/28/2004
I was so sure that the book was something like

the Necronomicon, the Book of Eibon, or The Golden Bough.
X to the Zoltan chapter 1 . 11/12/2004
That was great! I hope we see more of Headmaster Sykes in the future.
I NO LONGER USE THIS ACCOUNT chapter 1 . 10/29/2004
this fic was really amazing!

i loved how Yomiko made the ink come out of the book! i've never read Fahrenheit 451! it seems so CREEPY the way Yomiko described it! *shiver* creepy book!
Intrigued Reader chapter 1 . 10/28/2004
You're right, I cant think of anything other than that that she wouldn't enjoy reading. I made the mistake of reading it once myself. My reaction was similar to hers, though not as bad, and without the ink bleeding book. The only part of it I liked was the last few pages. Disturbing story. My heart goes out to Yomiko.
Mariagoner chapter 1 . 10/23/2004
LOVE this AU! Just LOVE it! Brilliant way for Yomiko to react to a brilliant book.

And the "Headmaster" was excellent! Hope to see more from him soon!
Lady Lark chapter 1 . 9/22/2004
Wow. I admit to wracking my brain to try to figure out what the book was but every book I thought of the author was not in the A-C category. But I admit that I completely forgot my Bradbury. Bad Me.

This story really struck a chord. Especially in someone whose greatest joy is in finding and reading new things. Thank you for giving me food for thought. And while Yumiko was out of character a bit - it fit with my reaction to Farenheit 451.
anniabelle chapter 1 . 9/11/2004
interesting...i really liked it and thought it was really well written except for one thing- I really don't think all of this would be caused by the book Fahrenheit 451. Not to say that it doesn't fit in with what Yomiko was saying (for the most part) but i would think there were many more gory, horrific, book-hating books out there...or are there?

Well anyway, Farenheit 451 is more of a message of hope to tell us that we can't let ourselves be brain dead drones living for the TV!

That was the only issue i had and i didn't even have it till the end of the fic (and might i say, besides me not really liking u put Farenheit451 as the title, it was a very nice ending)- unless the book wasn't the one that Yomiko had read and had just been a coincidence that she had picked it up. O dear...i'm rambling

Well it was a VERY good fic and i'll be sure to check out more of ur stuff!

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